
Marvel: Player

The protagonist finds himself transported into the Marvel universe as a non-canon character with the powers of a Gamer. He only wants a normal life, without noise and fuss and even a harem. He dreams of his own business, a quiet family life with ONE SINGLE girl even his less-than-ideal appearance isn't going to stand in the way of that. But the God of Games has other plans and is determined to complicate his life at every turn and peace is nothing more than a distant dream for him... ... Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. If you are the rightful owner and want it taken down, I will do it immediately. Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner... Original Author: Alex31 Original Title: Берегись Марвел, Колобок близко! (Watch out Marvel, Kolobok is coming!)

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Chapter 11

[1st POV]


[You are in the dungeon "Demonic Park."]

[Duration: 1 hour (1 second in the real world).]

[Feature: All enemies are demons ranging from levels 5 to 10, with the chance to earn money, acquire weapons, gain experience, collect valuable ingredients, obtain a "Special Reward," and face a Final Boss at level 20 (defeating it is not mandatory unless you want to claim the "Special Reward").]

Now, the dungeon was not only dark and gray, but the sky was also red.

The Map showed that several demons were wandering around me. 

I immediately summoned my goblins, and they formed a protective circle around me. 

Additionally, I decided to hide Emma in my Inventory, as any living creature can be stored there without harm for forty-eight hours. 

After that, it would need to be taken out. Therefore, I had effectively freed myself from participating in the defense for two days.

There were five targets approaching us from different sides.

[Low Demon

Level: 6

Race: Demons

Health: 1000

Relationship: Hostile.]

Of course, I needed to start shooting and quickly pulled out my rifle. 

While my goblins either held the defense or attacked the targets I couldn't reach, I actively shot at the demons.

I killed three while my two goblins took down the other two and even leveled up immediately.

From each low demon I killed, I received five drops of "low demon blood" five thousand dollars, and five ritual knives.

I also gained experience from the three I had killed. 

Just as I was about to reload, a group of ten demons appeared on the radar, and each of them was at level seven when I checked their stats.

"Let's move back to the mansion, guys!" 

I commanded my goblins to form a flying wedge formation and started advancing. 

I was in the center, leading the way. 

"Stay in formation!"

While they maintained their formation and were ready to fight at close range, I tossed grenades into the group of demons and finished them off with headshots.

The battle was tougher this time. 

I wish I had silver bullets or something like that. 

It would have made things easier.

It was the same strategy as before but with more experience gained. 

At the entrance of the mansion, there were two level ten demons.

They were difficult to handle, and I had to call in my snipers for support while our higher-level fighters engaged in close combat.

I almost lost two of my goblins, but in the end, we won.

In addition to the "demon blood," I earned five thousand for each demon, experience points, and a "Demonic Flame Sword."

We entered the mansion, which was empty according to the map. 

I went inside and took a moment to catch my breath since everything was clear. 

I applied some first aid and took a sip of whiskey from my supplies, eating a lemon.

After resting a bit, I realized I wasn't going to die, and my health, stamina, and strength were recovering. 

In another twenty minutes, I'd be ready for new adventures.

Looking through the information, I saw that according to the rules, any house I'm in counts as a "home" where I can rest except a whole dungeon territory.

Now I understood why those level ten demons were so unwilling to let me in. 

This was a real sanctuary for me. 

The only con was that I couldn't shoot from the windows. 

I ordered my goblins to try and try it myself, but the shots just wouldn't fire. 

It seemed fair that neither side could hit the other.

After waiting a little longer, I finally read the messages from the System that had come in during the chaos.


[+1% Fire Resistance ]

[+1% Heat Resistance ]

[You have gained Affinity with the Fire Element +1%]

[+1 Speed]

[+1 Stamina]

[+1 Agility]

[+10 Health]

[+1 lvl "Regeneration"]

[+1% chance to encounter a "celebrity."]


I won't say I'm overly thrilled about it, but the last point worries me; I already have enough "acquaintances" as it is...

Soon, I had to step outside and continue fighting the demons. 

I only get six hours of rest in the "home." 

After that, I randomly ejected with my group outside the "home," needing to fight for another eighteen hours at least to earn the chance to stop there again. 

It all started over again.

After deciding to save ammo for my rifle, pistols, and grenades, I switched to hand-to-hand combat and my bow and arrows. 

Of course, I had my trusty goblin companions with me. 

We chose an area with demons of levels five to eight and ruthlessly took them down, gaining experience and loot while passing the time.

When the fight time ended, and I felt a bit tired, we quickly moved back to the "home," where I ate the canned goods that had conveniently accumulated in my Inventory. 

I set an alarm and lay down to sleep for five hours with my little guys kept watch; they didn't need rest or sleep in that regard.

Then… the second day passed just like the first, and when it was time to retrieve Emma, she came to her senses in just a few minutes. 

I even gave her a strong sedative to ensure she remained out cold until she fully recovered. 

This way, I would have enough time to finish my travel through the dungeon and properly rescue Emma in the real world.

For the next two days, I focused on improving myself, leveling up my minions, and earning "demon blood," sometimes their "ash" money, experience, and enhancing my stats and skills.

By the fifth day in the dungeon, I began to feel a bit mentally exhausted, but I was still holding on. 

I had become quite skilled with melee weapons. Additionally, I gained the special skill "Archer."

[Archer: You're not Hawkeye, Green Arrow, or even Robin Hood, but you know how to handle the magnificent art of using a bow.]

[+250 relationships with all archers.]

Of course, I didn't stop at what I had achieved. 

Just in case, I allocated my twenty points to Strength. 

By the fifth day in the dungeon, my Strength was already at seventy-six points, which meant that it rose to ninety-six points after this.

By this stat, I was stronger than any average cop or athlete whose maximum was usually just ninety. 

At that moment, Captain America's strength was two hundred ten.

I then went back to the routine, retrieving Emma. 

She still hadn't come to her senses since, no matter how long she had been in my Inventory, everything for her was "frozen," and she couldn't wake up.

Once again, it was time for demon hunting, but I was targeting levels eight to ten and continued until the last, 15th day.

By that time, I had leveled up significantly, and my goblins' skills and stats especially "strength," had been enhanced. 

I needed to level up other aspects as well.

On the fifteenth day, I decided to take on the Final Boss of the twentieth level, located at the edge of the park near the fence that overlooked the coast. 

He turned out to be a typical demon, nearly five meters tall, with three pairs of bat-like wings, red skin, and amber eyes.

This bastard wielded magic! 

He used it against me and my goblins, and there were moments when I almost died, but I managed to defeat him at the cost of five of my goblins.

From the Final Boss, I received loot in the form of a "Demon Boss Heart," a drop of "Demon Boss Blood," a million dollars, "Demon Boss Claws," and the chance to obtain a "Special Reward."

Once again, there were three boxes, and I decided not to overthink it and chose the first one I saw.

[You have received the potion "Immunity to Demonic Magic."]

["Immunity to Demonic Magic": This special potion can only be obtained once in a lifetime and used on anyone, including oneself, for personal benefit. After consumption, the individual gains immunity to any manipulations and spells of a demonic nature directed at them.]

Interesting, this is some potion that grants me the opportunity to permanently rid myself of threats from demons and similar entities. 

More specifically, the threat from their powers.

'I need to drink it!'

Alright, it's time to wrap this up and save Emma.'

I took her out of the Inventory and transported her back to the real world. 

The sound of battle was nearby but seemed to be dying down. 

Just to be safe, I ran further away and received a message about completing the quest:


[Quest Completed: "Knight on the White Car 2]


+500 Relationship with other "saved princesses."

1 Level Up

+1 Attributes and Skills

Title: "Baywatch Rescuer."

1% chance that the person you saved will fall in love with you

A chance that after successfully saving her, the God of Games will grant you the opportunity to nullify the love of your "unchosen ones."]

With a sense of accomplishment, I took a moment to absorb the rewards. 

Emma was safe, and the bonuses were significant.

I felt a surge of power and purpose as I prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead. 

But first, I needed to check on Emma and ensure she was alright.

Aside from what I received for completing this quest and gaining three levels in the Dungeon along with skills and attributes, the overall picture appeared before me:

Name: Christian "Chris" Smith

Health: 235

Level: 13

Titles: "Pawn of the God of Games," "Fast Food King," "Fatty," "Untouchable," "Chitauri Killer."




Strength: 107

Agility: 50

Endurance: 89

Intelligence: 65

Intuition: 60

Luck: 99

Charisma: 28

Leadership: 28

Pathos: 28

Strategy: 28

Will: 85

Speed: 20

Attribute Points: 40

Features: Player, Player's Mind, Player's Body, Shop, Map, Obesity, Shield Thrower, Archer


Cooking - Level 41 

Observation - Level 151

Alcohol Resistance - Level 4

Persuasion - Level 9

Marksmanship - Level 49

Melee Weapon Mystery - Level 29

Jack of All Trades - Level 16

Regeneration - Level 7

Player - Level 12 

Fighter - Level 21

7% learning ability in any field.

8% chance to make any dish delicious.

3% chance of becoming the victim of a strong, independent woman with predatory behavior and indiscriminate taste in sexual partners.

1% chance of becoming a supervillain.

2% chance of encountering a "celebrity."

2% chance of getting caught up in a "story."

2% chance that the person you saved will fall in love with you.

2% Fire Resistance.

2% Heat Resistance.

Elemental Affinity:

Fire Affinity: 1%

Just perfect!


[The God of Games has decided to reward you for your efforts and has converted all "romantic relationships into friendships." Now Emma Frost and Loki only feel a strong friendship towards you. Although the God of Games thought that something might develop between you, he is not discouraged and hopes you'll open your eyes to this wonderful world.]

"Thank you, God of Games, and thank you, System." 

I even teared up a little. 

"You're both good."

In response, there was silence.

Then Emma Frost began to wake up.

To be continued...