
Marvel : Can I be the next iron man

A story about a mere office worker and his dream of becoming a legendary superhero ironman, but life doesn't give him that easily. He went through a lot to bring the dream to reality, and his encounter with the war machine brought his dream really close to the top. It was a horrible encounter which turned out to be a life changer. He later got a contract with the shield agency where he was put to test If he was worthy of it. And though it was going well for him until things started to go wrong with him and spiderman who's incharge of stark tech's came into play.

marvelkii · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs



Ten years ago, under the directive of Nick Fury, the secret agency S.H.I.E.L.D. discovered the four elemental stones and their immense importance to humanity. These stones, each with their own unique power, were scattered across different parts of the universe. Two were safeguarded by their ultimate protectors—Doctor Strange and Thor. The other two had fallen into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s possession after their initial guardians passed away, leaving Fury's agency to recover them for safekeeping.

The recovery missions were far from easy. S.H.I.E.L.D.'s first major adversary was Loki, the trickster god from Asgard, who had obtained the Soul Stone. He began terrorizing people, using its power to manipulate and control, while also seeking the other stones to amplify his power.

Fury called a meeting in the dimly lit command center of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s helicarrier. The room was filled with the soft hum of machinery and the quiet whispers of agents as they took their seats. Monitors displayed various intelligence feeds, each one highlighting the growing threat posed by Loki. The atmosphere was tense, the air thick with anticipation and dread.

"We've lost contact with our agents in the field," Fury said, his voice a low growl of frustration that cut through the murmurs. He stood at the head of the table, his one eye scanning the room. "Loki's power with the Soul Stone is overwhelming. We need a new strategy."

Agent Coulson, always the calm presence in the room, leaned forward. His face was etched with concern, but his voice remained steady. "Sir, what about our best operatives? Barton and Romanoff?"

Fury shook his head, his expression grim. "They're already on assignment. We need more firepower, something or someone that can match Loki's supernatural abilities."

At this moment, the door opened, and in walked an enigmatic figure, cloaked in shadow. Maria Hill stepped forward to introduce him. "This is Professor Erik Selvig. He's been studying the stones and might have some insights."

Selvig nodded, his expression grave. "Loki's power is growing. We need to act fast. The Soul Stone isn't just giving him control over minds; it's enhancing his own abilities. Conventional methods won't work."

"Then what do you propose?" Fury asked, folding his arms. His gaze was piercing, searching for any glimmer of hope in Selvig's plan.

"We need to split his attention. If we can create diversions, we might have a chance to outmaneuver him and secure the stones," Selvig suggested.

The plan was set into motion. S.H.I.E.L.D.'s best agents launched a series of covert operations to distract and divide Loki's forces. However, Loki was always one step ahead. He ambushed them in a remote mountain village, using the Soul Stone to turn the villagers against them.

In the chaos, Agent May confronted Loki directly. She stood her ground, her stance unwavering despite the carnage around her. "You're not going to win, Loki," she said, her eyes blazing with defiance.

Loki smirked, his eyes glinting with malice. "Oh, but I already have." With a flick of his wrist, he sent May crashing against a wall, her body crumpling to the ground.

Fury watched through the live feed, his heart sinking. He could see the desperation in his agents' eyes, the realization that they were outmatched. "Fall back!" he ordered, his voice resonating with authority. "We can't afford to lose any more agents."

As the remaining operatives retreated, Fury knew they were running out of time. The Avengers Initiative, still in its infancy, wasn't ready to deploy. They needed another solution, and fast.

Back at headquarters, Fury called a private meeting with Thor and Doctor Strange. The room was smaller, more intimate, the tension palpable. Fury leaned against the table, his frustration barely contained. "We need your help," he admitted, swallowing his pride. "Loki's too powerful with the Soul Stone. We can't stop him alone."

Thor, his eyes dark with worry, nodded. "Loki's always been a trickster, but with the Soul Stone, he's more dangerous than ever."

Strange interjected, his tone measured and thoughtful. "We need to protect the remaining stones. If Loki gets his hands on them, it could mean the end for all of us."

Fury's jaw tightened. "Then it's settled. We fight together. For the sake of humanity."

The plan they devised was intricate, relying on their combined strengths and the element of surprise. As they prepared for the final confrontation, hope flickered in their hearts. Despite the odds, they knew that unity was their greatest strength. And in that moment, the seeds of what would one day become the Avengers were sown, ready to face whatever dark forces the universe might unleash.

As the night deepened, the team worked tirelessly. Doctor Strange poured over ancient texts, seeking any hidden knowledge that could give them an edge. Thor, with Mjolnir in hand, trained relentlessly, his determination unwavering. Fury coordinated their efforts, his mind a whirl of strategies and contingencies.

The final showdown took place in a desolate wasteland, a place where the earth itself seemed to have withered under Loki's influence. The sky was a dark, ominous gray, clouds swirling as if mirroring the chaos to come. Loki stood at the center, the Soul Stone glowing ominously in his hand, his expression one of triumphant malevolence.

"You really think you can stop me?" Loki taunted, his voice echoing across the barren landscape. "With the power of the Soul Stone, I am unstoppable."

Thor stepped forward, his gaze fixed on his brother. "Loki, this madness ends now. You don't have to do this."

Loki's eyes flickered with a momentary sadness before hardening. "It's too late for that, brother. This is my destiny."

The battle was fierce and unrelenting. Thor and Loki clashed, their powers creating shockwaves that rippled through the air. Doctor Strange conjured spells, creating barriers and attacking with blasts of mystic energy. S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, led by Fury, provided support, their weapons and tactics aimed at creating openings for the heroes.

Despite their combined efforts, Loki's power with the Soul Stone proved formidable. He manipulated the battlefield, turning allies against each other, creating illusions that disoriented and confused. At one point, he managed to trap Thor in a vortex of energy, the god of thunder struggling against the pull.

It was in this moment of chaos that Doctor Strange saw an opportunity. With a swift incantation, he opened a portal behind Loki, appearing just close enough to strike. "Now, Thor!" he shouted.

Thor, using all his strength, broke free from the vortex and hurled mjollnir with all his might. The hammer hit Loki square in the chest, sending him sprawling. The Soul Stone tumbled from his grasp, its glow dimming as it hit the ground.

Fury seized the moment. "Secure the stone!" he ordered, but before they could reach out to grab him, he sent out a powerful wave from his staff knocking all his enemies off instantly

Before everyone one could regain consciousness he vanished. "damn" fury muttered.