
QnA 2

1: Everything about Patreon.

A great question was asked in the comments of yesterday's chapter, and although I answered it there, many of you don't read the comment so I will repeat it here. The question was basically: Isn't 30 euros a lot for only 20 bonus chapters?

The answer is… yes, you can get much better in both quantity and quality for thirty euros. If I admit this, then why do I still do it… Several reasons.

First, understand that all donations on Patréon are, as said, donations. You are not buying those extra chapters, it isn't a transaction, you are gifting me with money, and I add those chapters. I know it sounds exactly the same, but it's not. So when you pay 30 euros, you pay those first to support me, not to buy. I know it sounds weird, and I am aware that you pay to get the extra chapters, but I am speaking from a LAW POV.

Second reason for those prices is that it's the first time I ever do anything like this, hence I lack experience. For this month, none of the prices or advantages will change, as people have already paid, but maybe I will change those in the future.

2: Edward's feats

So Edward managed to defeat Lady Shiva, one of the best martial artists in the world. The explanation is simple, Chi Sense is the ban of martial artists. It is more similar to Observation Haki than Peter's Spider Sense, and in One Piece, the only way to counter it is to be too fast for the user to react, be unpredictable or have a greater mastery over it.

So in Marvel/DC, where Edward is the only one with Chi Sense so far, the only way to go past it is to either be very fast or unpredictable. Please note there are limits to dodging though, so Edward isn't invincible because of it. It simply helps against martial artists.