"Are you sure that Cyclops' power is capable of killing the Hulk, Lucas?" Steve asked me, keeping his voice low so as not to alert the other survivors in the shelter.
"I do, Captain. Normally, I couldn't because the Hulk's skin used to be tough, but not anymore."
"How do you know all this, evil genius?" Deadpool asked.
"Like many of my generation, I was a big fan of heroes. I discussed their abilities on forums and even read fanfics."
"We need to be pragmatic, guys." said Captain America. "That means making tough choices. I think it's a good plan. However..."
Captain America rubbed his broad chin, clearly pondering what he was about to say. He raised his head, looking directly at me and said:
"There's a problem with your plan."
I frowned, confused. This was the best plan I had ever come up with. In the original Marvel Zombies Resurrection comic series, the Hulk was never defeated. The only chance we had was to use Cyclops' power. No other super-powered weapon, in that ruined world, would have the same effect of constant damage. Still, I respected Captain America too much to hit back without first hearing what he had to say.
"What's the problem, Captain?" I asked.
"Even if this plan works, we'll have to face many dangers before we get there. If we want to find Forge, we need to go to their home and the X-Mansion isn't what it used to be. It's in ruins, taken over by... zombies, probably."
I took a deep breath before answering. "Us? No, just me, Deadpool and Gwen. You shouldn't go, Captain."
Although Steve was the best strategist and the bravest of fighters, this world needed heroes like him and Spider-Man alive. Otherwise, it would meet the same end as in the comics.
"Why not, Lucas? I've been on much more dangerous missions."
"Captain, right now you're more than just a survivor like the others. You're the symbol of all that's left of hope for the people of this shelter and this city. If something happens to you out there, these people... they will lose much more than just a leader. They will lose the will to keep fighting, to keep surviving."
Steve remained silent. He seemed to be considering my words. Steve Rogers became Captain America to be more than a man, so I knew he would understand what I was saying. If he left and didn't come back, the shelter would collapse into anarchy in a few days, and that was something I didn't want, considering that there were missions in that shelter for me to complete.
"Besides..." I continued, "...I'll still have Deadpool by my side. He's unpredictable, strong, but unpredictable. I'll let him take charge, but he might need help. If we manage to do that, if we really find Forge and this whole plan works, we'll have a chance to save thousands of lives, maybe even start taking back the city. But that will only be possible if you stay here, Captain, ensuring everyone's safety."
Steve rubbed his chin again, thoughtfully. "All right. I'll stay. But, Lucas, you have to promise me that if things get out of hand, you'll back down. You're just a civilian. No unnecessary heroics. Leave things to Deadpool."
"I promise, Captain."
Later that night, as the shelter grew quieter, I found Deadpool in a corner after I'd told Gwen the whole plan.
Wade Wilson, the chatty mercenary, was more focused and serious than usual, which, in a way, reassured me. That meant he was focused.
"All set?" I asked.
Deadpool raised his head and winked. "Ready is my middle name, evil genius. Let's go blow some zombie heads off!
Deadpool's humor was, paradoxically, comforting at times like this.
"When we get to the X-Mansion, we're going to need all your... controlled insanity. I don't think it'll be a peaceful entrance if the mutants there haven't resisted."
Deadpool laughed, shaking his head. "Insanity? That's a new one. I'll put that on my resume."
Steve appeared soon after. His stern face was a contrast to Deadpool's relaxed posture.
"Lucas, Wade, it's dark. It's time for you to go. I'll take you and your partner, Lucas, to an exit in the sewers."
So Gwen joined Deadpool and me. She didn't seem to trust him very much, and I put 'ask Gwen about Earth-65 Deadpool' on my mental list of things to do.
The four of us walked in silence through the narrow, damp sewer tunnels until we came to a heavy metal door, covered in rust and moss.
Steve easily pushed it open, even though it seemed so heavy, which revealed a dark passage leading to the surface. From what he had explained during the walk, this was the safest way to the X-Mansion, as it avoided dozens of streets crowded with zombies.
"Here we are." Steve said, waving to the darkness below. "If you make it back, use the same route. There'll be someone waiting here."
'If we make it...?' I thought.
No problem, I nodded, and Gwen swallowed as she looked down the dark tunnel. I was acting confident, but I was a little nervous. I wasn't sure if it was very safe for me to try to go to the X-Mansion at my current power level, even though I was with Spider Gwen and Deadpool.
Suddenly, I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder. Then I turned to the side and saw Steve Rogers looking me in the eye.
"Before you go, there's something I need to do."
I raised an eyebrow, confused, but remained silent, waiting for Steve to continue.
"What? Are you going to kiss me goodbye? Come on, I'm ready!" Deadpool said.
Steve took the shield off his back with a slow movement, as if pondering the magnitude of what he was about to do. The red and blue shield bore the iconic star in its center. He held it up in front of me, and I opened my eyes wide, realizing what it meant.
"Lucas, you strike me as a good and hopeful boy. This shield is more than just a piece of ultra-strong metal. It represents everything America fights for: justice, freedom and, right now, the hope that we can regain what we've lost. When I became Captain America, I was nothing more than a skinny kid from Brooklyn, someone who could barely stand up against a bully. Thank God I was given a chance, an opportunity to make a difference, and I grabbed it with all my might. You and your friend may not have a superpower running through your veins, but you do have something that can't be manufactured: the courage to fight for something bigger than yourselves. And that's why I'm entrusting this shield to you and her, because if you encounter the zombified Cyclops, this is currently the only thing that could help you."
I felt a mixture of emotions come over me. I didn't know whether to feel fear, honor, responsibility or confusion. In fact, I couldn't help but ask myself:
"What did I do to deserve this?"
I wanted to ask, but I didn't. I was at a loss for words. When I picked up the shield, I saw how much heavier it was than I had imagined.
"What if... I can't use it the right way?"
Steve smiled with the corner of his mouth, "Don't worry about that. This shield is designed to protect, you just need to hide behind it and let Deadpool do the rest of the work. That's what I need you to understand, Lucas. You're not a hero, Lucas."
At that moment, I glanced at Gwen, and she smiled.
"Stay alive. Use the shield to defend yourself and to remember that, even in dark times, there's still a nation worth fighting for," finished Steve.
"Thank you, Captain." I said and turned towards the darkness once again, but this time with more courage.
"Hey, genious, you're not going to start crying now, are you? Because I'm about to... Sniff... almost cumming because of that fucked-up speech by Cap... Sniff..." Deadpool dried imaginary tears.