
Marvel/MCU: Reverb

Cisco Ramon is the biggest wasteman in CW Flash. Getting rid of his abilities, just to design tech that mimics his former abilities to a far lesser degree and hardly works almost made me hate him as much as Iris...Almost. Anyway, this is a fanfic where the MC has the powers of a Viber plus more abilities centered around that powerset... He may or may not jump to DC and smack Cisco upside the head...maybe.

Otaku_Paradox · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Everything was going right for Justin Hammer, he had finally upstaged Tony Stark if only for just a moment. At the Stark Expo, Justin Hammer unveils his latest military drones, each piloted by a version of Rhodes equipped with heavily armed armor derived from Stark's confiscated Mark II suit. However, the event takes a dark turn when it becomes evident that Vanko has gained full control over both the drones and Rhodes's upgraded armor. Stark arrives just in time to witness the chaos as the drones and the hijacked armor launch a devastating assault. 

Citizens ran towards the exits in panic. Iron drew away most of the drones led by Rhodes whose armor Vanko was in control of. Outside the Stark Expo, civilians were running around in terror as the drones rained down bullets and missiles. Iron Man couldn't draw all of them away and the ones that couldn't fly were attacking the civilians and the surroundings.

Suddenly a portal with a violet and black glow appeared in the parking lot above a taxi. An individual dressed in all black with purple accents jumped out and rolled on the ground before and after quickly assessing the situation began taking out drones left and right with powerful violet-black shockwaves that tore the drones apart and reduced them to scrap metal.

Some civilians took note of his presence and that he was defending them and started flocking toward him. Other civilians seeing this followed behind ducking and running as fast as they could. When they got closer they saw what their defender looked like. They were male judging by their build and how they were dressed. His outfit was military themes with black combat boots with dark purple soles and straps, pitch-black combat pants, and short sleeve combat shirt with a symbol of a pulsing beat on his chest. He had black with purple accents gauntlets on his arm that stopped below his elbow, a sleeveless combat jacket with a hood, and his face was covered by a mask that ended just above his nose and he wore black goggles with slits that glowed violet. 


He looks and sees a cluster of two dozen drones incoming. He compresses a ball of pure warp energy and tosses it at them and then creates a field of vibrations t protect the people behind him from any spare shrapnel that might make it out of the blast radius. The lead drone tries to shoot the approaching orb down but the missiles are absorbed into the orb. The drones tried to escape but Reverb wills it to detonate. It first releases a pulse or force and then immediately draws the drones in and compressed them around it before there are sucked into it and it begins to glow. Reverb flicks his hand up and the orb ascends before detonation so bright that for a split second, it is midday. 

See no more drones in the area he turned to citizens behind him."That seems to be the last of them in this area. Get in your cars and get out of the area." he said his voice having a low hum to it. The civilians thanked him profusely and a mother carrying an infant hugged him and thanked him with tears in her eyes.

He nodded and accepted their thanks. A few of them didn't have vehicles and came to the expo with either a cab or a bus. He opened a portal that took them a decent distance away from the area. After all the civilians had been evacuated. He approached one of the downed drones. A capable extended from his gauntlet and a holographic keyboard appeared above the drone. He hacked into the drone to find the location of the signal controlling them and had it within seconds which caused him to cuckle a bit at the ease of the hack. He tapped the side of his goggles and a hud appeared he pulled up coordinates for Hammer Industries and opened a portal to get to the source of the signal that controlled the drones.

-Reverb Pov-

Hammer Industries Headquarters is the main Hammer Industries facility, located in Queens, New York City. Inside the lobby a dark purple with a black tintportal that looked similar to a flowing whirlpool of water with a mirror in the center. I walked out of the portal and glanced around the lobby. I released pulses of vibrations from my foot which related to the layout of the building and had all the info constructed on my hud display through my googles. giving me the full schematics within seconds. 

My name is Gabriel Newgate, 18 year old orphan and I'm a reincarnator of sorts. I'm currently six foot one with a lean but muscular build. I have crimson hair and red eyes with a purple hue. I can't remember my old name and I've gotten too used to the new current one to care. I remember dying of injuries I suffered in an accident and meeting a being who covered me with a proposition. He would reincarnate me but on the condition that I pick three boons he has never been requested of him and that my new life would be more entertaining than the last.

I ask for the abilities of a Viber from the DC universe, to give me as much talent and potential as he could with those abilities and remove the weakness of the anti-monitor crisis. He agreed but any strength I earned from those abilities I'd have to earn.

Vibers possess the unique ability to manipulate dimensional energy, a power derived from their altered DNA and physiology. This connection to the natural energies of reality grants them a range of extraordinary abilities. Through a psychic link to the vibrations of the multiverse, vibers can manipulate dimensional energies to achieve various effects. They can harness these vibrations for tasks such as creating barriers, enhancing their physical abilities, or disrupting the molecular structure of objects. Vibers possess an innate sense of dimensional awareness, allowing them to perceive events across time, space, and alternate realities.

This ability, known as "vibing," grants them insight into the past, present, and future, as well as glimpses into parallel dimensions and even the enigmatic Speed Force. Moreover, Vibers can communicate with individuals across different dimensions through this connection. Leveraging their natural affinity with the multiverse, Vibers can manipulate dimensional energies to open portals to other dimensions. This enables them to traverse vast distances instantaneously and explore alternate realities or access resources from different worlds. Vibers share a mental connection with others of their kind, allowing them to observe and communicate with each other through their shared powers. This connection fosters a sense of unity among Vibers and facilitates coordination in their endeavors. As masters of dimensional energy, Vibers can project powerful blasts of sonic or concussive vibrations from their hands. These blasts can shatter barriers, incapacitate opponents, or even disrupt the fabric of reality itself, making Vibers formidable combatants in any confrontation. Overall, the combination of their dimensional abilities and mastery over vibration makes Vibers versatile and potent individuals, capable of navigating the complexities of the multiverse and potentially shaping reality to their will.

I knew I'd need a strong physique to bring out the full potential of a Viber ability and anything like the super soldier serum, Kryptonian physiology, and gamma powers were already pretty overused and most likely something this being has granted before. I then recalled a species from an anime called Magi known as the Fanalis. I remember the smile on his face when I went two for two with a request that had never been made. The being had chucked and the surrounding space vibrated. 

The Fanalis, originally known as the Red Lions in their native land of Alma Torran, possessed a formidable and distinctive appearance. Their physical form resembled that of a strange beast, characterized by skin as tough as steel and a vibrant crimson hue. However, their journey to a new world saw them undergo a transformation, adopting the guise of humans with striking red hair and eyes, all while retaining their exceptional strength.

Despite their human-like appearance in the new world, the Fanalis retain a deep connection to their origins. The Fanalis possess physical attributes that far surpass those of ordinary humans, cementing their status as the most formidable race in the world. Their strength and senses are unparalleled, allowing them to achieve feats that defy conventional limits. 

Their extraordinary physical abilities extend beyond mere strength. Fanalis individuals possess the agility to leap to incredible heights and the raw power to shatter even the toughest of metals. Their movements are as swift as lightning, capable of delivering devastating blows that can incapacitate even the mightiest beasts with a single strike.

In essence, the Fanalis embody the pinnacle of superhuman physical prowess, wielding their unparalleled strength and agility with unrivaled skill and precision.

With powers and physique down I used the last boon to retain my past knowledge. That being said that would defeat the purpose of a new life and made me an offer. Instead, he would strengthen my soul and align my abilities with whatever world he sent me to so that any being on the cosmic scale that scans my soul wouldn't sense his tampering or that I had reincarnated from a different universe. I would retain any memories I possess of the world I reincarnate into as long as a trigger was given. Any other memories would be deleted.

In my new life, I was what would be called a training junkie, I was always trying to get stronger for some reason. But I was also a smart kid. The matrons called me s genius..also a delinquent but a genius. I had a gift for remembering whatever I learning and the creativity to implement it in my way which was a nice balance considering my talent in destroying things with my fist. Thanks to my Fanalis genes I grew faster and gained muscles with ease. When puberty hit my abilities a Viber awakened and basic knowledge of the ability flooded my head. I spent a few months sneaking out at midnight from the orphanage to increase my familiarity with them. My Fanalis genes kicked into turbo around puberty my strength and senses increased exponentially and I knew I could no longer play with the other kids. It took a while to get my strength under control but I did. I learned combat from watching action movies and MMA tournaments when I could.

I figured out I was in the MCU when Tony Stark announced he was Iron Man to the world in 2010. And after securing the PC I was using researched for the rest of the future Avengers. Only info on Captain America and Hulk was available but the battle of Harlem hasn't occurred yet and Thor is still considered a myth. My hacking and security were good, hell phenomenal but I wasn't researching shit about the Widow or The Archer at that time lest SHIELD showed up at the door. I made my vigilante (according to the news) debut a month after that to gain combat experience and adapt to using my powers in a combat scenario. I learned quickly. Fighting or combat in general just came naturally to me, I adapted seamlessly to any scenario mid-combat and my talent as a Viber showed how fast I was mastering those abilities. 

I used the money I took from drug dealers and other criminals I fought to renovate the inside of an abandoned building with the tech and security I would need for my crime-fighting career. I moved out of the orphanage since I proved a long time ago I was competent on my own. The matrons think I live in an apartment in Queens and I do pop in now and then to pay rent and it has all the living necessities for when I drop by. But most of my time these past five months since my debut has been spent in my hide-out.

I feel a presence behind me and Instinctually my hand whips out and I charge a vibe blast.

"Wait same side tiger," said a sultry voice. I looked back at the source of the voice and saw the Widow herself in all her curvaceous glory. With her hands up.

Natasha Romanoff, known as the Black Widow, epitomizes allure and mystique with every sleek movement. Her piercing gaze, framed by cascading locks of fiery red, holds a captivating depth, hinting at the secrets she guards behind those emerald eyes. With a figure sculpted by years of rigorous training, she moves with feline grace, each step exuding confidence and a hint of danger. Clad in her signature form-fitting black suit, every curve accentuated by the sleek fabric, Natasha embodies elegance and lethal precision. Her attire, both practical and alluring, speaks to her ability to seamlessly blend into any environment, whether she's infiltrating enemy strongholds or navigating the corridors of power with effortless grace.

But it's not just her physical prowess that draws attention—it's the air of enigma that surrounds her, the sense that beneath the composed exterior lies a complex tapestry of emotions and experiences. There's an undeniable magnetism to her presence, a subtle allure that beckons those around her to lean in closer, to unravel the layers of mystery that shroud the Black Widow.

Natasha Romanoff stands as a singular figure—a femme fatale whose charm and cunning are as formidable as her combat skills. She is the embodiment of strength, resilience, and undeniable sensuality, a force to be reckoned with in every sense of the word. 

Behind her was Happy Hogan also with his hands up. The purple glow on my left hand receded and I lowered it. Seeing this Widow lowered her hand. 

-Black Widow POV-

So this was the new vigilante that had Fury scratching his head. He popped up a few months ago and wiped out over a dozen well-known and well-established gangs in and around Queens. Fury had tried to get SHIELD agents to keep tabs on him and figure out who was behind the mask but he was fast and covered his track well. He could be in another state in seconds and leave no trail that could be followed. Fury had SHIELD agents working on a tracking system for the portals some eyewitnesses have seen him appear and leave through but they currently lacked the expertise.

She had seen the aftermath of his work and knew he didn't mind killing if necessary. Based on some footage they managed to get from his first month he was strong enough to make a grown man's shoulders touch when he punched them and he still seemed to be holding back.

His outfit had changed three times. At first, he just wore a hood, goggles, and gloves with steel-toe boots. Then he developed his suit and then his gauntlet and mask were added.

Now she finally meets him and her intuition almost screams of danger if provoked. His stance showed his guard was still up. She'd need to use this moment to assess him and convince him to potentially have a sit down with Fury.

-Omniscient POV-

A group of armed guards approached the group with stun batons, but before either Widow or Happy could react, Reverb exploded forward with an arm outstretched like a spear and plowed through all the approaching guards in one motion. Some flew up and hit the ceiling, others the wall on either side of the corridor, and one unlucky guard flew back to the end of the corridor. All of them ended up on the ground moaning in pain and clutching broken or fractured body parts.

Reverb entered an elevator followed by Widow when happy was about to follow Widow stopped him.

"Keep the car running" Happy nodded secretly relieved. As Happy dashed back to the car the elevator door closed and headed down. 

"So what's the plan, Tiger" 

"Hmm, don't you have one already"

"Sure, but what, not to love about a man that takes charge," she said in a sultry tone.

Reverb wondered what angle she was playing. Was she trying to befriend him in hopes of a successful recruitment pitch later? Or perhaps lower his guard so she could bring him into SHIELD when he least expected it. There was the off chance she just wanted a piece of a fine specimen like himself but...probably not.

"The signal controlling the drones is coming from the systems on the lower sub-levels. That's also where the guards are armed with guns instead of stun batons like upstairs. So once we're there stay behind me red"

"Aw you worried about me"

Reverb rolled his eyes under his goggles. The elevator doors opened and revealed armed guards as expected. The guards opened fire almost immediately. Widow remembered what Reverb said and stood behind him. Reverb held up his hand and created a solid wall of vibrations that absorbed the inertia from the bullets making them fall to the floor.

The soldier looked at their guns and then at Reverb in disbelief before trying to reload their guns. Reverb charged in and jumped over the first two guards. He grabbed the faces of the two behind them and slammed their heads into the floor rendering them unconscious. Widow burst into action as well. She tossed two thin metal disks at the feet of one of the guards and currents of electricity erupted from the disk and had him spasming but unable to fall as his body had locked up. 

She evaded a punch from the other guard, grabbed the now outstretched arm, wrapped her leg around his neck and in one motion she was on his back. She pressed the device on her wrist against his neck and shocked him as well with a quick jolt that brought him to his knees. She jumped off his back and kicked him in the face taking him out.

When she locked to where Reverb had been fighting she saw unconscious bodies littering the hallway, one guard was stuck in the vents head first. Reverb was nowhere to be seen and the room at the end of the hallway was opened. 

Widow walked forward avoiding the downed bodies and entered the room. She found Revered typing away on a holo-keyboard and two guards hanging from the vents.

"Vanko is gone. There's a tunnel that takes from this room to Hammer's private hanger."

On the monitor, a cluster of blips could be seen arriving at a location where Stark and Rhodey were fighting. 

"Damn, can you disable the drones and get Rhodey back in control."

Reverb kept typing away. Then suddenly Rhodey's blip went off and then came back on.

"Rhodey's back in control"

Widow touched her earpiece and had a short conversation with Stask she refocused her attention to Reverb.

"What about the drones"

"I already took care of the ones at the Expo but I'll do a final sweep in a sec. The ones headed to Starks location I can trigger them to detonate. Except for one that I believe is Vanko. That one is set to detonation the moment his health deteriorates to s certain level."

Widow scrunched her brow a bit. 

"I'll set the drone's detonation for ten minutes. That's how long Stark and Rhodey have to beat Vanko and clear out. I'm going to the Expo and sweep for stragglers and civilians."

"Mmm~ look at you taking charge. I'll monitor Stark from hear- how do I stay in touch should anything go wrong"

Reverb tapped his gauntlet and linked her comms. He tapped his gauntlet again to start the countdown. He then opened a breach to the Expo and jumped through.

Widow watches him go before heading over to the monitors to observe. 

"Stark you got incoming. Drones thirty seconds out"

"I know"

"And less than ten minutes to wrap this up. The drone will drones in nine minutes and forty-two seconds. And Vanko is four minutes out"

"Got it. Thank you, Agent Romanov"

~Small Time Skip~

A breach opened next to Widow and Reverb walked out.

"Civilians are clear"

"Good, Stark and Rhodey beat Vanko"

"Let's go"

Reverb opened a breach and jumped through. Widow hesitated before following. The breach leads to the entrance. Happy was in the car ready to go. She saw Reverb looking at a holographic countdown with 10 seconds remaining. The projection collapsed and he opened another breach preparing to leave the scene.

"Wait Tiger," said Widow making him pause his movements and look at her. " You're just gonna leave a girl without saying anything.

"What's there to say? Job's done" he replies as an explosion echoes in the distance.

"Quite the entrance you made back there. You handle yourself well in a tight spot."

"Always had a knack for getting out of sticky situations. Comes with the territory, I suppose."

She steps closer observing him intently "Resourceful. I like that."

He raises his brow although it can't be seen. "Flattery coming from you? I must be doing something right."

She chuckles softly "Don't let it get to your head. I'm simply acknowledging talent when I see it."

Reverb somewhat curious asks." So, what's next on your agenda? "

Black Widow pauses, considering her words "Actually, I was thinking about extending an invitation. You've proven yourself useful tonight. Would you be interested in working together again? "

Reverb feigns nonchalance "Tempting offer. But I've got my own thing going on. Can't exactly drop everything to join whatever organization you're a part of.

Widow smirks knowingly "Fair enough. But remember, alliances can be valuable. You never know when you might need a friend in high places."

Reverb grins under his mask" Point taken. I'll keep that in mind."

Black Widow steps closer, her gaze piercing "Until we meet again, then."

He nods, meeting her gaze "Until next time, Red.". He then turns around and jumps through the breach, which is close behind him.

Widow touched her coms and a voice came through.


"He said he'd consider it"

"So a maybe then?"

"Seems so"

"Better than a no. I want a full report when you get in"

"Yes sir"