
Marvel: Bound to a power ring

This is the story of Irene Ivanova, once a normal man from the 21st century on earth who died and ended up being reincarnated back in the seventies in the Marvel Universe. After unavoidable situations in life, she ended up in the red room, eventually escaping one day when she woke up to find a green lantern ring. This is a story of her journey to discover herself and survive while living a happy life in the Marvel universe. ___________________ AN// Hello I'm a new author and this is my first book, so the first chapters might not be that good. As the story goes I would try to increase the length of the chapters as I go also I don't have a schedule for uploading as I'm writing this in my free time. This is a fanfic so the universe is heavy AU a mix of MCU, comics, and other movies otherwise it would be similar to all the other books on this platform. Enjoy and leave a review. Warning - Harem (Not Pokemon type of harem) - Yuri - R18 scenes (will involve kinky stuff but its Yuri mainly) - Violence, gore, murder and maybe more If you don't like Yuri and Harem you can just pass don't waste your time complaining cause I won't give a fuck.

Dark_Zzz · Tranh châm biếm
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21 Chs


Sorry for the late update. Unavoidable shit came up in life. My vacation is over so no promises with my posting schedule but I'll try although I have a test in like 2 weeks.

In other news, I was going through my current available drafts and posted chapters to see I'm not satisfied. I feel like I have just been scheming through my MC not showing any sense of struggle or enough depiction of her character and growth which in the long run making the story rather bland. It's not like I will nerf MC's power, her intelligence, or anything though that would be dumb. There are some areas I have diverted from proper delivery I originally wanted and I feel like the way forward would have too many plot holes or feel forced.

I feel like making a proper rewrite of the story which would hopefully be better and change things here and there. I would appreciate further comments on your opinions and constructive criticism.

Anyways thanks for reading and you can suggest more ideas you may want to see in future of the story.