
Marvel: Player

The protagonist finds himself transported into the Marvel universe as a non-canon character with the powers of a Gamer. He only wants a normal life, without noise and fuss and even a harem. He dreams of his own business, a quiet family life with ONE SINGLE girl even his less-than-ideal appearance isn't going to stand in the way of that. But the God of Games has other plans and is determined to complicate his life at every turn and peace is nothing more than a distant dream for him... ... Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. If you are the rightful owner and want it taken down, I will do it immediately. Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner... Original Author: Alex31 Original Title: Берегись Марвел, Колобок близко! (Watch out Marvel, Kolobok is coming!)

TranslatorZ · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

Chapter 6

[3rd POV]

The evening had been quite exhausting. 

Emma had made a lot of money today thanks to a stock market crash and her abilities, yet something was missing—or rather, someone was missing.

That "someone" remained unavailable, no matter what she did.

Emma was drawn to Christian for many reasons, but the most important one was probably because he was "close to her. 

She couldn't hear Chris's thoughts at all, and he was naturally shielded from her powers.

Sometimes, she was even afraid to walk among people as she would involuntarily read their minds, stupid, insane, idiotic, vulgar thoughts…

There was a time when she was ten years old, and her father's old friend would come over, but Emma had heard his thoughts.

She had never encountered someone as disgusting as he was. The fact that he was a pedophile, a murderer, and a con artist was just the tip of the iceberg. 

She was horrified by the depths of how vile and terrible a person could be when she delved into his mind out of sheer curiosity.

Since then, she has slowly started to hate humanity.

Yet, despite everything, she didn't grow up hating all living beings, but she became cautious with people.

That's why her personal life was hard. She was the Ice Queen to these "many" who wanted her. 

She could win over anyone for a night. She had the ideal body and looks, and she had even briefly stolen the boyfriend of that arrogant redhead Jean Grey. 

Unfortunately, it wasn't enough... but then there was Chris.

It all started with an unusual meeting. 

It was love at first sight.

Emma even checked herself for any mental conditioning or curses, but everything was clean. 

She had even consulted her old mentor and, in some ways, a friend, Charles Xavier. 

He gave a surprising answer with a smile.

"Your feelings are pure and genuine. It's truly love at first sight! Congratulations!"

After that, she firmly decided to marry her sweet little chubby guy, but he was playing hard to get her, completely dodging her advances. 

However, this only fueled her passion, sparking a stronger desire in her heart. 

She was a predator and enjoyed it when her target resisted, making the victory all the sweeter. 

A phone call interrupted her thoughts about her beloved. 

She glanced at the screen lazily but immediately perked up when she saw it was her sweet Chris calling.


She answered playfully, taking the call.

"Um, listen, Emma, do you happen to know a good security system or have the number for the Avengers? Get away from me, I'm telling you! Stop coming at me with your 'Asgardian sausage'!"

This alarmed Emma, and she straightened up instantly.

"What happened?"

"Oh, you know… Remember that weirdo who tried to take over the world with an alien army?"


"So, he's here now, trying to... persuade me to join the side... of betrayal."

Emma didn't like the tone of his voice nor the sickeningly sweet voice she could hear in the background.

"Oh, stop calling all these women, my dear. Come, let's have some wine, my darling!"

She quickly put two and two together and sprang to her feet. 

The last thing she wanted was for her almost-husband to be influenced and end up in the same camp as her older brother, who had been disowned by their parents and cut off from the family inheritance due to his being gay.

That would be, at the very least, humiliating!

"Chris! Get away from there immediately. I'll save you! Where are you?"

"I'm at home... but what about the Avengers?!"

"You'll get the Avengers, you get them all, just stay safe!" 

Emma shouted and then instantly reached out telepathically to Stark and the Avengers.

'Avengers! You idiots! Loki has escaped and is currently at 79 Ninth Street, Apartment 44. He has a young man hostage and is threatening to do terrible things to him. If my future husband gets hurt, I swear, you have no idea what I'll do to you!'

'Emma Frost?!'

Tony Stark sounded surprised. 

'It's been a long time since you invaded my mind. Are you absolutely sure it's Loki trying to get to your 'dear' Chris? Last I checked, Thor personally escorted him back to Asgard. Also, I didn't know you had a fiancé… Who's the unlucky guy?'

'When it comes to my dear Chris, I'm not joking. Get your metal butt over there and fix this mess you're responsible for. If you don't, I'll make you believe you're gay and in love with Fury and that you enjoy it when Hulk… let's just say, gets rough with you!'

'Got it, got it! I'm on my way!'

Emma quickly sent some of her friends a message to ask for help, then rushed over to save her Chris. 

When she arrived at his apartment at full speed, the Avengers were already there, and the atmosphere was... strange.


She addressed Smith who looked exhausted and sat alone in a chair, sipping what smelled like vodka. 

"Are you alright?"

"Let me clarify!" 

Iron Man approached. 

"This Chris... is he really your boyfriend? Or is he just the person who ate the perfect man you dreamed about for so long and even turned me down three times? Or is that some kind of ultra-modern organic fat armor he's wearing?"

"He's my future husband!"

"No. I'm not marrying you!" 

Chris immediately reassured her. 

"You're my friend, but nothing more."

"For now, just a friend." 

Emma corrected him while ignoring the surprised, skeptical, and downright shocked looks from the Avengers.


Thor burst through the window. 

"I have come at the call for help, but why here?"

"It turns out your brother has broken free and somehow managed to fall in love with this adorable chubby guy, who, for some reason, is being pursued by New York's most beautiful woman. Loki claims that you and your parents let him go on his word and assurances that marrying this—"

Tony gestured to Chris, "would definitely repent from his past and allow him to live happily without causing problems. Tell me this is a joke!"

"No. It's really true."

Thor smiled and unfazed. 

"I may not approve of such relationships, but my brother's happiness is worth more than prejudice. Moreover, he isn't a pure-blooded Asgardian. He's also a Jotun."

"So, if I understand correctly, Loki fell in love at first sight with a man he saw for the first time during the fight with us while trying to destroy this city. And Emma Frost—an eligible bride and the pickiest lady in this world about marriage—wants to see Christian... Smith, if I'm not mistaken, as her lawful husband?" 

A beautiful woman with red hair said while sipping vodka.

"That's right, Natasha." 

Hawkeye nodded. 

"It seems that's the case, but that doesn't make understanding the whole situation any easier."

"You wouldn't understand." 

Emma scoffed, turning towards Smith.

 "Are you hurt? Did he do anything to you? Those Asgardians..."

"Stay away from my future husband, girl!" 

Loki shouted in restrained and unable to move.

"You should be quiet, Loki." 

Captain America advised him. 

"You're lucky Hulk isn't here."

"Just look at this depraved girl." 

Loki fumed. 

"She's a distributor of bad taste and clearly some kind of disease! In Asgard, even prostitutes don't dress like that. It looks like someone smeared her with white paint and tossed her here!"

"Shut your mouth, b****!" 

Emma yelled back, adjusting her short white corset. 

"My clothes allow me to look beautiful and alluring for Chris, and you're just a man. He's straight, and he likes girls. I could understand if that redhead was after my sweet boy. At least she's somewhat pretty, but you…!"

"Hah! Think that's a problem?" 

Loki raised an eyebrow. 

"Chris, do you only like girls?"

"Of course, I've been telling you this for over an hour!" 

Chris sighed with relief.

Then, everyone gasped when Loki changed from a young man to a girl with dark hair and green eyes who looked a lot like Emma or Natasha.

Chris remembered an actress who played Morgana in Merlin or Lena Luthor in Supergirl. 

He couldn't remember exactly, but it wasn't important. 

What mattered was that Smith realized this was, unfortunately, canon Loki, who was bisexual and had the ability to change gender at will.


Loki smiled... as a woman. 

"I can be anyone! After all, I'm also a Jotun. We actually don't have a fixed gender. It's a feature of our magic and evolution. In time, I'll tell you more about our future kingdom, my dear, but not here."

"You're still a guy! It's all an illusion." 

Emma replied angrily, yet she shielded Chris just in case.

"You can touch. It's all real. I changed gender, and now I'm a woman." 

Loki smiled wickedly, or perhaps Loki-na.

"Loki really can do this. I mean, I'm talking about his ability to change gender." 

Thor blushed as the Avengers turned their gazes toward him. 

"He has that ability, but the last time he used it was about three hundred years ago."

"My world will never be the same." 

Iron-man complained, staring at Smith's body. 

"I just can't wrap my head around this… I can't! Someone give me a drink, or I'm going to lose my mind today!"

"And pour me one too." 

Hawkeye added.

At that moment, Black Widow carefully scrutinized the man who had caused all this chaos. 

She couldn't fathom what had happened to this world. 

'I need to check out this Smith!' 

Natasha mentally noted for the future. 

'He's definitely not an ordinary person. Maybe he's an amazing lover? Or a genius? There's nothing reasonable comes to mind. This idea is so ridiculous that it makes me swear and want to drink.'

Emma didn't sit well with these thoughts but didn't show it.

To be continued…