
Marvel: I am Sukuna

"If I want to eat, I eat. If I see an eyesore, I kill it. And if it entertains me, I throw it a bone." After a hopeless accident, Kai awakens his waited system alongside a revelation of his purpose in this new world. ===================== A/N: It has a gritty start alongside a mellow tuning of his character. Stick around to find out more! Join in my patreon for additional chapters! https://www.patreon.com/broskiii

Andrew_Basnet · Tranh châm biếm
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42 Chs


"Rogue, it's finally nice to see you in person. I've heard a lot about you..." Magneto barely managed to stand up, stressing the effect his machine had on his body.

Being the literal 'battery' and source of the device, the machine not only stressed him physically and mentally but it also drained his life as well. Making him weaker and frail the more he used it.

Rogue stood, feeling the weight of Magneto's gaze upon her. His eyes, though tired, still held an intense spark of determination. "You're probably wondering why you're here," he continued, his voice steady but strained. "And why we need you."

Rogue stood silently, not letting a single word out of her lips. Her body and mind were already too exhausted to process anything else.

Magneto gave a weak smile, gesturing for her to come closer. "Your powers, Rogue. They are unique. You have the ability to absorb the abilities and life force of others and I need your powers to help our brothers and sisters, who have been discriminated against and hated for just being themselves."

Rogue's barely let out a whisper, "I never asked for these powers."

"None of us asked for the gifts we were given," Magneto replied, his tone turning somber. "But we have them nonetheless, and it is up to us to decide how to use them. My machine," he motioned weakly to the contraption behind him, "was designed to amplify my powers, to ensure that mutants would no longer live in fear. But it takes a toll on me. If you were to absorb my abilities, even temporarily, you could power the machine."

Rogue recoiled at the thought. "You want me to use my powers on you?"

"Just enough to help me," Magneto said softly. "We are fighting for a future where mutants can live freely, without persecution. I know it's a lot to ask, but you could be the one to make that future possible."

Rogue felt the weight of his words, the enormity of the decision pressing down on her. She had spent so long running from her powers, from the pain and fear they caused. But here, Magneto was offering her a chance to use them for something greater

A glimmer of hope shined in her eyes, If there was a way to end this torment she had to take the step that no one else had dared to.

She stretched her hands, grabbing Magneto's arm. As soon as her skin made contact with his, the familiar, terrifying surge of energy coursed through her. She felt Magneto's memories, his thoughts, and his powers, flooding into her. Her hair floated upwards, crackling with the stolen energy. Magneto began to squeal in pain, feeling his power drain away from him.

The surrounding men, including Fisk, watched in horror and fascination. Fisk's expression turned from curiosity to alarm as he realized the extent of Rogue's abilities. His confidence wavered, and he gestured to one of his men to intervene.

One of Fisk's henchmen grabbed a wooden stick and struck Rogue's arm. The blow caused her to gasp, breaking her concentration, but she held on. Seeing that the first strike didn't stop her, the henchman hit her again, this time in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her and throwing her to the ground.

Rogue curled up in pain, her body trembling from the dual impact of the blows and the power she had absorbed. Magneto collapsed as well, weakened and drained, his face ashen.

"That's enough!" Magento bellowed, his voice booming through the chamber.

The henchman stepped back, the wooden stick still clutched tightly in his hand. Rogue lay on the ground, gasping for breath, her mind a whirlwind of Magneto's thoughts and her own fear. She had wanted to end Magneto's reign of terror, but now, she found herself at the mercy of Fisk and his men as her consciousness faded.

"Get her in the device," Magneto said as he struggled his way back into his chair, Fisk glanced at the state of the man he thought was invincible with a smirk,

"Are you sure she has absorbed your powers?" 

"Indeed." Magneto nodded when all of a sudden the guns the henchmen were holding onto floated out of their hands and pointed at everyone in the room, including Fisk. With a slight click, Magneto loaded a bullet into the barrel of one of the floating guns, his eyes narrowing with a deadly seriousness.

"I hope you're not thinking of going back on our deal, Mr. Fisk?" Magneto's voice was cold and steady, despite his weakened state. The sight of the floating guns caused the henchmen to freeze, and their confidence shattered.

Fisk's smirk faltered, replaced by a wary look. "Of course not, Magneto. Our deal stands."

"Good," Magneto replied, the guns maintaining their aim. "Because despite my current state, I am far from powerless. Rogue, on the other hand," he glanced at her, "can only sustain my powers temporarily, so we better get on with your part of the plan."

Kingpin nodded acknowledging the use Magneto had for him, as Rogue was situated and tied to the machine, "I would like to do a couple of more test runs if you don't mind."

Magneto shrugged as he signaled that he didn't mind what they do with it for now. Instead, he had other things he needed to worry about as of now. For his plans to succeed properly, Fisk was just a help that was necessary at the moment, what happened to them and what they were so desperately preparing to defend against was none of his concern.

His plans were much bigger than some street thugs after all, with Rogue in his hands he could finally act on his plan of turning the members of the government into Mutants themselves, so they could learn what it was like to be hated for powers they couldn't control.

Despite the image he had created around the world, his objective was simple and nothing more than just wanting mutant kind to have their place in the world. A justifiable cause that he wouldn't let anyone come in between.

But the biggest concern he had at the moment was the disappearance of Mystique, Sabertooth, and even Juggernaut who was almost undefeatable. After he had sent them on the mission to stop Fisk's enemy and distract the X-men, he hadn't heard from them since.

The only thing he could think of as to what happened to them was the interruption of his old friend and his group of mutants who could've gotten in their way and had somehow managed to subdue all three of his men.

If his presumption was accurate, he needed to prepare to face the X-men who wouldn't stop until they got their hands on the device and stopped his cause. 

"What the fuck!!" Kingpin's men suddenly yelled grabbing the attention of Magneto as he watched something that left him shocked.