
Marvel: Bound to a power ring

This is the story of Irene Ivanova, once a normal man from the 21st century on earth who died and ended up being reincarnated back in the seventies in the Marvel Universe. After unavoidable situations in life, she ended up in the red room, eventually escaping one day when she woke up to find a green lantern ring. This is a story of her journey to discover herself and survive while living a happy life in the Marvel universe. ___________________ AN// Hello I'm a new author and this is my first book, so the first chapters might not be that good. As the story goes I would try to increase the length of the chapters as I go also I don't have a schedule for uploading as I'm writing this in my free time. This is a fanfic so the universe is heavy AU a mix of MCU, comics, and other movies otherwise it would be similar to all the other books on this platform. Enjoy and leave a review. Warning - Harem (Not Pokemon type of harem) - Yuri - R18 scenes (will involve kinky stuff but its Yuri mainly) - Violence, gore, murder and maybe more If you don't like Yuri and Harem you can just pass don't waste your time complaining cause I won't give a fuck.

Dark_Zzz · Tranh châm biếm
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21 Chs

Chapter 8

Was I coming on too strong, definitely but if the smile on Mystique and the slight smile on Emma's face was an indication I knew my message had been received. The tension that was in the room previously had lessened considerably but as for Destiny, she still seemed to be rather preoccupied by enjoying her tea and being an onlooker for now. What was my aim here if one may ask, I decided to lay my interest out for the ladies first to test the waters and show my confidence and possible intentions. And what if they refuse, it seems my luck would have finally run out then and I have better chances elsewhere although such a case is of rather low probability unless I don't have anything valuable to offer. 

Proving my point right, Emma's slight chuckle confirmed it as she stretched her hand clasping mine in a firm handshake before she finally replied to me. 

"Hello then Miss. Ivanova, I am Emma Frost current owner and CEO of Frost International. My associates alongside me here are Raven Darkhome to my left who you have already met and her lovely wife Irene Adler. As for your offer that we may see at another time." 

Well, she was in her business persona it seems but I haven't been rejected so that's a win in my book. I retracted my hand from the handshake and looked at Raven who I gave a nod of acknowledgment before I stared at Irene who had placed her cup down and was staring in my direction. She stretched out her hand for a handshake which I also took in mine. 

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Irene Adler, although I would presume you already knew about me before anyone else." I greeted out politely to the lovely woman who emanated a warm welcoming feeling toward me. 

"When you see the world from my perspective you wouldn't be able to help yourself but get curious at times but it is finally a pleasure of mine to meet you personally." Her reply was rather intriguing pushing my curiosity forth. 

"If you don't mind me asking, how far can you perceive into time and how far have you seen?" 

"Irene, I have seen far enough possibilities to know you would be the best individual most of the time to put my trust in and help us whether most of the upcoming storms." 

"I thank you and I think that is enough for now, sometimes knowing too much can be overwhelming." 

This I was speaking from experience the very fact that my meta-knowledge of this universe, the bits I could recall from the top of my head, and knowledge of the powerful beings from the comics made me get a panic attack remembering all the shit this world has to offer, I don't want anything right now to do with time as I have watched many movies and shit to know to mess with time is a recipe for disaster most times. Look at Odin from mythology, the man was so obsessed with stopping Ragnarok and ended up being the cause of pushing the prophecy to come to pass. 

Also, I didn't want to take risks if I didn't know whether TVA existed here or whether I was doing anything that would cause the sorcerer supreme's attention to divert to me as an anomaly or such cliches. Irene only nodded to my response as she gave me a warm smile because I'm sure she understood. 

Now coming back to my negotiations, I knew that my brief interaction had already given out much information to make both Emma and Raven both slightly open to me and curious at the same time. However the same could be said about their wariness because it wouldn't make any sense how I would have already known of them. I would pretend to be mysterious in such circumstances in the future.

"So coming back to our negotiation, I would like to first inquire on what service you might require from me, and I would highly appreciate it if you please stop trying to mentally prob me." I had switched the conversation back to the topic while giving Emma a disarming smile. Thanks to my ring's notifications, I had caught notice of her telepathic influence and it had finally given me a chance to step up and take hold of the conversation. 

I knew for a fact being led around by the nose by individuals with high charisma and great experience in business was going to end in a big loss for me even if they were going to be my future associates and comrades, I still didn't trust them. I only trusted Natasha and my ring in this world and the level at which I could reveal my secrets to her was still limited. With light bending around my ring, no one would even think I was armed in the first place not considering my physical prowess. The look on Emma's face was all worth it though as I had caught her by surprise. I captured her image and saved it onto my ring memory bank along with the other photos I had taken earlier on. 

"Cough* Sorry about that. So as I was saying earlier we wanted to establish a friendly cooperative relationship with you if you don't mind." She expertly recovered from her earlier slip and tried to go back to being cordial with me. From her reaction, it seems she already knows of my strength. Raven probably told her but let me just throw her a bone. At least she didn't come on too bossy at me or the trusting field shit I know Xavier would have used according to all the novels. 

"I still see no problem with the proposal although I do appreciate the effort of knowing more about me but if you wish to pry into my secrets so soon, at least try buying me dinner first." 

My response prompted Raven to begin laughing in amusement and for the tension that had been suddenly gathered due to my earlier statement disperse. I was enjoying taking them on a rollercoaster of emotions although Irene was just chill through all this watching as an amused spectator. 

"I would imagine the cost of the magnitude of such an operation you conducted to help me out was rather expensive. Therefore how about we lay down some of our proposals so that we could agree to disagree." I continued our negotiation only for Emma to offer her two sense on the matter. 

"An astute assumption and rather keen a sense of observation. You would be a good businesswoman and yes you are right. So how about you end up joining Massachusetts Academy for now for your education before you go to university and come back and join me in Frost International? You can be my assistant." 

"Well, that is a decent offer if I say myself but do my sisters get the same educational offer, and also what industry does your company major in?" 

"The offer is the same for all your sisters although everything is dependent on their efforts as I value education. I would presume you want them to live a rather normal life. As for my company, unlike stark industries focused on weapons, Frost International is involved in technology, more so transportation section where we are majorly involved in expounding and building means of transport which include both the building of ships and aircraft and their use for freight and passenger conveyance but we have also been expanding into other fields, majorly electronics with the dawn of a new era." 

This got me thinking deeply about whether I wanted to take this deal or try another approach but this was already a good start to our negotiation. I mauled over the option. Free education for not only me but all my sisters, I know they might end up getting involved in more destructive stuff in the future but I'm not going to hold onto their hands the entire way otherwise I had also been planning on potentially using them for my gain also in the future this is a good start as well as a good chance to start implementing the plan I had been thinking off since earlier although I need to iron out the kinks along the way as I go. 

Emma let me stir in my thoughts for a while as I mole over my decisions before I finally gave her a nod of acknowledgment after composing my thoughts. It was time to up the stakes and try to make my shot after confirming a suspicion of mine from my ring. It's either go big or go home. 

"First, I would like to thank you for the opportunity you are giving my sisters and I. Well if you had lived and experienced everything we have endured since we were children, you would understand our pain and my reluctance to accept any offer of yours that might have seen you wanted to recruit us as your underlings or such. So now let me make you a profitable counteroffer." 

I replied leaving both Emma and Raven who were now looking at me inquisitively as I stood up to walk towards the window where I observed the kids playing around with each other. It was cute and amusing watching some kids pull my sisters along to play with them only for them to end up utterly confused and all as we had all simply forgotten the joys of being a simple child. Seeing my sisters enjoy themselves only further reaffirmed my decision. I knew this was probably one of Emma's main bases where she recruited mutants for their help and services after providing them with education and training but it seemed like a good place to have as a base of operations for a while. I scanned the room for any spying devices or any abnormal interferences but I luckily found none. As an extra layer of defense, I willed my ring to create a protection around the room from all cutting off all outside sound leaving us completely isolated so no one could spy on us. I willed to drop the invisibility off my ring while turning around to face my associates who were somewhat on high alert right now probably thinking I would threaten them or such barbaric acts. 

"Miss Frost how about instead of me working for Frost International, I work with your company instead or become a part of it. I am not as knowledgeable in business as you but I am rather well-versed in technology. This ring on my finger is a rather wonderful marvel if I may say so myself. A marvel of technology so advanced it may so be called magic because of what it can do but that is not what I am offering. I contain enough knowledge and information here that could potentially make most people jizz their pants in envy. Enough to potentially make our small civilization on earth become a Type 1 civilization much earlier than we were originally intended to and embark on our journey to the stars if we settle most of the local disputes earlier on. All these mysteries and wonders though would take time to understand and resources to achieve which I only lack time and a decent place to make a home and master this ring's power to protect myself alongside my associates and family." 

I dropped my mini light show that had left my audience mesmerized. With each word I had spoken, I had subsequently displayed images of technologies and wonders from different civilizations according to my ring's memory which we had records of plus the technology before finally finishing by displaying a replica of my ring and presumably a corp of laterns. I was throwing out bait here all they had to do was catch it but considering the looks of awe and shock on both Raven and Emma's faces I knew I had caught my prey. 

"Why are you showing us all this? How sure are you we won't betray your trust and try to take your ring for ourselves?" Emma asked me the expected question once she recomposed herself causing me to chuckle as I began walking towards her while locking eye contact. 

"Well you see, this ring is special in the way that it is sentient so it chooses its next wielder based on very strict criteria in most cases but in mine, the ring is bound to my very soul so there is no way you would be able to take it whether I am alive or dead. Otherwise, there is still no need to steal one from me, all you need to do is be trustworthy enough and probably ask for me to give you one myself, Emma dear." I lowered my head a bit once I reached her tucking her hair behind her ear and whispering the last part in her ear before gently blowing watching as they turned a healthy shade of red and walking off towards my seat the whole time trying and failing spectacularyly at suppressing my blush. 

I sat back in my seat and decided to do something I had been curious about for a while. 

'Ring, duplicate ring but place restrictions onto the new ring giving its user access to the same level as a trainee. Also, do not deploy the new ring until I give permission and assign its new temporary user.' 


My ring glowed in confirmation before a new green lantern ring appeared hovering a few centimeters above my open palm. I turned back to face my stunned crowd who had their expressions frozen in shock and surprise before I flashed a devilish smile. 

"What would it be?"

Hi guys, thanks for the massive support. It is highly appreciated, also I changed the MC's height to 5 feet I noticed she was too short for a 14 year old but would get growth spurts as the story continues. Thank you and continue enjoying reading.

Dark_Zzzcreators' thoughts