
Marvel : Beyond Horizons

"Thrusted into the chaotic world of Marvel, Alex must learn to survive in the once thought fictional, now a real world." -(Image used from Pinterest.) ________________ -Hello Readers, Like many, It's my first story and the grammar may not be up to the best. 'Thank You for Reading'

kaizer20 · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs




= Location: Chicago, Earth-???? =

I really liked Santa's teleportation power. It's damn convenient. Just teleport, no need to go through a troublesome journey, especially helpful in this world, where spies lurk every corner. Let's not forget mindreaders and telepaths, people with supernatural sensory powers and high-tech cameras and lastly, satellites hovering above sky, always watching you. Damn, it feels so creepy.

'No privacy at all', while thinking about my future problem, Santa teleported us to my home. I found myself in the drawing room. I looked around and my eyes went towards the gift box on the table. Suddenly, I was stuck with realisation and I turned towards the clock on the wall, because I remembered that my current priority is uncle John, he's coming today. I must prepare myself before meeting him.

'It's 12:10 am', I sighed in relief that, not much time has passed. My relief was because I will have time to sleep and think about everything that happened today.

Santa's voice reached me, " Young Alex as I have said earlier, I brought you to your home safely before your uncle l and I think you have enough time to sleep. You must be exhausted from our little adventure. But before that I have some thing to say"

I replied, "I don't know what to say but I feel grateful for having travelled such beautiful and amazing places. I never dreamed that I'd go to different dimensions and all people have dreams of going on Moon and Mars, while I visited many planets and even saw aliens and interacted with them. Thank you Santa, I think it's the best Christmas gift I ever had." I was really emotional, because never in my past or current life had I visited out of my home country. It felt so different visiting alien planets and interacting with aliens but my inner children got the better of me.

In that alien environment, I took courage and I talked to them. It felt really good when I saw people smiling and seeing joy on their faces reminded me that I'm just a person same as them. Maybe their joy, happiness and gratitude healed my heart. I'm really happy that I could help others.

Santa smiled, maybe he understood my thinking, so he replied, "It's nothing for this old man, Young Alex but I'm glad that you enjoyed our little adventure. What I wanted to say is, What you seek isn't in the past nor inside the future. It's here, in this present moment. It's about what you do in the present. I'm advising you because I know, you are a good child Young Alex. You have a good heart, so don't let fear overwhelm you. As people say, Never give up. Keep going and do what you want. This old man has witnessed many things in his long life so let me suggest you, 'Be yourself, don't try to become anyone and do what you want'."

A smile appeared on my face because, I felt that Santa understood my situation and 'maybe this old man had prepared this whole situation for just this motivation speech' but it felt good that someone understands you and acknowledges you.

I was on verge of crying as, in my past life I really tried hard to be acknowledged, to make others feel good even though it may cause me slight problem. I regularly donated money for child rights care, because I know how helpless a child can be, especially if he's an orphan. When someone acknowledges you, accepts that you exist and understands your feelings and thoughts. It feels rewarding, like all your efforts didn't go for nothing.

I replied, "Thanks old man, you know this is the best Christmas present I ever had. I'll remember your advice and I will do my best to face situations and not run away like before."

Santa smiled and spoke, "young Alex, our adventure was never your Christmas gift. I have specially prepared a present for you, as your situation is quite complicated."

Though I didn't get what this old man was saying but I understood that, he's talking about my rebirth and memories. I know that these memories, even though they are quite hazy and fragmented. They are very precious. They contain information about the fictional world from my previous life, anyone learning this may get overwhelmed by such information and other stuff. Santa said before that, there are various time travels happening in this world. Comparing such future travellers to my measly knowledge about this world, there is nothing particular about it, except intelligent people may realise that there's vast omniverse out there. Maybe many fictional worlds characters out there already know of this. 'Let's focus on what Santa is going to say.'

"Young Alex, I know you are worried about memories you received, my task was to help you in this matter. I can seal your memories, forming a closed loop, so that the information doesn't become easily accessible, but this isn't powerful enough to stop cosmic beings. As you already know about them though they rarely have any interest in mortals like us, but fret not 'Lord' has spoken about it, and you will not be influenced by them. So, Young Alex, what do you think about me helping you in this matter? I assure you it will only take a few seconds." Santa spoke, though I can clearly see that, he have come with being prepared for this matter. While I don't have any choice and can only accept his help additionally I also understand that, his seal is gonna help me very much in future, especially again telepaths and Mindreaders.

I replied "Thanks. I understand that, I don't have any option in this matter while, your help in this situation is already blessing to me. For that, I can only say, 'Thank you Santa' and I'm ready for the seal." I had already prepared myself for the situation going bad, being dissected or have my mind being teared apart by someone. Currently, the situation is going in my yard and it's great that I have help in this matter.

Santa replied smiling, "Good choice young Alex, I knew you were smart boy. I want you to sit on that chair and relax and let me do my part." Santa pointed at magically appeared wooden chair. I followed his order and sat on chair.

Santa went behind the chair and placed his hands on my head and said softly, "ok young Alex, let's take few deep breaths, follow my voice.

Now, Close your eyes,

Inhale, take a deep breath.

Exhale, relax, remove all your worries and fear.

Inhale, deep breath and fill your lungs.

Exhale, allow your shoulders to rest and calm yourself."

My body followed his voice and suddenly, I felt like I'm on those white clouds, just like I experienced being inside the Light dimension before. I felt that, I have become light as a feather. Everything became clear. It feels like in the past, there was a veil blocking my clarity and now, I can understand and think clearly. It felt like someone pieced together my scattered brain, making me whole again. Wow! It felt refreshing, such amazing light healing me, I even had an urge to melt inside the light. But suddenly the feeling stopped and heard Santa's voice.

Santa "young Alex, now you can open your eyes."

I opened my eyes and saw everything again, thought it wasn't anything different inside my house from before but from my perspective, I could now think and perceive everything more clearly. 'It looks like Santa not just placed the seal inside my mind but also healed it. I don't have those scattered thoughts like before.'

I spoke to Santa, "Thank you very much. I don't know what you have done but I've never felt such clarity before. I don't have anything to give in return for your help." I replied genuinely, even in my previous life I never met such kind and helpful person. If I had met, I wouldn't be miserable at that time. Let's not get past shackle me anymore. This is a new life and let's live it more freely.

Santa replied with his iconic laugh, "Ho! Ho! Ho! young Alex, there's no need to be such uptight about it. To me you are just a child who is in need and as an old man, I must help you if I can and it is the will of the 'Lord'."

I really don't know who the 'Lord' is, is he God in the bible or another cosmic being or TOAA himself. I already know even if I ask this old man he will just speak the words in rounds without providing any clear answer. So I spoke, "Even though, I'm grateful for what you have done for me . Please forgive me but I have a request. Would you please consider it?"

Santa with his ever smiling face replied, " Of course, young Alex. I will gladly help you if I can."

I asked with an expectant face, "Can we travel next Christmas just like today?" I was anxious about this but I really wanted to have more fun. If I had power like Santa the I really want to go on a long term adventure. While my past life only thought of going around country in vacations and retirement. In this life, I'm definitely going to travel around but not just world tour but Space and dimensions. I really want to go.

Santa laughed heartily at my request and spoke, "Ho! Ho! Ho! Absolutely young Alex. I would gladly take you next Christmas, but If I think about the future. You wouldn't be able to come next Christmas with me."

I instinctively replied, "why? Why wouldn't I be? Is something going to happen in me future?" I asked questions while my mind was filled with worry hearing Santa. 'Will something happen to me? Am I going to die?' Various negative thoughts filled me about my future as I waited for Santa's confirmation.

"No, it's not something bad, but it's the Christmas present that I'm going to give you. Due to the Christmas present you wouldn't be able to come with me.", Santa replied with a smile. I felt like this old man was laughing at my silly antics. I resisted the urge to complain, knowing it will only make this old man laugh even more.

I asked, "Then I don't want that gift. If such a gift doesn't allow me to have a wonderful adventure with you, then I don't want it." I denied it adamantly. I didn't want it. I felt amazing during the journey with Santa. If anything becomes an obstacle in my next such journey, I'll gladly remove such a thing. For me the experience and feeling is my goal. Even if the gift had Super-Soldier serum in it, I don't reject it. Given enough time, I can make it with the encyclopedic Scanner gifted to me and if I'm stuck, I'll even ask my Titanian friends in helping me but I want my next journey with Santa. I'm really acting childish, but what can I do I'm a child now and I'm not gonna miss my chance. 

"Ho! Ho! Ho! Young Alex, are you sure you don't want it? It is very precious." Santa's voice reached my ears but for me this sly old man seemed to be, like a mischievous grandpa trying to trick his grandchildren.

"It doesn't matter what it is, I don't want it. For me, the Journey is the best present. Old man! I will not fall for your tricks." I replied to Santa. He is really hard to deal with.

"Ok. As you wish." Santa replied instantly. 

'Eh! Did I get tricked? How come he easily accepted it?' Various thoughts came into my mind, while I spoke reflexively, "really? Just like that?"

"Yes young Alex and now, I accept your request about going on another adventure next Christmas." Santa said smiling. 

His smiling figure overlapped those mischievous grandfathers who seem to manipulate an innocent child for his fun.

"Thank you very much Santa." Tricky or not. He's a very helpful person and I really owe him for everything he has done for me. I'm really grateful to him for that. 

"It is my pleasure, young Alex. I'm glad that I could help you. Now that this is over. I must bid you farewell, I have to go. Children of earth are waiting for their Christmas presents", Santa spoke to me. 

I said, "Really? Well I suppose, it's time. I'm really glad that I could meet you. I feel really nice knowing you and I'm very much grateful for everything you have done for me." I knew that time would come and Santa will have to go. His presence made me feel safe. Even though he kidnapped me, when we first met but he's really a nice and dependable person. 

Santa walked to me and placed his hand on my head, patting me, he spoke, "Merry Christmas! young Alex. May 'Lord' bless you" As he finished speaking, he vanished from my sight , presumably teleported, leaving behind a note on the ground. It had written,

'Have faith, everything will be alright. I'll come to your home at next Christmas.

Merry Christmas and have fun.

You dearly grandpa,

Santa Claus.'

The note ended with a small reindeer drawing, waving it's hoof. 

'Silly old man' I smiled reading the note and said "Merry Christmas to you, Dearly grandpa Santa claus" I know, he definitely heard me. 

I couldn't control myself and hastily wrote this chapter.

So, currently MC has psychic seal for his memories and Titan tech.

Please comment and suggest if you want to include anything in story and I'll try to accommodate it in the story.

Your comments and suggestions motive me to write more.


Thanks for reading~

kaizer20creators' thoughts