
Marvel: Mutant Rise

Lynn became a student at Mutant College. Her ability is to create magic. Avada Kedavra... Glacier spikes, ember storms... God Slayer Magic of Fire, Dragon Slayer Magic of Thunder... True mirror image, dimensional jump, elemental mysteries, stillness of time... After ten years of accumulation, Lynn has mastered countless splendid and terrifying magics. The only way to change Mutant's living environment is to increase the right to speak! Where does the right to speak come from? Strength is the foundation! Money is on the left, power is on the right! So, she approached Professor X and proposed a package of plans to establish the Mutant Consortium and gain power through money: The first step is to create "Oasis". . . . . . . . . ----------------------------------------------------------- Chinese - English Translation: Author: Clouds Open And The Moon Shines b.faloo.com ------------------------------------------------------------

Shihao777 · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
10 Chs

Chapter 10: X Found

Thirty minutes later.

Lynn appeared at the academy door.

She carries a box in her hand, just like Newt's in Fantastic Beasts.

The space inside the box has been expanded countless times by the Untraceable Stretch Curse, but it is not used to house magical animals, but is filled with various experimental equipment of the first-generation machine of "Oasis".

"Speaking of which, hasn't today's magic arrived yet?"

While bored, Lynn's thoughts moved slightly.


Get the magic of the five rings · real mirror image!

[ PS: It's actually just a login ]

"Sure enough! After the thought is clear, even the character has improved!"

Lynn smirked.

The stronger one's own strength, the stronger the magic created from memory.

According to Mutant's strength, he divided his magic into different categories.

The power of the magic of the four rings is almost equal to the super ability of the fourth level mutant.

The magical law of the five rings is equivalent to the fifth level Mutant.

This real mirror image magic doesn't seem to have much power, but it can duplicate a completely real mirror image duplication, the strength is exactly the same as that of the deity, and there are many proficient spells on it.

This is not as simple as one plus one equals two!

Two Lynns, they can easily wipe out Xavier's School!

Although this mirror image can only last for half an hour, the magic level can be improved!

Six Rings·True Mirror Image can duplicate two mirror images.

Seven rings can copy three!

eight rings...

"A person is an army..."

Lynn is in a great mood to acquire a powerful new spell.

She has officially entered the realm of the Great Wizard of the Five Rings.

Although most of the spells being mastered now are four-ring magic, there aren't many five-ring magic, only a few such as Hydra and True Mirror Art.

But against almost level five mutants like Professor X and Magneto, he's completely dignified.

In particular, the two constant passive magics [Steel Body] and [Spirit Immunity] in her body have reached a staggering seven rings!

In a word, it's meat!

Meat in a physical and spiritual sense!

Just thinking about it, Shadowcat and Jubilation Lee came hand in hand.

The two girls didn't even have a suitcase, but each had a beautiful beaded bag hanging from their waists.

No need to ask, they've all been modified by Lynn with the Traceless Stretch spell.

So when Poppy Iceman, Colossus and 'Sun Sunspot' Roberto (the firefighter at the beginning of Reverse the Future) finally arrived with big bags on their backs.

The scene was inexplicably a bit awkward.

"Lynn, you said earlier that we had to ask for permission in advance when we got back to college, I thought we were going to be gone for a long time…"

As they looked at each other, it was Iceman who spoke and said with a sarcastic smile.

"You're right. Before long, we won't be back at the academy."

Lynn didn't feel a thing, she just waved at her and was ready to go.

Colossus blanked: "How are we doing? No car here? I thought I had a chance to grab a Blackbird fighter!"

The Blackbird fighter is the car used by the X-Men to carry out their missions.

Built at the expense of Professor X.

"I want to know this question too!"

A pleasant voice suddenly sounded, and everyone turned their heads subconsciously, only to see Phoenix Jean Grey, dressed in black leather, walking slowly in high heels.

He looked at Lynn and said with a smile, "The professor asked me to be in charge of the X-Fund connection and also asked me to protect her."

Lynn nodded.

After all, Professor X has invested 100 million yuan, and Lynn, a few students who have not yet graduated, definitely cannot operate at will.

So Lynn wasn't at all surprised by the school teacher's presence.

She just didn't expect this person to be Jean Grey.

"Time does not wait, let's go."

She didn't see any other movement, and suddenly ripples appeared in the void in front of him.

A magician who cannot open the doors of space is not an excellent magician.

Lynn is clearly not on this list.

The next moment, under the stunned eyes of Jean Gray and the nearly dull eyes of the three from Colossus, a radiant space portal slowly opened.

Looking through the gate, there are many tall buildings on the other side, which look like...

"Xavier's mansion?!"

Jean exclaimed, once again sensing Lynn's secrecy.

Long Distance Shuttle... It's obviously a new skill!

Seeing that Lynn had gone through the door with Shadowcat and Jubilation Lee, Jean gave a slight cough and looked at Colossus and the others: "Let's go first!"

The three of them together with Colossus took a deep breath and hurriedly followed her.

The scene in front of him suddenly changed.

In one second, he could smell the fragrance of Xavier's School flowers, and in the next second, he could feel the sweltering, scorching air of Twisted City.

And they were all on the roof of a building at the time.

Shadowcat stretched out against the sun: "Lynn, you said the professor helped find a place to stay, where is he?"

"Definitely here it is."

Lynn stomped her feet and replied with a smile, "This Xavier building belongs to the X Fund founded by Professor X. As of today, it is the headquarters of the second world technology company."

Iceman, Colossus and Roberto gasped.

Shadowcat's stretching movement stopped suddenly.

Jubilee Lee gasped in surprise.

The two girls looked at each other and said like a ghost: "Didn't you say that Charles is very cautious and just invested 100 million?"

"That's right, 100 million is the initial capital."

Lynn shrugged, "This building is the location of the office, what's the problem?"

Professor X is so big, but is it also called a lack of courage?

"Lynn, next time you talk, please don't leave half?"

Not surprisingly, two resentful eyes fell on Lynn.

Jean Grey, who was the last to arrive, smiled slightly when she heard the words. At this moment, she felt a youthful aura from Lynn.

"Come on, I'll take you to meet the person in charge of X Found!"







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