
Marvel: Ghost

Adam, a transmigrated soul who travels to Marvel world, recovers his memories only after his parents were killed, he started a way of vendeta until a friend stops him, now he must return to his normal life as a teenager who is just about to end Highschool, but will he be able to be just a normal boy again? sonner or later he will find himself envolved on this superhero stuff even against his will.

Demon_12 · Tranh châm biếm
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Shadows of Vengeance

In a small apartment at the top of an apartment building in New York, a handsome young man was exercising in a small makeshift gym. Adam was an 18-year-old boy, about 1.87 m tall, with black hair and a well-defined body, his face. He was sharp and masculine and his eyes were supernaturally dark, as if they absorbed the light that surrounded them. After finishing his exercises, the young man took a towel and began to wipe off the sweat while he headed to the shower. In the back of the room, the television murmured the latest news, a report that showed images of shootings, explosions, and fires that had devastated Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens a month ago.

Numerous seemingly innocent warehouses turned out to be drug processing and storage centers, or human treatment centers; and all of them had been dismantled and destroyed in less than 6 months by a single man, an enigmatic emerging vigilante known as Ghost. Title that people gave him since no one had seen his face or heard his voice, as well as because of the set of apparently supernatural abilities that he possessed.

The only image that was available of him and that was currently shown on television was a spoken portrait prepared with the testimonies of the victims rescued by the latter, victims who did not stop babbling about how the bullets seemed to ignore him and how he vanished among the shadows alone facing multiple armed groups using a wide repertoire of knives, blades, and numerous gadgets that seemed taken from the Middle Ages but had been updated with modern technology and converted into lethal weapons in their hands.

The image of a man dressed in a tactical suit and a black trench coat with a hood that shadowed his face was projected on the TV. His figure was reminiscent of a murderer out of a comic or a video game. Who was this ghost? Why was he hiding behind a mask? Why did he fight against organized crime? These were the questions that the entire city asked, but to which no one knew the answer.

Crime rates in New York had reached historic lows during his appearance, were they beginning to increase after a month of his inactivity making people wonder why a masked man was more trustworthy than the police officers who were supposed to protect the city???

Without paying much attention, Adam turned off the television and entered the shower, however, in a corner of the house you could see a black tactical uniform lying around, the same uniform that Ghost wore on television. 8 months had passed since the death of his parents and it was time to move on, he had dedicated the last half year to searching for the culprit and taking revenge and now that he had achieved it, it was time to return to his normal life, in terms of wave of destruction he had left behind and for what he was considered a fierce crime fighter, actually was just collateral damage in his quest for revenge.

Meanwhile, in a hospital room in Manhattan a huge, bald man also watches the news while clenching his fists in anger and hatred, the man who despite appearing to be overweight is an extremely strong man, and his size is due to the large amount of muscle mass it has.

Kingpin, the biggest crime lord in New York, cannot but clench his teeth tightly as he remembers his confrontation with Ghost a month ago, a confrontation where he was completely defeated and humiliated, his life was only spared because his worst enemy Daredevil intervenes to save him.

***** Flashback a month ago *****

In a warehouse on the edge of Brooklyn, illuminated only by the dim light of flickering lamps. Kingpin, the sinister businessman and leader of organized crime, strode in. The armed men in his service greeted him with respect, but his eyes were full of fear.

Kingpin had come to this place to find the man responsible for taking down Ghost, the vigilante who had been destroying his operational bases, causing him enormous financial losses and causing the image of him as a strong and ruthless crime lord to be questioned.

Faced with the inability of his men to capture Ghost, Kingpin had a fit of anger and unleashed a hail of blows against the man in charge of the squad; Just when Kingpin was about to beat him to death, the lights in the warehouse went out, plunging them into darkness, and for a few seconds, everything was silent. After a moment of silence, Kingpin ordered one of his men to find out what was going on and turn the damn lights back on.

At that moment, one of the Kingpin's guards came through the door shouting, the warehouse: "It's here! Ghost is here!" At that moment, a knife flew out of the darkness and pierced the guard's head. The man fell to the ground, dead instantly.

Panic gripped the others who quickly pointed their weapons at the door, but before they could react, Ghost appeared behind them. His figure moved like a shadow, and his speed was surprising. The bullets did not affect him; He vanished like a dark fog.

The men tried to flee, but Ghost cut off all escape routes. One after another, they fell before his relentless violence. Only Kingpin was left standing.

Enraged, the crime lord began attacking Ghost. Kingpin, dressed in his impeccable suit and his staff in hand, moved with surprising agility for his size. His blows were powerful and calculated, each one capable of knocking down walls. However, Ghost was like a shadow, dodging each attack with an almost supernatural grace "Coward!! Stop dodging and face me like a man" Kingpin shouted at him.

"As you wish," Ghost whispered in response.

A blow to the stomach left Kingpin breathless. Then a barrage of punches and kicks stunned him. Ghost was an unstoppable force, The sound of punches and kicks echoed through the warehouse as the two combatants exchanged blows. Kingpin managed to land some hits, but Ghost absorbed the blows and continued fighting without signs of fatigue. Kingpin never imagined that with all his training he would find himself so defenseless against Ghost. He was like a huge punching bag. The strength of his blows didn't matter. the only thing he hit was the air as he received each and every blow from his opponent "Aaaarg!! Damned!!" Kingpin shouted in frustration when, out of nowhere, the lights in the warehouse flickered and went out completely, plunging the fight into darkness. Taking advantage of Kingpin's momentary distraction, Ghost delivered a kick to his jaw that sent him to the ground dazed, followed by a rain of blows leaving him almost unconscious.

Kingpin, dizzy and dazed from the beating, tried to crawl towards a gun lying nearby on the warehouse floor, but before he got very far Ghost grabbed him by the ankle. "Where are you going, idiot? I'm not done with you yet," he whispered before breaking her left leg with a strong stomp.

"aaaarg!!" Kingpin grunted in pain as he held the broken bone.

Just then, the windows of the warehouse broke. Daredevil, another damn plague entered the warehouse, the Kingpin cursed in his mind.

 "Ghost, stop. I won't let you continue with this massacre. If you continue like this you will be no different from them. Justice must prevail, even for someone like Kingpin." Daredevil shouted with a firm voice.

"Justice? Do you think the system can stop someone like him? Trash like him corrupts everything he touches, this has to stop, someone has to do something to stop them and the law will not be that someone" Ghost responded with a mocking smile.

 "We are no different if we act like him. Turn Kingpin over to the authorities. Let the law do his job." Daredevil persuaded: "You are neither a judge nor an executioner. If you cross that line, you will be just like the criminals you chase."

Ghost looked at Kingpin on the ground and then looked up and faced Daredevil "I don't give a damn."

 "So what will you do? Kill him?" Daredevil interrupted "You said it, you wanted revenge, right? You have already found the culprit and you already have your revenge, it is time to stop, if you don't then I will have to stop you myself" Daredevil said while taking out a pair of batons that he used to confront criminals.

Seeing this, Ghost broke Kingpin's right arm with a quick movement, at that moment Daredevil's attack came, sending him back a couple of meters, he stopped for a moment trying to say something else to Ghost to stop him but He did not give him a chance, with superhuman speed he quickly attacked Daredevil who, guided by his heightened senses, was barely able to dodge his blows, however this did not last long, despite his rich experience in battles and his keen senses, Daredevil He soon felt overwhelmed by the speed and force of Ghost's attacks, one after another strong blows fell on Daredevil's body, stunning and injuring him, but Daredevil couldn't help but feel a little hope, Ghost was holding back, he knew very well. Well as Ghost fought, he knew that a blow with all his strength would be difficult for someone like him to bear, one blow from Ghost would have been enough to send him flying through the warehouse, even so, the pain was terrible and the damage was every time. older, he had come here to stop the boy, if Ghost was a boy of no more than 18 years old, that's what his super hearing told him, and that's why he was trying so hard to stop him, he didn't want the revenge and fury They consumed someone so young, but it turned out to be a difficult fight.

Just when Daredevil was wandering in his thoughts, Ghost cornered him in a corner of the warehouse, leaving him with no escape from his blows. Even so, beaten and battered, Daredevil remained standing, perhaps by sheer force of will.

"why the hell are you doing it?" Ghost seemed to notice this so he stopped. "What the fuck do you expect to accomplish with this?" asked.

"Nothing, I just want to help a boy who lost himself" Daredevil responded with a smile when he heard the doubt in Ghost's voice.

"Well, your desire, I'll let you take care of him, but I want to clarify that all future victims of this garbage will be your responsibility, all the blood that is spilled because of him from now on will also be in your hands," Ghost warned. before walking away in the direction of Kingpin, when Daredevil saw him he wanted to stop him for fear that he would do something he might regret, but his battered body did not allow him to do anything other than watch the scene that was unfolding in front of him.

He watched as Ghost approached Kingpin and whispered something in his ear. Then, a blow to the jaw left the crime leader unconscious, then he stood up and walked towards the shadows, fading between them, seeing him walk away, Daredevil sighed helplessly and then took his phone and dialed one of his closest friends. nearby to help him clean up the mess Ghost had left behind.

*****End of Flashback*******

Seeing the cast around his left leg and right arm plus the ridiculous neck brace on him he can't help but remember the last words Ghost gave him before disappearing into the shadows.

"Remember that I will always be watching, I already came for you once, and I promise, next time there will be no force to stop me."

Remembering the man who put him in this situation, he couldn't help but curse and throw everything within his reach. After a few moments of uncontrolled rage, Kingpin managed to calm down and called his assistant, whom he asked to put everything in order and tell him. Get a damn lawyer to get you out of this mess.

No matter what situation he finds himself in, he's Kingpin and this isn't going to affect any of his plans, and as for whoever put him in this hospital, he's leaving. To be sure to repay this damn debt in full.

"It doesn't matter where you hide Ghost, I'm going to find you and make you pay for messing with me," says Kingpin, squeezing his fist tightly.