

"You ahahahahaha!" Faust laughed, "I cannot believe you did that!" I chuckled as the two of us were sitting at a stand as the bartender was pouring drinks.

"Well, I didn't know at the time, because I was young...."

"Still Bucking hilarious!" Faust gasped, causing the Bartender to raise an eyebrow, 'Bucking, who the fuck says that?'

Faust apparently noticed this and stopped laughing, her smile replaced by a grimace and a frown. "I-I mean't."

I smiled and put a hand on her shoulder, "It's alright, I believe you are far away from here, and I know that our culture seems to be different from your own."

She smiled at me, and I smiled back..

She looked at it with a curious look, "It's beer, it's supposed to help you feel more relax."

"Ah," Faust nodded, "so it is similar to Cider back..at home."

I smiled, "If all you had is cider, then you are open for a whole new world."

She downed the drink in one go, I blinked slightly taken aback.

"I don't feel anything." she said, "perhaps I am not drinking hard enough?"

"Perhaps.." I muttered

A couple drinks later later

"Another!" She slammed the glass down with a laugh, I chuckled at her before glancing to the bartender, "You heard her man."

"Aye." He grinned at us before he poured us another, we drunk, we told jokes, both felt awkward at first, but we were slowly getting used to her, is it kind of weird that I started to like her a lot, like, like-like.

"Awe man, your a riot." I grinned at her, "How did a girl like you come to a place like this anyway."

The smile, left her face, I cringed slightly, "Sorry, you don't have to answer if you-"

"No-no, it's fine." she said with a sad smile, "A...friend of mine was testing something out, but that sp...I mean, something went wrong and I ended up here."

"What do you mean like you teleport-ed here," I joked, "with marvel anything is possible,

"I....I was just given the wrong directions." she said hesitantly, "and ended up in a land far away from where I was originally.

"How far...like Great Britain far?"

She smiled a little nervously

"Have you ever heard of a land called Equestria?" she asked me in a low tone.

My heart skipped a beat as I made the connections , "Y-you your Queen Faust..."

Little dramatic, yeah, but the feeling that another being that could possibility be a creator of another reality here is insane, this is the Marvel Multiverse after all, but I suppose if being reincarnating here is possible than anything else could be possible too.

She looked at me surprised, "I am surprised you heard of me, no one here had ever even heard of Equestria when I had asked about it."

I took a deep breath, and smiled at her, "Well, at first I thought it was just a dream, but now it must have been visions or reality, because you are in front of me."

She looked really surprised, "Visions, I had always thought humans could not have special abilities such as that."

I laughed, "You'd be quick to figure out that in this reality, there are many humans with Special Abilities, abilities that could be even stronger than mine."

Faust stared him for a moment, "Interesting, though I am curious even more about this planet that I have stepped on."

I smiled, though I was still nervous at the reveal, Something she noticed and smiled at me. "You don't have to be nervous, you are my coltfriend, are you not?"

I smiled nervously at her, "Here it's Boyfriend, and if you want me to be, then it would be an honor to be your Boyfriend."

"Then no harm shall come to you, so you do not need to be afraid."

She smiled at me leaned forward and gave me a gentle kiss to the lips, a kiss I recuperated, she broke moments after and smiled coyly at me, "Shall we take this somewhere else then?"

I grinned at her, "Yeah, I know just the place."