
Marvel; Reborn as Asgards Eldest Prince

Second chances were deemed impossible, at least to my knowledge,. I also never expected to be reborn as the eldest Asgardian prince. nonetheless, it is a second chance, I might as well take it, and make do with what I got.

Zack_Smith_9438 · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs

First Steps

1 month later

Sometimes, you have to crawl, before you walk, and often, you must walk before you run. Learning how to do this was not easy.

Although I was an Asgardian, and they were a lot stronger than the average human.

It was still difficult.

Like, really difficult.

My mother was a couple of inches away from me with my older brother who was next to me, guiding me along. My father was out doing his Duty as a King in Asgards Palace.

I still couldn't understand anything that they was saying.

The only words I could understand were, Momma, Bor, and my name.

But then again, with her body movements, the expressions she made every so often on her face, and her hand movements. With those things I didn't need them to understand anything. I focused intently at her, before I focused on the ground below.

Bor, as a child, how do I say this, well....I will put it this way, he has both his moments, both good and bad, but that's to be expected of any child.

If I had to be specific on his personality, I would rate Bor, as a kid...as a...I'll beat anyone up who dares talk bad about my brother type of stuff, a determined brother, his goal is to take the throne, I am just guessing though, I will know soon when I am fully able to understand their language.

It feels, so weird to say humans like I am an alien myself, but, it's cool.

Minus the speaking part, I can't really speak anyways...I am still trying to speak, but I can't, it's one of the 'Joy's of being a baby again.

I willed my right thigh upwards, which followed my entire right leg, which included my ankles and my foot.

Once my foot landed I then I pulled my right arm forward, in a slow and gentle movement.

My right hand landing on the ground below me.

I repeated the same process with the other thigh, willing my left thigh upwards, which followed by my entire left leg, which included my ankles and my foot.

Once my left foot landed, I then pulled my left arm forward, in a slow and gentle movement.

My left hand landing on the ground below me.

This became a repettitve action, and I was slowly making my way towards her.

I could here my mother and my brother even though I could not understand a single word other than my name, I could still feel, and I could still see that they were encouraging me.

But honestly, I wasn't focused on them entirely.

'Spiderman~ Spiderman~ does whatever a spider can~ Spin's a web~ Just like that~ look out, here comes the spiderman~'

{We skipped a few}

'You can't blame me, it has been what feels like ages since I last heard of the song.'

I took my first step.

I failed, my knees buckled as they gave in, and fell to the floor.

I gritted my teeth as I slowly managed to get back up again only for my knees to give out a second time.

I fell once again, my knees for a second time, hit the floor.

Gritting my teeth, I was weak, for a normal being, but at that same time.

I got up a forth time, my knees once again gave in, and impacted the floor with a soft thud.

There was no going back with this.

I could see the look on my mothers face, she was very surprised.

"Really? mean I get a human's mom would be shocked to see her baby trying to get up like this, but shouldn't I technically be able to at least try and walk like this?'

{No, we do not think so, we think it has to be to early for even them.}

'Well, I am not stopping, so I might as well continu- "

I was cut off when my mother wrapped her long arms around me into a hug and squeezed me tightly, she muttered somethings before she let go and she went across of me.

I'll say about 100 meters at most.

I took another step only to fall once again.

4 months later

Patience was a virtue.

That much was true, in my own case.

My older brother was speaking to my mother, they seemed to be agreeing with something, before my mother nodded her head.

My brother walked towards me, picked me up gently, and carried me to the..wall? he set me back down gently.

I realized what he was doing.

My bro is the best bro.

I pushed myself upwards, grabbing onto the wall yet again, the feeling the wall and putting pressure in it to gain support, before I pushed I slowly started to fall I caught myself, and continued to another step, then another then another.

I then decided to try without the wall.

So slowly, I began to lift my hand off of the wall, I lost balance, but I managed to catch myself.

My mother's face was of one of pure excitement as she saw me take my first steps.

My brother looked at me with a cautious look on his face, as he looked at me intently waiting for me to fall so he could catch me.

I stumbled a couple of times, but I managed to catch myself.

I walked up slowly through the path.

When I was close my mother spread her arms out wide. My reward, was a victory hug.

I walked and walked, until I was inches from my mother once my knee hit hers as she was sitting down, she picked me up, and gave me a hug.

With Ashteia, and Bor.

"Come on baby, come to mommy." She said in a babies voice as she watched her son take his first steps towards him.

Bor looked to his little brother, and saw that he was struggling, to walk; he kept falling.

He then had an idea, he turned and looked towards his mother

"Mother," he said causing his mother to glance at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes? What is it son."

"We need to put him next to a wall, so my little brother can use that for support." he explained.

He was very surprised that he was able to attempt to walk this early, although he walked on his own, it was much later.

"I see" she said I could not understand her


How was it?

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Tell me why?

Or if you can't and just hate it

You can Kiss my ass...

and get the hell out.


Have a nice day

Zack out.