
Marvel login system (In Pause)

Arthur Morgan is an ordinary adult who ended up in the chaotic Marvel universe. He just wanted to be a discreet writer and make money from his books. It also has a 'cheat'. A daily login system. As the name suggests, whenever he logs in once a day he gains something from the system, ranging from skills to completely useless items. … One day, Arthur found a blonde girl passed out at the door of his house. "Why the hell is there a girl passed out on my doorstep!?" ---------------- If you want to read advanced chapters, take a look at my Patreon. patreon.com/Supreme_Dragon_God Any fanfics I work on in the future will be updated first there and then here on WN If you want to join the Discord server just use this link: https://discord.com/invite/GSddex8xhY

Supreme_Dragon_God · Tranh châm biếm
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73 Chs


Mônaco Street Race.

Race events like this are held by racing enthusiasts or thrill-seekers who come here to have fun.

Originally, it was a small circle.

So even though Arthur was here, it didn't attract much attention.

On the contrary, Gwen and Jean who were brought by Arthur caused many people to come over to toast and start a conversation.

However, after confirming that they were friends of Tony Stark, the others also left.

"It seems that in this place, you two are more popular than me."

Arthur looked at the two girls beside him with a smile, Gwen smiled and didn't say much, and Jean said, "People like these extreme sports, I don't think they read books much."

"I guess so."

The two looked at each other, they were comforting Arthur.

At this time, Tony, who arrived early, came with Pepper and Happy, and there was Black Widow beside Pepper.

Arthur recognized SHIELD's strongest female agent at a glance.

Next is a group of women, a group of bosses, Happy wanted to have a drink with Black Widow

"How about it, are you interested in playing a game together? What I said is that we'll play together later."

"The car is ready."

Tony pointed to the two F1 cars on the big screen.

"Miss Potts will let you run?"

"But of course, she doesn't know I'm going to play, how is she interested?"

Arthur thought for a while and everyone came.

It's not interesting to compare.

"But before that, Tony, your old enemy is here."

Old enemy?

Tony didn't remember any old enemies he had, but he still looked in the direction Arthur pointed.

Suddenly, his face became playful.

"It's him, but he's not an old enemy."

"I think he wanted to bring a reporter to interview me and highlight his relationship with me."

"Actually, everyone knows I don't know him very well."

It was none other than Justin Hammer, the president of Hammer Industries, who was defeated by Tony in the hearing.

He also controls a military company, but his talent is far inferior to Tony's.

But this guy was prescient, he was copying Tony and trying to surpass him.

For example, today, his hairstyle and style of dress are the same as Tony.

Only the hair color is different.

Tony couldn't help but complain, "For the first time, I feel like I have bad taste, seriously, Arthur."

Arthur smiled and said nothing.

The person following Justin Hammer was a journalist with a recording pen in his hand.

After the two got closer, Justin Hammer put his arms around Tony's neck as if he really knew him very well.

Tony was in a good mood during this recent incident.

"Hello, Tony."

"We haven't seen each other since the hearing, how are you?"

As he spoke, he motioned for Tony to look at the camera.

But soon, Justin Hammer unfortunately discovered that the reporter was on his shoulders and refused to be interviewed.

Instead, someone else was interviewed.

Tony scoffed at the right time, "Oh, look."

"It seems that the reporter someone brought has changed his mind."

Why do you say that? Because Tony observed for a while and discovered a fact that shocked him.

The reporter brought by Justin Hammer was one of his previous prey.

But it was only a matter of one night.

Obviously, Justin Hammer is not only learning from Tony, but also picking up the trash that Tony throws away.

The idea of becoming a companion to this kind of person.

Tony felt a little nauseous.

"Hey, shouldn't you be interviewing me and him?"

"Interviewing you about the cancellation of the order by the Ministry of Defense?"

Every time Tony spoke, it was as if he stuck a knife in Justin Hammer's heart.

The Ministry of Defense only found out after the last hearing that they had been deceived by Justin Hammer.

This guy didn't develop any battle mecha.

They were all failures.

That's why they canceled the orders immediately.

Justin Hammer's face was dark and scary, but the reporter he brought ignored him completely.

Instead, he looked at Arthur with a nymphomaniac look: "Hello, are you Mr. Morgan?"

Arthur nodded with a smile, "It's me."

"That's great, I'm a big fan of your books."

"Can you sign it for me, please?"

As she said this, the reporter smiled charmingly, "But I don't have anything to sign right now. If you don't mind, I'll go back to the hotel bookstore to find you tonight."

This kind of implication is so obvious that it couldn't be more obvious.

Justin Hammer was even more perplexed.

Isn't this like openly betraying him?

Although it was just for fun, at least this woman was brought by himself.

Tony laughed out loud watching the excitement.

For this kind of woman, Arthur honestly wasn't interested at all, and directly refused.

The reporter was surprised.

His seduction...

Was it a failure?

Justin Hammer finally couldn't help but speak: "I remember you, one of the greatest writers of our time."

"Hello, my name is Justin Hammer, but unfortunately I haven't read any of your books."

"It's okay, obviously your girlfriend has read it, you can ask her to explain it to you tonight."

"That way she won't bother me."


Upon hearing Arthur's answer, Tony finally couldn't help but laugh.

Not far away, Pepper heard Tony's mocking laugh, frowned and turned around: "Tony, what are you doing?"

"It's not gentlemanly of you to laugh like that."

Tony immediately said: "It's okay, Arthur and I had a happy event."

"Okay~ but don't laugh!"

Tony forced a smile back.

If emotions have a color right now, Justin Hammer's face must be Green's.

And it's so green that it glows.

"Let's go!"

He picked up the reporter directly and left.

"Come on, the game is about to start."

"But let's sneak over there."

Tony quietly left the hall with Arthur.

Not far away, Gwen quickly realized that Tony and Arthur had left the hall and was about to ask Arthur where he was going.

"Gwen, leave them alone."

Jean's voice immediately rang in Gwen's mind, and she stopped her movements.

Jean, on the other hand, continued talking to Pepper about other matters with a blank expression, while Happy stood beside Black Widow.

He held two glasses of wine in his hand.

Black Widow knows Arthur, and she also knows Jean.

It is precisely because of this acquaintance that she now wonders why she is so close to Arthur.

The relationship between the two seems to be very unusual.

There was even that unidentified blonde girl.

But curiosity is curiosity, these people are not within the scope of her mission, so naturally, she does not have many thoughts about them.

It's best to report to Nick Fury when the time comes.


At the same time.

Tony took Arthur to his garage, where there are two F1 cars.

"Do you like this color?"

Tony rarely let others choose first.

Arthur chose White directly, and Blue was Tony's.

"Then change your clothes and get ready to have fun."

After the two changed their clothes, they seemed to be getting ready to get in the car and were quickly synchronized with the lounge by the camera.

Pepper, who was drinking, saw Tony racing!

Also with Arthur.

Immediately, she got angry, because she had told Tony to maintain a gentlemanly attitude.

But at that moment, she didn't want to continue being a lady anymore.

Looking straight at Happy: "Didn't you say you would keep watch? How did he end up in the race?"

As Tony's good friend, Harpy definitely wants to help Tony hide it at this point.

"I don't know either!"

"He told me to come and see..."

Pepper was very tired.

Looking at Jean: "Sorry, I didn't know he would take Mr. Morgan to play such a dangerous sport."

Gwen looked innocent and harmless: "Is it dangerous?"

"Arthur drives like that a lot in New York..."

Pepper's expression changed, and then she became even more speechless.

Co-authoring is the same hobby, right? Just now she thought that Tony dragged Arthur there.

Gwen and Jean were the ones who sat on Arthur.

So they have great confidence in Arthur.

"Miss Potts, who do you think will win this game?"

"It's definitely going to be Tony!"

If you cause trouble, you'll cause trouble; if you're unhappy, you'll be unhappy.

But when it comes to matters of manhood, Pepper doesn't turn to others.

In her mind, it was definitely Tony who could win.

"I think Arthur will win."

The two women immediately reached a consensus and toasted each other kindly.

A bet is set in the invisible.

Only Gwen still had a curious look on her face.

Why does something strange seem to have happened, but it doesn't seem like it happened?

But that doesn't matter anymore, Arthur's competition is about to begin.

Gwen immediately found Arthur's car, and when the countdown ended, all the cars rushed out like arrows.

Everyone had their hands on the steering wheel.

Only Arthur has one hand. Even though he's wearing a helmet, he still looks relaxed and calm.

This scene is definitely invisible to the people in the hall.

After a few detours and a straight run, Arthur quickly came to first place.

While driving, Arthur still had time to observe the road conditions.

"Strange, according to this schedule, that guy with the whip should show up, right?"

Ivan Vanko, the villain of Iron Man 2, whose father Anton Vanko was a scientist at SHIELD and studied the Ark reactor with Howard Stark.

However, he was expelled because of his evil intentions and stole the blueprints when he left.

And signed his name on the blueprint drawing.

Before his death, he also told his son that the Stark family were thieves.

So Ivan Vanko wanted to take revenge on Tony, and the place of his revenge was on the street race track in Morocco.

Of course, Arthur soon noticed that there was a commotion in the audience.

Not far away, a person wearing a work uniform walked to the center of the track, picked up two shiny whips, and rubbed sparks on the ground.

The clothes on his body were also burned at high temperatures because of the device.

The electrical current equipment on him was exposed.

The most notable of these is the ark reactor on his chest.

Arthur was the first, and the figure quickly entered Ivan Vanko's eyes.

Ivan is now killing people indiscriminately. Seeing that number one is approaching, he simply swung his whip.

The terrifyingly high temperature in the whip can split an F1 car in half.

Just as the whip was about to fall, Arthur passed Ivan with a beautiful drift flick and stopped not far behind him.

Before Ivan could recover, the next car arrived.

Ivan repeated the action just now, and this time, he finally hit it, which caused the F1 car to flip over.

Both the auditorium and the conference room were in an uproar at that moment.

Pepper immediately asked Happy to go to the track to pick up Tony.

How else can I say that Tony loves Pepper, and only Pepper would risk her life to save him without hesitation.

Gwen was also anxious.

But it's a pity that she didn't bring her suit this time, but in order to save Arthur, she doesn't care if she ends up exposing herself.

Jean stopped Gwen immediately: "Arthur is fine, don't worry."

"Let's go there first."

"Okay, Jean."

Soon, Tony's car also appeared not far away. Seeing Tony approaching, Ivan smiled as if his plan had succeeded.

He wanted to just split Tony in half right here.

Tony's driving skills are not blocked, although the last attack on the whip rope also caused a rollover.

But at least his life was saved.

After getting out of the car, the whip rope attacked him again.

Each time, he dodged the whip attack to the limit.

Arthur got out of the car without rushing, help Tony?

Obviously not.

Because at that moment a car flew by and hit the whip rope directly.

Tony recognized at a glance that it was his own car, inside it were Happy and Pepper.

Tony immediately shouted, "Give me that red briefcase, hurry!"

After some tugging, Pepper finally threw the Mark 5 briefcase away.

After using the Mark 5, the triangular energy symbol on the chest lit up.

Arthur was a little curious, "It looks a little different from the Mark 5 in the movie."

The Mark 5 is originally a portable armor made by Tony for emergencies, but it lacks functionality.

The appearance is also crude.

But the current Mark 5 doesn't look bad at all in terms of appearance.

Soon, Arthur understood what was going on, because Tony had discovered the new element in advance.

The power is higher, unlike before, you need to strengthen your body, and there are energy problems.

Except for the new version of the Mark 5, which is not equipped with powerful artillery weapons.

Soon the whip was overpowered.

Tony's armor did not suffer any damage.

After disconnecting the energy device on Ivan's chest, according to JARVIS's analysis, this thing is the Ark Reactor.

After crushing the reactor in his hand, Tony walked over to Arthur: "It seems you've won this game."

"I'm definitely number one."

At this time, Jean and Gwen also drove over and sensed: "Arthur, are you okay?"

"Arthur, who was that person just now?"

Not far away, Ivan was taken away by the security guards at the scene, Arthur looked at Tony: "It must be some enemy of Tony's."

Gwen glared at Tony angrily.

He was the one who almost hurt Arthur.

Tony waved his hands innocently, "I don't know him, he might be a terrorist or something."

"Just go see him."


In prison.

Tony appeared in the cell where Ivan was being held, his face full of wounds.

Arthur is here too.

There is no reason, just curiosity to watch the show.

"Tony Stark, you two, father and son, are thieves."

"The palladium poisoning will eventually kill you in a horrible way."

Ivan smiled cruelly, but Tony seemed calm.

This made Ivan's smile stop abruptly, "Aren't you worried about your palladium poisoning?"

"Why worry? I've already researched a new element for replacement."

When Arthur and Tony left the cell, they could still hear Ivan's piercing curses from inside.

Obviously the other party cannot accept such an outcome...

(End of chapter)


Believe it or not, it was only now that I realized that I forgot to update here on WN yesterday 🫠🫠

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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