
Marvel God of Blood

After being transformed to be the Blood God of Vampires, the protagonist discovers that he not only can be immortal but also richer than Tony Stark! ------------------ I want to clarify that I do not own the novel. I am simply translating it for fun. Plus, it happens to be one of the good Chinese Marvel fanfictions that I couldn't resist working on. As I translate, I make sure to modify names and remove any occasional offensive remarks, which are very minimal in this particular novel. Read Chapters ahead on p*atreon.com/Atrox_H The original name is "Marvel god of blood god" by Fan's Soul. I don't own the Cover art.

Atrox_H · Tranh châm biếm
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338 Chs

Chapter 185 : Surprise

"A group of wanted criminals who want to fight us too? Hurry up and kill these guys, then break through the Xandar fleet from the right," shouted the Battle Commander, a Two-headed Demon. He looked at the empty left side with disdain. "Nick Fury, a coward, didn't even dare to board the battleship. Is this the kind of person who's worthy of being a Ravager?"

"Kill!" shouted the Ravagers excitedly. Xandar's wealth was not something to be taken lightly.

"Why do you want to kill more enemies?" asked Rocket on the Milano. Star-Lord shouted back while controlling the spacecraft, "I think we should escape."

Gamora shouted, "Shut up! Blood God said he left a trump card here, don't worry."

Star-Lord thought secretly, "In that case, what's the point of the trump card?"

On the main ship, Black Widow Natasha looked at the full-scale war that had already begun and nodded with satisfaction.

Natasha shouted into the communicator, "Cool brother, the army of Ravagers has fallen into the battlefield. You can start."

"Can you change the name? It feels weird," replied a dull voice. The person said nervously, "I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to drive a bike in space in my life."

Natasha shrugged, "I didn't expect that I would become the captain of a main ship. Blood God thinks I have good qualifications and plans to train me to be a commander. To be honest, this wasn't in my life plan at all."

"Everything is changing now. Except for my salary, I don't know if they can raise it this time when I go back, at least I have experience in space." said the man. "By the way, remember to take a few more pictures for me. My daughter wants them."

Natasha smiled and said, "Don't worry, my photography skills have always been good. Please start, Ghost Rider."

"Then let's begin," replied Damon.

Accompanied by this sound, a Chariot shaped like a Bike (Modified Chitauri Chariot) composed entirely of Vibranium appeared in space, and then, the chariot burst into raging flames.

Don't ask why there is fire in space, because it's not ordinary fire, it's Hell fire!

"Space Ghost Rider, here we go," shouted Damon as he grinned and controlled the shuttle to rotate rapidly. Then, the shuttle rushed towards the main ship where the two-headed demon was located like a sharp arrow from the string. All the ships along the way were easily smashed and exploded by it.

"What is that?" shouted the army of Ravagers as they quickly found the lightning-fast shuttle chariot and immediately shot frantically at it, but most of the attacks were easily dodged by the chariot, and even if it hit, it was absorbed by the Vibranium, causing no damage at all.

"I like this chariot," laughed Skull Damon as he crashed into a spaceship from the side, and then flew out from the opposite side. The huge spaceship rumbled and exploded behind.

"What the fuck is that?" exclaimed the army of Ravagers, even Star-Lord and the others were taken aback. Rocket looked at the shuttle that was easy to devise and asked loudly, "Is this for sale? I'm will go bankrupt, I have to buy it even if I have to sell myself."

"You can't buy it even if you sell yourself, that thing is more expensive than a main ship," said Natasha angrily. The shuttle not only used a lot of Vibranium but also added a rune magic circles and various precious materials, making it the perfect crystallization of technology and magic.

In a short time, the shuttle was not far from the main ship where the two-headed demon was located. The two-headed demon was shocked and hurriedly shouted, "Kill it, kill it quickly! Use the main gun, prepare to fire!"

A large number of warships shot at the shuttle chariot, and the main ship even blasted a super beam of light with a diameter of more than ten meters.

Damon smiled disdainfully. With a thought, all the energy absorbed before was turned into power, and the speed of the shuttle chariot soared twice, easily dodging most of the attacks. The shuttle chariot then penetrated the main ship like a bolt of electricity, showing Damon's figure on the opposite side.

The next moment, the main ship rumbled and exploded, and there were steel fragments everywhere.

"It's too powerful! Long live the Blood God!" shouted the army of wanted criminals excitedly. They cheered wildly and controlled the battleships to launch a counterattack, reversing the situation in an instant.

"What kind of shuttle is that? Isn't it too scary?" asked the Nova Corps, stunned. A centurion couldn't help but ask Nova Prime, "Nova Prime, is this shuttle of the Earthlings for sale? It's amazing."

"It's really amazing. This killer is really shocking," said Nova Prime, nodding. After the war, she must ask the Blood God if this shuttle is for sale.

On the Blood Ship, Bert laughed, "Hahaha, isn't my Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon Shuttle powerful?"

Tony's voice came from the communicator, "That's a fucking Vibranium Chariot, it's not some nine days and ten places to ward off the devil. You only came up with the idea. The Vibranium Chariot was made by me, that lunatic, and Banner."

Bert said arrogantly, "Creativity is the most important thing, the three of you are just working for me."

"Fuck off," shouted Tony and Ivan at the same time. Steve laughed next to them, "This thing is really powerful, can it be mass produced?"

"No, the materials are too expensive, and only Ghost Rider can control this thing," said Bert, shaking his head. "Without the demonization of hellfire, this thing is difficult to start, and without an immortal body, it will immediately kill the user after acceleration."

Steve sighed, "That would be a pity."

"It's a pity, but there seems to be a spirit of vengeance on Mephisto's side. I'll get some from him when I get a chance," said Bert. "If there is a group of Ghost Riders, maybe they can demonize the main ship."

Steve laughed, "A Demonized Battleship? That must be interesting."

In Dark Aster, the command room was deadly silent. Some of them stared at the Vibranium Chariot shuttle that kept flashing like electric light outside, while others looked blankly at Collector.

"Didn't you say that we will definitely win?"

Collector became more and more embarrassed. He was about to say something when Ronan raised his weapon and shouted loudly, "I swore when I joined the army that I would destroy Xandar, Kree Warriors, attack."

"Destroy Xandar," shouted the Kree fleet in unison, and followed the Dark Aster and charged aggressively towards the Xandar fleet.

"I..." Collector was about to speak when Ronan looked over coldly and said, "If you dare to say one more word, I will kill you."

Other people in the command room also took up their weapons and looked at Collector with murderous intent. Collector made a gesture of shutting up and felt extremely aggrieved. I just wanted to inspire everyone.

Everyone snorted coldly, "You fucking crow mouth, letting you go on and on, and you're going to be a fart?"

"Ronan is in a hurry, he knows that time is not on his side," Nova Prime shouted. "Xandarians, our allies have taken care of the other armies for us. Now, only the Kree are left. Will we lose?"

"Of course not," all the Xandarians shouted in unison. One-on-one, they are not afraid of the Kree. Otherwise, how could they have been forced to sign a contract?

The old enemies, Xandar and Kree are fighting in space once again.

"Black Bolt, it's time for you to play. Superheroes, Inhumans, you are ready too," Steve shouted. "Left, right, we all won. Now, it's time to destroy the enemy's main ship."

"Yes," everyone agreed loudly. Black Bolt said on his mobile phone, "Gordon, let's go."

"Ok," Gordon didn't talk nonsense. He teleported to the front of the Dark Aster with the Black Bolt. Before the Dark Aster could react, the Black Bolt made a sharp, super-long, high-pitched sound from the middle position, and the sound waves continued to boom towards the Dark Aster.

In just a split second, the Dark Aster's defensive cover was destroyed by the sound waves. Then, the sound waves bombarded the Dark Aster, and the alloy armor was torn apart and smashed. A large number of facilities inside exploded, and countless Krees died tragically.

"This is impossible," In the command room, everyone was swaying, their faces full of disbelief and horror. He destroyed the defense of the Dark Aster and destroyed half of the Dark Aster with a roar. How was this possible? The Ronan Coalition did not know about Black Bolt, and Charlie and Nick Fury had concealed a lot of information about Earth.

"Kill him," Ronan held the handle next to him and roared loudly. A large number of energy beams immediately shot towards Black Bolt, and Gordon immediately teleported away with Black Bolt.

Black Bolt did not continue to attack the Dark Aster. With Gordon's help, he smashed other battleships one after another. To be honest, he was in a pretty good mood. He never dared to speak before, not like this.

"Black Bolt is incredibly powerful," Nova Prime exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement. "Encircle the Kree fleet and don't let them escape," she shouted to her troops.

Nova Prime's use of the word 'escape' reflects her confidence in their ability to win the battle. This confidence is not limited to her alone, but is shared by all members of the allied Earth force.

As she thought to herself, "It's time to establish diplomatic relations with Earth. The Nova Corps is obligated to guide Earth in becoming an orderly interstellar force."

"Although I have seen it before, it is still quite shocking. The Earthlings are truly strong," Nova Prime reflected.

Rocket, who had been sighing repeatedly, turned to look at Star-Lord with a look of contempt. "You're also a person from Earth, why are you so useless?"

Star-Lord responded, "How do I know? By the way, are those really Earthlings? I'm starting to suspect that I don't even have half the Earth blood."

Drax shouted excitedly, "Let's rush towards the Dark Aster! I want to kill Ronan."

Rocket and Star-Lord exchanged glances before controlling their spacecraft and rushing towards the Dark Aster. Ronan may be valuable, but they were determined to take him down.

Just before the Guardians of the Galaxy entered the Dark Aster, a group of superheroes and Inhumans teleported in. An Inhuman quickly sensed their presence and pointed to the right, saying, "The command room is over there."

"Let's go, attack the command room," Doom ordered, leading the group towards the command room. The Kree guards quickly spotted them and called for backup, shooting frantically at the group.

Doom quickly used his magic, creating a portal around the enemy. The portal rapidly shrank inwards, slicing through the Kree and battle robots alike.

"Magic works really well," Electro said enviously. Doom glanced at him and replied, "This is the magic developed by your boss, and it's incredibly useful."

Inhuman Joey melted the front hatch with his powers, and asked curiously, "Why not let Black Bolt continue to bombard the Dark Aster? With Gordon's help, he can destroy it alone."

Electro explained, "Because the Blood God intends to send this Dark Aster to S.W.O.R.D., so that they will have their own spaceship."

"I see," everyone realized. Doom said coldly, "Concentrate on fighting, the enemy is coming again."

"Good," everyone nodded in agreement. Under Doom's leadership, they quickly approached the command room while clearing out the enemy. It is worth mentioning that the reason why Doom took action this time is to seek benefits for the Eastern European Union, so that Eastern Europe will not be ignored by the six permanent members.

In the command room, the panicked voice of a Kree guard came over the communicator, "Accuser, the opponents are too strong, we can't resist them at all, they are about to reach the command room."

Ronan cursed bitterly, "Damn, where does Earth get so many strong people from?"

"I said earlier that there are many superheroes on Earth, but you didn't believe me," Nick Fury said with sarcasm, and everyone glared at him angrily, but couldn't refute his words.

"You follow me to stop those so-called superheroes," Ronan said coldly. "Collector, what cards do you have? Hurry up and use them, otherwise, I'm afraid you won't have a chance," he commanded.

A Ravager sneered, "Maybe he can use his big mouth to say that Earth will win." Everyone laughed, but Collector's face was ashen. He said, "You go block them. This time, we will not lose."

Everyone rolled their eyes and followed Ronan to stop the invaders.

After Joey melted another door, the superheroes confronted Ronan and his group. Doom looked at Ronan and said coldly, "You are Ronan the Accuser?"

"Who are you?" Ronan asked.

"A person who wants your head, and I'll gladly accept it," Doom replied.

Doom stomped his feet, and an invisible energy exploded under Ronan's feet. Although Ronan was able to avoid it in time, he was still disgraced.

"Die," Ronan shouted, raising his omnipotent weapon and shooting a beam of light towards Doom. Doom raised his hand to create a space door, and the beam of light rushed out from behind Ronan, hitting him and sending him flying.

Doom put his hands together, and a huge electric current slammed into Ronan. Ronan let out a shrill scream, as if his whole body was being scorched.

As everyone watched Ronan being easily defeated by Doom, they were shocked and rushed to the rescue.

"Your opponents are us," the superheroes and Inhumans rushed up immediately. Although the opponents were the elites of the three major empires and major forces, they were no match for the high-end force of Earth. The Earth's strength definitely ranks among the universe.

"This Earth is so weird, they can't even get out of the solar system, but their personal strength is terrifying," Collector said anxiously, thinking for a moment before shouting to Kallark and Bill over the communicator, "Deal with the opponent as soon as possible, Dark Aster needs your help."

Kallark ignored Collector, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth and said to Carol, "I really didn't expect you, a woman, to be so strong."

"Are you looking down on women?" Carol asked, furious. An energy wave slammed into Kallark, but he avoided it at a super-fast speed, then appeared in front of Carol as if he had teleported, and punched her fiercely.

Carol grabbed his fist and smashed her head onto his forehead. Even though he had been fighting for a while, he was dizzy from the impact.

'This woman's head is so hard,' he thought to himself, but Carol flew into the air and smashed her head down again, knocking Kallark directly into the ground.