
Marvel: Meditation System

Transmigrated as Grant Ward in prison. Follow as Grant Ward causes chaos in the MCU I own nothing except my OC. [dis cord.gg/6YYvm6tj6t] [pat reon.com/alcoholic_panda ]

Alcoholic_Panda · Tranh châm biếm
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137 Chs

Chapter 82- Unboxing 2

Word count 1160


[Shukaku gained. You have become the Ichibi's Jhinchuriki]

[Ichibi Jinchuriki gains

Magnet Release(All types)

Sand manipulation

More Chakra. Chakra regeneration,

Increased Samina

Sealing Chakra ]

[Ichibi Jinchuriki penalties.

-100% Chakra control.(Permanant)

Constant Mental attacks.




My thoughts raced, before they stopped at the pain I felt.

I quickly pulled my shirt up to find a half-assed seal on my stomach.

I quickly go into my mindscape.

"Who the hell Are you. I was supposed to be sealed in that stupid red-haired baby Garra." Shukaku yells at me

*Sighh* I facepalm

Whyy me?

And why him, couldn't it have been Isobu? All the Sanbi ever does is sleep.

"Oii, Don't ignore me!!"

"Shut the fuck up you stupid Tanuki!!! I was having such a nice day, and then you showed up!!"

"HUH!! Do you have any idea who you are talking to NINGEN?"

"I know exactly WHO YOU ARE! A Giant pain in the ass! That's what you re"

"I'll BURYyou in SAND you stupid midget"

Ughh his voice is soo annoying. Why is it so Squeaky .

"Shut It,,, Sighh. Tell me what you remember. From your perspective were supposed to be put in a baby. Correct?"

Shukaku stares at me before he slowly nods with eyes full of distrust and hate "Yeah that's right"

"For me I was getting reward by a higher being for a job I did. And apparently, I got you as some sort of a sick joke"

"Reward? I'm not some prize to be traded away!!" he screams out and starts thrashing around

"Sure sure, then why did that moron Hashirama give you away like one" A low blow, but I'm to stressed to care

"FUCK YOU!" Shukaku's hate started corrupting my mindscape

Well, he tried to. You don't get good at Eldritch Magic without having a solid Mind Palace and Defences. Not to mention all the powers I got from the Mind Stone.

"Well not like it matters. You are not in the Elemental Nations anymore" I shrug my shoulders

"What do you mean Ningen?"

You know what its a pain in the ass to explain everything. I'll just copy my Memories of Naruto and Marvel and give it to him. Not like he can do anything with them.

I put my hand on my forehead and focus on the memories. I slowly copied them and the hand started glowing brighter and brighter. And when I finished I was holding a floating ball of orange light.

"Here educate yourself, I'm kind of busy right now so we'll talk later"

"HEY LISTE.." I just jump and slap the orb between his eyes Shukaku immediately collapses. Huh, so even Tailed Beasts can get a Memory Overload. Good to know


Okay, pros and cons of being a Jinchuriki.

Well Shukaku's Jinchuriki


I can manipulate gold, iron and mineral dust.

I get more Chakra. Which means more shadow clones.

I get increased stamina. and chakra regeneration

I can manipulate Sand.


-100% Chakra Control

I have to deal with Shukaku all the time


It might look like there are more pros than cons. That is especially true for the Naruto world.

But the thing is IM NOT IN NARUTO.

I can do all the stuff it gives me. The only benefit is the Chakra Boost. Which I would have increased with time anyway.

Now I have to deal with the -100% penalty.

That means my progress will be twice as hard. Even if I have more Chakra for Shadow clones. It would still take me forever to work on the Chakra Control.

Tsunade had to spend decades to get her 100% Control. Let's say she used the shadow clones to do it. It would still take her a few years.

Now I have to train my control with the Passive penalty. And Shukaku can still mess it up by Actively flaring his chakra when I train.

In conclusion. I'm stuck with a pain in the ass Giant Sand Racoon for a Chakra boost, and my Chakra progress was slowed down.

I'm Saying it now. NOT WORTH.



More Boxes

Low- [E-Rank Noble Phantasm: gained]

Low- [D-Rank Noble Phantasm: gained]



Now that I think about it wasn't The Gate of Babylon an E-Rank Noble Phantasm when it is empty?

I was so hung on that I got it, that I forgot that. This means that Shitty Old man took my High Box for a Low Box Roll.


[Took you long enough. You have 261 points in the INT stat and you are still slow. Guess stupid people really can't get smarter even with cheats. Oh and by the way. Since you are getting stronger by the stupid mission the CEO gave you. It's becoming too easy for you, and too boring for me. So I contacted the Speed-run God that send you here. He oversees the Marvel universe. Congratulations I upped the level in the Universe you are in. Good luck fighting Buffed Thanos.

The Great and Fabulous ME! Touch-me ~sama]

...I'll kill him. I swear I'll kill him someday. Whether is 1000 years from now. I'll find a way to break into their realm and strangle his neck. Then I will shove his stupid system down his throat.

Fuck it. I look at the inventory screen and just start tapping the 3 icons. Low, Mid and High

Low- [ +5 on all stats]

Low- [ +5 on all stats]

Low-[ Quirk- Lizard Tail Splitter]


Low- [ E-Rank Noble Phantasm gained]

Low- [ E-Rank Noble Phantasm gained]

Low- [ D-Rank Noble Phantasm gained]


Low-[ Stone Breathing Technique]

Low-[Thunder Breathing Technique]

Low-[ Shikotsumyaku bloodline gained]

Low-[ Lava Release gained]


Mid-[ Dust Release gained]

Mid-[ Speed Release gained]


Mid-[ C-Rank Noble Phantasm gained]

Mid-[ B-Rank Noble Phantasm gained]

Low- [ +5 on all stats]

Low- [ Sonic Sword ]

Low- [ Turtle Shield ]


High- [ Chronomancy gained]

Mid- [ Empty Omnitrix ] (or do I change it to a full one? either way not very useful)

High-[Zanpakuto Ryujin Jakka Gained]

(I love trolling him. Give him the strongest flame Zanpactou when he is an ICE MAGE xD)

[ The strongest Fire-type Zanpakuto. Its Flames are so strong they evaporate any water present in the air ]

Whyyy... Why me.. I'm an ICE MAGE

I worked so damn hard for my ice combination. Now if I use this I can't even use my Ice Magic

High-[ Respira - Hollow Ability ]

[ The Breath of Death. This ability is in the form of a dark fog that ages anything it touches. The user is immune on the outside. But should the fog enter the inside of the user's body it will rot everything ]

Nice just nice. Another ability related to Death. How much you wanna bet she will notice me once I use it.

So that's how many rolls I can use? And these are high rolls.

I have a feeling that old bastard had a hand in this.

Sighh. What a pain.



I'll definitely forget so this is so I can keep track

(Bases 350 US)200, 50 mid to high US

Ch 81= 7 Low, 7 High, 3 Mid

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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