
Marvel: Player

The protagonist finds himself transported into the Marvel universe as a non-canon character with the powers of a Gamer. He only wants a normal life, without noise and fuss and even a harem. He dreams of his own business, a quiet family life with ONE SINGLE girl even his less-than-ideal appearance isn't going to stand in the way of that. But the God of Games has other plans and is determined to complicate his life at every turn and peace is nothing more than a distant dream for him... ... Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. If you are the rightful owner and want it taken down, I will do it immediately. Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner... Original Author: Alex31 Original Title: Берегись Марвел, Колобок близко! (Watch out Marvel, Kolobok is coming!)

TranslatorZ · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

Chapter 14

[3rd POV]

S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters.

Director Fury's Office.

Nick Fury scratched his cheek, smoked, and reviewed the case file that had sparked a public outcry and created a stir within S.H.I.E.L.D. itself. 

This wasn't his first cigarette of the day, and it wasn't just cigarettes either.

He had already gone through two glasses of whiskey since starting to familiarize himself with the preliminary investigation.

After setting the case aside, four agents entered his office a few minutes later. 

There were two dark-haired men, one just over twenty-five and the other around forty, and two women who appeared to be about the same age. 

One was a blonde, and the other a striking redhead. 

The four of them were all dressed like normal S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

"You called, Director?" 

Clint Barton asked.

"Agent Barton? Good to see you on duty. How's your wife doing?" 

Fury asked.

"She's doing well. We had a daughter." 

Barton replied with a genuine smile spreading across his face.


Fury said, his single eye twitching in a half-smile.

"Thank you. But I don't think that's why you called us here." 

Barton noted.

"That's correct." 

Fury shifted his gaze to Agent Romanoff. 

"You, Agent Romanoff, Morse, and Ward are needed for an important and very difficult assignment."

"We don't have any other kind." 

Natasha Romanoff replied in a bored tone.

"This time, it will be personal for you, especially Natasha."

She immediately became more alert.

"Have you found Shostakov?" 

There was a mix of determination, anger, and impatience in her voice.

"No. But it will chase after your past nonetheless. Familiarize yourselves with the case." 

He said, gesturing to the four folders in front of them. 

"We'll talk after."

After ten minutes of careful reading, the agents looked up, thoughtful and even intrigued, as they faced their boss.

"I didn't think I'd see that charming chubby guy again." 

Barbara Morse remarked.

"You won't just be seeing him—you'll be working for him." 

Fury said. 

"Well, for now, you'll start as a volunteer in his company. I think the role of a concerned, grateful, and kind former employee who decided to visit and help an old acquaintance won't be out of place for you."


She nodded.

"But I don't understand." 

Agent Romanoff spoke up. 

"How did that rifle end up at the scene? There's no way an SVD could have just appeared there!"

"The serial number isn't a forgery, Agent." 

Fury assured her. 

"You can double-check it if you like, but I'm confident there's no mistake, and it's no coincidence. It's your old weapon from your KGB days."

"I threw it into the Pacific Ocean."

Romanoff insisted, still staring intently at the SVD in the photo. 

"Even made the effort to take it to the Mariana Trench when Clint recruited me."

"I'm sorry for interrupting, but what does Agent Romanoff's SVD have to do with this Christian Smith?" 

Ward asked. 

"I doubt that the Black Widow or you, sir, decided to kill him, had second thoughts at the last moment, and then suddenly came down with amnesia."

"You're correct, Agent Ward." 

Fury said. 

"SHIELD has nothing to do with this assassination attempt. We know how to eliminate people. What's concerning is that a public attack was made on the third-highest polling candidate for New York City mayor in broad daylight, not far from a police station. It was done using a weapon with a traceable history—apart from this particular SVD—and involved a well-trained, unknown group of mercenaries equipped with modern equipment and even portable teleportation technology. That's what's troubling."


Agent Morse looked up. 

"But if everything is as you say, why is Smith still alive? It feels like he was..."


Barton finished for her.

"Judging by the case details, photographs, and forensic reports, those were real snipers. Smith was unbelievably lucky, but it looks more like an intimidation tactic or possibly the result of specific objectives set for the mercenaries by whoever hired them. However, I don't have the full picture and am left guessing that the working theory should be 'intimidation.' We've seen assassination attempts aimed solely at scaring the target before. I've personally carried out such missions three times."

"Isn't that classified information?" 

Agent Morse smiled.

"You and Agent Ward have been promoted to level six."

Fury informed her. 

"So you can listen safely. This case is serious and involves many people's interests."

"Where is Smith now?" 

Agent Ward asked.

"He's under tight security. Miss Frost flew in with her mercenaries to guard him, and we've also assigned several undercover agents for surveillance and protection. Agents Coulson and May are on the scene as well."

"Is that the lady who's sweet on the chubby guy?" 

Agent Ward asked. 

"I heard even the Asgardian prince Loki has taken an interest in him. What's so special about this guy? This isn't the first time I've heard about him at work, and I think he's even shown up in the news."

"You can review his personal file later, Agent." 

Fury responded. 

"For now, all I can tell you is that Loki was likely influenced by the Mind Stone in his scepter, but that's irrelevant to our current situation."

"So, what is relevant?"

"You'll be divided into roles." 

Fury said, turning back from the window. 

"Agent Morse, you'll be the primary undercover operative. Your job is to blend with Smith's team as a volunteer at his company, providing close protection and gathering intelligence from the inside. You know how to play the role of an old friend checking in. Agent Ward will support you, handling the logistics of your cover and working from the shadows to assist if any trouble arises."

"What about us?" 

Agent Romanoff.

"You and Barton will take on the investigation side."

Fury continued. 

"Start with the origin of that SVD rifle and track down any leads on these mercenaries. We need to identify who hired them and why. Barton, your field experience with tracking hired guns will be crucial here. And Romanoff—consider this a personal mission. If this involves your past, I want every stone overturned."

"And the political aspects?" 

Agent Romanoff inquired.

"Leave the politics to me." 

Fury answered. 

"Smith's mayor campaign will likely become even more chaotic with this attempted hit, but we need to focus on the threats in the shadows. Your job is to find out who's pulling the strings and why."

"Clint! You'll be working with Coulson and May on the investigative side of this case." 

Fury instructed. 

"Agents Romanoff, Morse, and Ward… you'll join Agents Ramlow and Collins at Smith's 'offices.' Ramlow and Collins will be his bodyguards from the firm Frost hired for his safety. You, Agent Ward, will also act as Smith's bodyguard. We already know Agent Morse's history. Romanoff… you'll be his assistant. I've arranged to have your old cover, Nancy Rushman, prepared for you. You'll play the role of a sweet, career-driven blonde focusing on social justice. You'll get a little break from the Avengers. Cap is busy training candidates for S.H.I.E.L.D., Stark is occupied with Banner and the Mind Stone, and Thor is out of reach for us. So, you and Clint will only handle honorary duties."

"Oh, poor drug lords." 

She lamented. 

"How will they manage without us? Are we really going to make everyone else work for a change?"

"Well, see? You complained about having no time off. Here's a perfect opportunity to remember what it was like to work as Stark's secretary."


She corrected him sharply.

"Yes, yes." 

He raised his hands in surrender. 

"I got it."

"Is SHIELD supporting Smith?" 

Agent Ward asked.

"What do you mean, Agent?" 

Nick Fury turned to face him.

"I mean what the director said earlier. It's advantageous for SHIELD to have an honest mayor, right?"

For a moment, Nick stared at the young agent with one eye, then nodded.

"Yes. If someone else wins, it complicates matters for the police and SHIELD. Kingpin shouldn't have 'his' mayor. It's better to have a candidate who isn't exactly 'ours' than to risk getting someone else in office. If New York isn't in 'our' hands, it at least needs to be neutral. Therefore, Smith's safety is of utmost priority. Did I answer your question, Agent?"

"Now I understand everything, Director." 

Agent Ward replied calmly.

"What is the time frame of this mission??" 

Morse asked.

"...A long-term mission for you and Ward. Ramlow and Collins may also be with you for an extended period. You'll be with him until the end of his term—if Smith wins. We need not only bodyguards for him but also informants. Hawkeye and Black Widow will return to the Avengers when the time comes."

The agents nodded in understanding.

"And Shostakov..."

"No, Romanova, Shostakov likely had no interests here. We don't need to make everything about him. In fact… we'll talk about him later. Not now. But the fact that someone from your past is involved… that's a fact."

"Could it be the Red Room?" 

Grant Ward asked.


Agent Romanoff answered for Fury.

"The trail is strange. However, they don't operate outside the former USSR or Warsaw Pact countries. They may also be in Africa or Asia but wouldn't reach New York directly. It's not their style. This is some other organization. With your permission, Fury, I'll tap into my connections and old contacts in the KGB."

With a nod, Fury gave his approval.

"Do what you think is necessary. But consult with Coulson and Clint, and report to me daily on the case's progress. That's all for now. You're dismissed, agents."

To be continued…