
Marvel: Bound to a power ring

This is the story of Irene Ivanova, once a normal man from the 21st century on earth who died and ended up being reincarnated back in the seventies in the Marvel Universe. After unavoidable situations in life, she ended up in the red room, eventually escaping one day when she woke up to find a green lantern ring. This is a story of her journey to discover herself and survive while living a happy life in the Marvel universe. ___________________ AN// Hello I'm a new author and this is my first book, so the first chapters might not be that good. As the story goes I would try to increase the length of the chapters as I go also I don't have a schedule for uploading as I'm writing this in my free time. This is a fanfic so the universe is heavy AU a mix of MCU, comics, and other movies otherwise it would be similar to all the other books on this platform. Enjoy and leave a review. Warning - Harem (Not Pokemon type of harem) - Yuri - R18 scenes (will involve kinky stuff but its Yuri mainly) - Violence, gore, murder and maybe more If you don't like Yuri and Harem you can just pass don't waste your time complaining cause I won't give a fuck.

Dark_Zzz · Tranh châm biếm
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21 Chs

Chapter 14

"Welcome to my facility" I announced as the elevator platform descended further down as we transitioned from looking at natural rock formations to reinforced concrete walls revealing the entrance lobby. A large oval room with an upper layer containing a sleek vehicle hangar with enough space to fit about seven or more cars and a separate lower section designated for one or two flight vehicles. There were rows of specialized vehicle bays on the sides each equipped with a vehicle maintenance station and diagnostic tools for tinkering later and a system of elevators and ramps built to get the vehicle onto the main elevator platform we were currently standing on which would act as a runway for the airborne vehicles. 

The reinforced walls were adored with patterns and painted in a gentler color scheme to have a more welcoming feel instead of militaristic. Well, I got inspiration from GTA doomsday facilities so don't blame me cause honestly the design was cool and I don't think anyone would even know of it from this reality. 

What followed was an interesting half-hour tour of me showing off a part of my and Eve's creation. From the main lobby which was just past the vehicle hangar, I gave them a tour of some of the amenities consisting of modernized comfortable general living quarters with a relaxation lounge area on the side fitted with common tabletop games I could remember from the top of my head, personalized dormitory rooms, indoor garden. followed by the central command center in passing fitted with advanced tech for, communication, surveillance, and more, indoor training facilities with a well-equipped gym and combat training area, state-of-the-art labs, and workshops before finishing our small tour at the medical bay. That was all I was willing to show for now after giving everyone a stern warning not to test their lack by entering unauthorized areas and from the surprised looks on everyone's faces along the way, I'm pretty sure this was more than satisfactory for a while. It wouldn't be wise to show the power battery chamber, main surveillance room, my living quarters, and much more I was hiding. After all, I designed this base as a surrogate second home for myself and close allies in case I ever felt like locking myself away for a while to focus on my projects and stuff. 

All this wasn't hard to achieve after the mental augmentation of my ring coupled with the intellectual enhancement that assisted in downloading the records into my brain from time to time and helping solve possible problems rather easily. Either way, I was currently busy explaining to everyone I needed them inside the medical healing pods for a medical checkup cause there was no way I was trusting the knockoff supersoldier serum or their natural healing capabilities. This also included Emma's group after all, I would never let my allies suffer from possible long-term unforeseen injuries and diseases that could cause future health complications. 

This process went by rather fast and easier than I anticipated after I showed them a video of me undergoing a similar procedure before and having physical evidence to prove it was safe. So currently, I was comfortably relaxing on a couch a few meters away from Nat's healing pod studying after thirty minutes of fascinatingly watching how the healing process takes place in real time. 

The healing pods immerse the patient in a special solution after initial scans and sedation. Upon complete submersion into a specialized liquid and identification of damaged areas, specialized medical nanobots are deployed which have ease of entry into the patient's body through the solution. The nanobots can easily enter the bloodstream, and the navigation is guided by the healing pod's AI subsystem to analyze the cellular structure to understand the extent of the damage detected from disrupted cell membranes and more. Here they can synthesize healthy biological material from the solution as it contains all the required nutrients to construct new cells matching the patient's original tissues to conduct the cellular repair, while simultaneously removing waste material, breakdown and eliminating damaged components as the patient is blasted by precise concentrated beams of energy to kick start and accelerate their natural healing allowing the body to accept the recovered or new organelles, bones, and cells over time. Thank the one above all that we never needed to fix the inconvenient graduation gift as I was sure that would mess with the natural body hormones more and become a long mess though easily solvable by the healing pod which at this point was supposed to be called a regeneration tank cause of its abilities. This level of technology although not the best of what is in my records could potentially bring a person back from the brink of death, generate new organs, cure cancer, and do more considering I have yet to completely understand the process of how it interacts with the user's brain to fix any psychological tampering. Seeing and experiencing are two separate things and the process was eye-opening as real-time monitoring also gave me a live reading of each patient's vitals. 

You know, I honestly never understood why characters from comics would just leave their colleagues suffering while they may have cures for some of their problems. A good example is Hal Jordan and the other green lanterns, like honestly Come on with all this level of technology at their fingertips from the guardians of the universe database couldn't they, I don't know help fix up Oracle's spine cause come on you can't tell me after getting assaulted by joker and paralyzed you'll just leave her suffering like that for the rest of her life. What about the DC magicians then and so many more people or maybe fixing the mental instabilities caused by physical reagents in Gotham to make the earth a safer place? I know the heros are more egocentric and all but with this universe existing and all I can't just go ahead and say it's a problem with bad writing at this point. It reminds me of the Marvels author's bad idea to destroy Spiderman's long working relationship with Mary Jane to save an old Aunt May and it's honestly fucking stupid. Instead of turning to his allies, Dr.Strange, or any other solution, he went straight for making a deal with the devil in exchange for his marriage, stupid comic logic. I hope it isn't the same in this reality. 

Either way, after a bit of back-and-forth thought and discussion with Eve, I decided to let her give my allies a minor boost. Not the same as me or Nat but something to enhance them slightly further. Everyone getting a general physical enhancement, and a boost to their natural healing factor isn't that bad plus there's a possibility to enhance mutations but we'll just wait and see the results. For now, I was currently studying and exploring more academic subjects expounding on my knowledge at a rapid rate. In addition to our training and all, the red room focused more on imparting us with a broad range of skills and knowledge to help us adapt easily to our mission environments and not specifically on anything academic although it was still crucial in our tests after all, every surviving widow had to be adaptable and intelligent otherwise the culling process would already have you six feet under. Most of our targets would be too enamored by our bodies trying to get into our pants or deeply caught up in our carefully crafted traps to respond to focus on using some of the knowledge in the first place. Becoming a deadly rose was our intended purpose but well jokes on them, I stole an organization worth millions of dollars without living even a single nail for the damn Russian Government to salvage. 

Although this was the case, I still had the opportunity to come in contact with scientific books in the library although a controlled amount during my short free time, and discovered some new things. The laws of physics here were somewhat the same yet with a fundamental difference. The rules in this fictional universe were would say more complex and advanced from my previous memory if I should say so myself. This was probably due to all the dimensions, entities, and more but this only made studying it all the more interesting and motivating. Knowing you can be a literal god or kill one through the use of technology and science makes a big difference in the long run. 

I was so lost scheming through the books at a fast rate understanding nearly everything I learned on the first try up to when I turned to university books which I had to return to the mansion library to pick out. I knew I was intelligent to some degree from retaining experience from my previous life plus all I had picked up during my fourteen years. Although that was so, I was not at the level of supernatural geniuses like Stark, Reed, and Peter but I wouldn't let myself be caught pants down looking stupid in a possible intellectual conversation or a situation where my life depended on it but with my enhancements and Eve's help, I was soaking up knowledge as a sponge. Was it cheating uploading knowledge straight into my brain, yes but I believe that if you aren't cheating you aren't trying and the fact that I am dumb enough to not grasp how technology served to me on a silver platter works isn't helping one bit. 

I know I'm putting too high of expectations on myself considering it's the first time I've seen three-quarters of what I'm using for the first time while my science fiction knowledge is barely allowing me to keep up. For once, my nerdy previous self is helping me out instead of getting picked on. If I can't be a natural polymath, why don't I make one of myself artificial you know to even out the playing field? Adding tests from Eve to confirm my retention ability of information is the icing on top. 

Hours flew by and before long, I was brought out of my reading session by an alert from Eve. On an earlier note, I found out she had been silent due to being busy arranging millions of years worth of information from the guardian's records into more easily manageable partitions while sorting out useless information and learning from the entire process. She's still too young so she's making up for the lack of experience and building up her character, a cool alternative to the internet right? I hope she doesn't turn out to be a bitch like the Malthusians from the tv shows. While doing this she had made a sub-partition of herself to assist me through anything I may need in the meantime, It's pretty neat right having a supercomputer at the tip of your finger. Otherwise sorting through all the data would have taken me a lifetime literally. 

On the other hand, the first batch of patients were finally done. Displaying a holographic panel in front of me as a response, I was presented with information that Raven and Emma's treatment was complete and they were awake. Following this, three drones each approached their respective regen pods and helped them out while displaying their medical records on the side showing me their changes. I did not approach them in respect for their privacy after all I was a gentle lady at heart and my mother taught me better than to prey on naked women. I was right apparently in predicting possible injuries and such because from the records I could observe that Emma had her fair share of problems ranging from the everyday aches and a bit more internal organ damage from possible use of drugs in the past alongside some genetic issues here and there while Raven on the other hand although could adapt to injuries through metamorphic adaptation, there was damage on her brain tissues. Fucking scary for an injury I know right but from the readings that Eve was displaying to me, the physiological damage increases her risk of psychological illnesses and leads to schizophrenia. You know what, hell no. No way in hell was I going to risk a shapeshifter more so one who knows any of my secrets developing a mental illness or possible split personalities and turning on me to eventually use them against me. Another reason not to trust this universe so I need to add medical checkups as a primary requirement to my list of allies. On that note, I might want to fix the mental issues with Banner in the future to avoid meeting the one below all anytime soon. 

Hearing a pair of footsteps getting louder by the second, I turned my vision up to be met by two beautiful women in some sexy bodysuits highlighting their curves slowly approaching me. It seems the treatment and enhancement I gave them did much more than I anticipated considering now their beauty was also enhanced leading me to assume that it might have as well rejuvinated them. Shelving the big overgrown green manchild future issue aside, I had two hot chicks to focus on right now.


AN:// Thanks for all the power stones and comments. Patreon is finally up so all those who wish to support me can join my Patreon where I'll be posting advanced chapters there while I try and make a better posting schedule and my unreleased stories.
