
Marvel-Comics: Overgeared

reborn in a world that is crazy on crack, a soul must find a way to survive with everything in his arsenal, which just happened to be a system, that allows him to grant items options, with this system, follow the journey of the Oliver as he goes from a homeless kid, barely surviving in hells kitchen, to one of the most powerful being in the universe, who even a single atom of his has several EX ranked options. ------------ WARNING THIS IS BASED ON MARVEL COMICS. THIS IS HARDCORE GRINDING FANFIC WHERE HE WOULD HAVE TO WORK EVERY DAY. THIS IS GOING TO BE A MIX OF ACTION-PACKED STORY AND A CRAFTING STORY, HE HAS A SYSTEM, THAT PUTS EMPHASIS, ON THE ITEM'S PURPOSE, HISTORY, CREATION PROCESS, AND FUNCTIONALITY, IT IS NOT GOING TO BE MAINLY A CRAFTING STORY. GOOD NEWS, I HAVE FINALLY DECIDED ON A FM LEAD AND ITS OUR FAVORITE WITCH, THE STRONGEST SORCERERS, AND THE MOST BEAUTIFUL(IN MY OPINION) THE SCARLET WITCH as for plot, i will try to have a cohesive story structure, key word TRY

Bulale_Abali · Tranh châm biếm
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120 Chs

Oliver gets kidnapped(chapter 79)

previously in chapter 79

It was because of the first option that he specifically sought an unfertilized egg in the Savage Land, even running into his least favorite person, Shana. Ignoring her as usual, he finally managed to find an unfertilized egg, and luck was on his side—it turned out to be a T-Rex egg. "By splitting a chunk of soul, I should be able to create a soul which I can use to occupy the egg," he mused, eyeing the option on the egg, the primary reason he wanted to use the dagger.

[Name: Eldritch Apex Wyrm Egg]

[Grade: Indigo]

[Description: This enigmatic egg defies the laws of nature, born from the union of an unfertilized T-Rex egg submerged in the blood of an eldritch god pulsating with cosmic radiations, and subsequently encased in the magical essence of a red Asgardian dragon. This extraordinary convergence has bestowed unprecedented power upon the embryonic form within.]

[Option 1: Eldritch Mastery (Rank: D) (Passive) - Unleashes the potential for manipulating eldritch energies in ways beyond mortal comprehension, enabling the power of eldritch, becoming immortal and undying.]

[Option 2: Draconic Ascendance (Rank: D) (Passive) - Elevates the egg to a state of draconic transcendence, imbuing it with the essence of ancient dragons. This transformation enhances its innate abilities and grants it access to potent draconic abilities such as the scales of a dragon, dragon breath, shapeshift, and dragon horns.]

[Option 3: Eternal Evolution (Rank: D) (Passive) - Possesses the ability to grow infinitely in size and strength by consuming the essence of other beings. The more it consumes, the more powerful and colossal it becomes. (0%).]

[Durability: 100%]


Chapter 79

This was why Oliver sought to create a soul clone of himself—to occupy this egg. "With my soul clone having the third option, I should have another hidden weapon, although infinite evolution at d rank?" he questioned the system before smiling, glancing at the dagger. "Too bad I still can't give living beings an option; otherwise, things would have been different."

"I wonder if I would unlock that as a skill," he pondered, before sighing and activating the first option of the dagger: soul fragmentation. Suddenly, everything vanished, except for Oliver, who found himself surrounded by a swirling mass of mostly colorless gas in his abdomen. In this mass, he sensed areas of dark purple and red—a representation of his dragon and demon forms, respectively. This gas was, essentially, Oliver himself, embodying his memories, desires, and ideology. It was everything that Oliver was, which made him hesitate. "Should I really be doing this?"

Before quickly sighing, Oliver shook his head. "I have trusted the system so far; it would make sense for me to start doubting it now," he muttered, his voice tinged with frustration. With a determined yet cautious hand, he cut off a small piece of the colorless part of the swirling mass of gas. The moment he did, a wave of unimaginable pain washed over him. It eclipsed any agony he had ever experienced, rendering past pains insignificant in comparison. It was as if the very fabric of existence itself was unraveling around him, and Oliver found himself regretting ever giving the dagger an option. The pain wasn't fleeting; it lingered, unyielding and relentless. Time seemed to stretch into eternity, and Oliver lost all sense of self and time in the midst of the torment.

When the pain finally subsided, Oliver lay sprawled on the floor of his shell home, the Soul-Eater Dagger discarded at the far end. His gaze drifted to the ceiling, his eyes devoid of life, yet a sense of accomplishment lingered. Before him lay a smaller mass of colorless gas, pulsating with a newfound sentience, connected to him in a profound way. This split soul, awakening to consciousness, absorbed Oliver's memories and essence, becoming a reflection of him in every way.

While Oliver lay recovering from the ordeal, the split soul stirred. "Ah, who am I?" it questioned, a hint of confusion in its voice, before quickly realizing its identity. "Oh, so I am Split Soul, well, calling myself that seems kinda redundant, i shall call myself, salva, salvagem " it acknowledged itself, its perception extending to its surroundings and to Oliver.

"Guess the option description wasn't lying; he must have experienced unimaginable pain," the Split Soul mused, hovering above Oliver as it awaited his awakening. When Oliver finally stirred, his gaze met the Split Soul's. "You are awake," it communicated through their shared connection.

"I never want to do that again," Oliver grumbled as he pushed himself up, retrieving the egg from its blood bath. "Are you sure you don't want an army of split souls? It could be useful in the upcoming cosmic war, i am sure goldie would appreciate it, even against the hunters whom by the way, i feel like are coming, just a though, so maybe hurry up with the ultimate alloy" the Split Soul suggested, observing Oliver as he tended to the egg.

"You are lucky you don't have the memory or experience of having to split your soul," Oliver remarked, looking at the Split Soul. Then, a thought crossed his mind. "Can you summon the system?" he inquired, but the Split Soul attempted and failed. "Nope, but it makes sense after all i am not the host, although i am at the same time," it replied, prompting a sigh from Oliver.

"Yeah, too bad. But don't be disappointed; with this T-Rex body, you can evolve endlessly, i hope," Oliver chuckled, gesturing towards the egg. "Not to mention the second and first options, making me effectively immortal as long as I don't die in a single hit," the Split Soul added, its essence intertwining with Oliver's.

"Yup, all you have to do is... well, consume things," Oliver said, his thoughts drifting to the Savage Land. "Once you hatch, well, if you hatch, I will give you a teleportation ring, just in case you encounter something dangerous and need to teleport to me," he explained, making a grabbing motion towards the Split Soul.

"Oh, gosh, you can't just grab like that. Who do you think you are, Hella?" the Split Soul joked, but Oliver ignored the playful banter. He checked if he could give the egg an option, and when he could, he placed the Split Soul inside, feeling the connection between them weaken slightly.

"Hmm," Oliver mused, attempting to give the egg an option again, but there was no response. "So, the egg is alive now," he concluded, placing the Split Soul down on a soft fabric, like a nest before sighing, teleporting to the savage land where he found a cave and placed the egg inside, along with a teleportation ring. "Yeah, that is enough for now. I won't make any other split soul," he decided, still feeling a lingering pain all over his body. As he exited his shell home, he encountered someone waiting for him—a woman, with an otherworldly aura about her, dressed in a striking ensemble of red, black, and diamonds, her presence commanding attention.

She leaned casually against the rooftop wall, an air of confidence surrounding her as she awaited Oliver's reaction. "Well, hello there," she greeted, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. Despite her poised demeanor, Oliver's emotions remained suppressed by his demonic form, rendering him seemingly unaffected. "Hmm, do I know you?" he inquired numbly, prompting her to straighten up from her leaning position.

"I am Satana, daughter of Lucifer. So, you are the new hot and single demon in the city," she remarked, circling around Oliver with a predatory grace. He allowed her to move around him, his expression impassive as she appraised him. "To be honest, not bad. I'll give you 8 out of 10, especially because of those beautiful black wings," she complimented, even though Oliver's wings remained folded, hidden from view. "And those beautiful horns... you are like the exact opposite of me," she observed, coming to a stop in front of him.

"Why don't you marry me? You and I would be perfect together," she suggested with a sly smile, expecting a reaction from Oliver. However, his face remained devoid of any visible emotion as he responded, "What do you want?" Restlessness simmered within him, not because of her presence, but due to an impending sense of danger he couldn't quite pinpoint, it was as if something was coming towards him, and his bloodlines where shaking from said threat.

"What I want is for you to join me. Although you are a newly turned demon, you are powerful, as powerful as a demon prince," Satana proposed, her movements enticing. But Oliver's suppressed emotions left him unmoved, his attraction to her dulled. "So, what do you say, a demon prince and a demon queen?" she asked, extending her hand towards him. Oliver was about to reply when suddenly, he sensed it—the same feeling of being hunted. His gaze snapped upward, interrupting Satana before she could finish her sentence as he flew up.

"Well, that is quite rude. I was—" Her words were cut off as Oliver extended his wings and soared into the sky. "Unbelievable, fucking pretty boys," Satana muttered under her breath, only to witness a large hand swooping in and grabbing Oliver mid-flight. A booming voice followed, declaring, "There you are, fateless soul. I have been looking for you," before the hand retreated, revealing several familiar and formidable figures.


Author's Note: Wait, this is when he gets jumped? I thought I had another chapter before that happened. Well, guess who kidnapped Oliver? Hint: Molecule Man and Dr. Doom. Anyways, the following chapters are kind of crazy, so hopefully you can keep up. As for me, I need to continue writing the new volume, which, by the way, remember the egg.

P.S. Welcome, Salva, our second main character.