

Rudra(Ryan) Angelo had a secret he had memories of his past life, but his life was otherwise fine but after realizing he was in Marvel world and soon the death of his parents he struggles between his desire for revenge and finding the purpose of his life as his journey leads him to possibilities beyond he could have ever imagined. AN- The first and second volume sets up the background for the story, so please bear with me a little. PS- I do not claim any ownership to Marvel and all rights to the original belong to relevant studios.

NPCthatKILLS · Tranh châm biếm
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V3 Chapter 41 - Stacy?


After the talk with Mom, it became certain that I would be going to school, and we were called by Dad to have dinner.

Seated on the dinner table we had our food when Dad started to speak.

"So, you're finally going to school?"

"Yes." (Ryan)

"Are you nervous or are you excited?" asked Dad.

"You seem more excited than me, why?" seeing his expression I answered him.

"I sure am, I can finally tell him about my son's genius."

Dad's words made me remember the words I heard when I entered the house making me determined to find out who is the person that led to this whole fiasco.

The cause of my misery, the nemesis of my existence, the one who resulted in my banishment to the accursed place of social brainwashing they call - The School.

'Who was it?'

I swear I will look for him, I will find him and I will..

....Dad said he has a daughter....

...seduce his daughter and put him in his place.

Muhahahaha, I shall be the bane of his existence.

"Who are you talking about Dad?" I asked for the name of my victim.

"Officer George Stacy," said Dad

"Officer?" I confirmed.

"Yeah, he's a police officer. A fierce guy. You know, his partner told me he is so fierce, he put his shotgun on the head of a boy who tried to hit on his daughter." narrated Dad excitedly.

"Yeah?" I asked startled by his words as I felt such a scenario happening to me.

"That's what I heard," said Dad.

'Let's give up the seduction plan, I am still a minor and a law-abiding citizen.'

I thought as I asked Dad for more information.

"I see, how do you know him?"

"Oh, he's the guy who helped with Sasha's adoption procedure and then we became friends," said Mom.

"Then I should thank him." I nodded acknowledging his help, but kept my gratitude and grudges separated from each other.

"You should, you two and Sasha have some fate with him for sure," Dad interjected.

"How so?" I asked questioning what he meant.

"You know, in the monster incident a few weeks ago in a footage shown on TV, we saw that he was also present in the video where you saved Sasha, he was even interviewed on the TV," Dad told me of another incident I knew nothing about.

"What did you say his name was?" I asked Dad for reconfirmation.

"George Stacy," Dad said.

'I have a feeling I have heard that name, but I can't remember where.'

"I'll remember it, thanks. I will go to my room now, I am still feeling a little jet-lagged." finishing my food I made an excuse to leave the room to sort out my thoughts.

"Sure, go ahead." said mom.

"Goodnight Dad, Goodnight Mom." (Ryan)

""Goodnight."" (Parents)


After Ryan left the room Richard and Casry got up and went to the kitchen to put away the dishes when Richard asked Casey.

"By the way did you tell him we are having guests tomorrow?"

"We are?" asked Casey Angelo surprised.

"Yes, didn't I tell you?" Richard questioned.

"You certainly did not," Casey said.

"Sorry about that, well George is visiting us tomorrow, for social services profiling regarding Sasha," Richard said as he told Casey about the upcoming visit of George Stacy.

"We don't really need that do we?" Casey asked as she questioned the need for such a document.

"He agreed with that but said it is better to have complete proof and documentation just in case," Richard said as he explained what Geroge told him about the reason for having such documents.

"That's true," Casey said as she relented and let the matter go.


I was driving my car and was on my way to the house of Angelo's family, to meet my friend Richard. While the reason I gave him for my visit was because of social service procedures, I knew better that there was no need for such documentation.

While I and Richard have become friends during the past couple of years and I believe he is a good guy, I knew better than to double-check everything due to my profession.

The last 3 weeks have been too hectic for me giving me no time to visit him and confirm my suspicions but despite meeting him yesterday, my suspicions remain unanswered.

Over the last 20 days, I have been on the receiving end of various overt and covert enquiries regarding any clues pointing towards the identity of the boy who saved a little girl from the monster, which I have answered negatively. The nature of the enquiries being both friendly and unfriendly in nature.

'Hell, they even sent me under the lie detector. Good thing I really did not see anything about the boy clearly.'

Troubled by the situation I decided to make the video of being under a lie-detector semi-public which ended all the trouble.

But what I did not tell them was that while I did not have any info about the boy from the scene, I had my suspicions regarding his identity because of the girl he rescued, who I suspect is Sasha Angelo, the adopted daughter of my friend Richard Angelo whose adoption I facilitated.

After a little probing under the slight influence of alcohol, I confirmed the age of Richard's son yesterday which unsurprisingly matches the suspected age of our 'boy hero'.

When I asked him about his son's whereabouts he said he was travelling to another country and so was Sasha, I wonder if he is telling the truth because from what I saw at the scene of the incident, I am sure that the boy was severely injured while saving the little girl, injuries that will take months to recover.

'Unless he one of those guys mentioned in the redacted files or he is secretly being nursed back to health in some private facility under the guise of travelling.'

These were the positive assumptions as the nature of my work often leaves me dealing with a dark part of humanity I even wondered if his abilities were a result of human experimentation by Richard or his wife.

And while my meetings with them made me feel they were a kind couple, I'd rather keep my options open so I decided to use the excuse of social services documents to visit his house and check their living area to look for clues.

As I contemplated my next course of action, I saw that I had reached my destination and parked my car in front of their house.

Checking for my gun in the holster once again I picked up the file containing social service documents, I sighed because I would have to deal with this documentation to keep up with my part of the excuse, but then again it's better to have paperwork than fireworks in my line of duty.

Walking to the front door I rang the doorbell as I waited for someone to open the door and a slight sound of Casey Angelo's voice reached my ear.

"Ryan, see who's on the door." (Casey)

"On it." came the voice of a young boy, who I believe is Richard's son, Ryan Angelo.

While I waited, the door finally opened revealing a black-haired boy with clear black pupils and with slight trace of scarlet that seemed to shine under the sun.

As I looked at him I had a feeling, that this boy was not ordinary.

'I have a very strong feeling it was him that night.'

"Hi, How may I help you?" asked the boy.

"Hello, Ryan. My name is George Stacy, a friend of your father, I had informed him I would be visiting today." I said.

As soon as I finished my introduction, I saw Ryan's face change from friendly to hostile in the blink of an eye. He looked at me like I was his mortal enemy as he gritted his teeth. 

"Sorry, wrong house." He said suddenly as he slammed the door shut and I heard his footsteps stomping away, leaving me confused at the events that just transpired.

'What the hell just happened?"