
Marvel : Beyond Horizons

"Thrusted into the chaotic world of Marvel, Alex must learn to survive in the once thought fictional, now a real world." -(Image used from Pinterest.) ________________ -Hello Readers, Like many, It's my first story and the grammar may not be up to the best. 'Thank You for Reading'

kaizer20 · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

MBH #4 CHRISTMAS - 3 (Final)

MBH #4 CHRISTMAS - 3 (Final)


= Location: ?? , Reality:?? =


My name is Alexander Spencer, I'm a 14 year old boy, currently living in Chicago. Just yesterday, on Christmas Eve, I got my past life memories. I was shocked when I realised that the universe which I am currently living in, is creepily familiar with 'Marvel Studios' from my past. I was terrified not because of my death. I think dying is natural and one day, everyone is gonna die. I was just a normal person in my previous life not with any fancy ambitions to conquer or dominate, nor did I seek immortality, I have witnessed the death of my dear one in the past so I had prepared myself for death. 

Even though I don't remember all of my past life memories, I'm currently terrified because, this is really the Marvel Universe, it is real. When one realizes that he's reborn and is living in a crazy fiction world, who wouldn't be afraid? I'm more terrified to live than die. Death felt nothing just silence, while this Living is both painful and joyful. 

Now that I've got my memories, It felt like I have lived an empty life. I had simple goals, going to a good University, getting a job & earning cash, being married, getting kids, well that was my plan or an outline of it. Now all my plans have been turned upside down, Knowing there is something or someone out there in the vast space, casually snapping fingers and killing more than trillions. Just the thought of that gives me chills and for that I feel insecure. I feel like, I'm getting more paranoid every time I think about this, but what I know is that, this is a Marvel Universe and here, Caution is necessary for survival. 


The Marvel Universe contains a large number of crazy superpowered entities, so much that I couldn't even count on my fingers, like Victor von Doom, Sinister, Mephisto, Dormammu, Loki, Galactus, Mad Titan Thanos, Knull, Beyonder, Celestials, fu*k counting them almost drove me crazy. I'm definitely getting paranoid. 


Not just paranoid, I was feeling very terrified but thanks to this crazy old Santa Claus, who kidnapped me on Christmas night and took me to Hell, oh! That actually sounds hilarious. Yeah, he took me to Hell dimension, Light Dimension and many other dimensional realities of this crazy Marvel Universe and at last galactic space where we distributed Christmas gifts to people of various planets and I find it funny but I travelled in his magically flying Christmas sleigh. Though, I feel really happy to see such beautiful and diverse places.

 Honestly speaking, I'm really grateful to Santa Claus, because due to him I could see such wonderful things in this lifetime. I saw hell, Light, Wind, Fire and other Dimensional realities, even the galactic space and aliens. I saw demons, winged people, spirits, elementals & various extra-dimensional entities and even a large number of aliens. Speaking about aliens, I found that, they are just like people, who feel pain, emotions and are much like humans. Now thinking about humans, reminded me of my past life. I did not have much emotional attachment but it's just I'm feeling lonely but suddenly a thought stuck me. I'm lonely. I'm alone in this universe. Now this makes me happy. 

You know, I'm happy. I'm really happy because I'm debt free, 'yaahooo!!'. All my past life student loans are gone. No EMI to worry about. I'm now clean slate. I'm inside a new body, with experience of past life. This is the most important weapon I can use ahead in this life. Though my past memories of this fictional like Universe are very important, but they are like 'atom bomb' with additional buff of butterfly effect and whatnot crazy time shenanigans. Lets not get in more detail, I have been healed recently, and I don't want another headache. Lets think positive for now. 

I'm really grateful that, I got a new life to live, considering my past mistakes and actions, I can say I didn't live it freely as possible. I felt bounded. It felt like the society restricted my actions, don't do this, don't do that Or else you'll get fired, you'll get sued, pay money. Inwardly, I felt restricted by Power, by Authority and by Position. 

Even now, I can feel those suppressed emotions. Truthfully, I don't want to live such a suffocating life again. Maybe Whomever reincarnated me, understood my wish and sent me in this universe. I don't know what to say to him, other than a thanks, Maybe I'll donate a few dollars in his/her name. In this one, I'll live a better and free life. This time, I'm never getting restricted by anyone . I'm never running away from myself again. I'm fighting for it. Even if it costs me my life, I have already died living such life once, I never wanna live it again. 

After getting my memories, I had planned to lay low and keep my presence hidden. Maybe try my luck on my genetics, if I got a X-gene and get in mutant school but I reminded myself about my mind and memories. They are really an 'Atom Bomb'. The next plan was getting inside the sorcerer line, but considering this is a Marvel Comics Universe, not Cinematic one. I'll have to deal with extra- dimensional entities. Like the creatures which I saw with Santa. I definitely don't wanna die by having my soul sucked by tentacled creatures or demons or whomever it is. 

Next one is intelligence but I think, I'm not really super-intelligent like Tony Stark or Reed Richards but I'm definitely above average in intelligence, and this body is quite athletic and I'm a soccer player with a good stamina. I think I could make one of those marvel serums but considering side effects especially like, Goblin, Lizard, Red skull, even Sentry. I'll keep it at last resort, or without proper understanding of serum, I'll just become a mindless monster and end up as another experiment material for someone to dissect.

Currently my only bet is this mysterious Santa Claus, I think he is a good person, at least that's what I feel. I mean he healed me, by taking me into the Light dimension. I just don't get his 'Lord' bullshit, is he TOAA? I even asked him about this but this old man didn't answer. He always act mysteriously. 

From what I saw, The old man Santa is very clever and he's a very mischievous person, you see, he really likes to play pranks on people. Especially the people who he deems 'Naughty'. You definitely don't want to be in his 'Naughty Children List'. He even has a special holographic device for that list. He is really picky about gifts, and likes to give appropriate gifts to people, and gifts dangerous things to people on the 'Naughty List'. 

 Santa's gifts are really diverse, this is especially true for those of 'Naughty Children List'. For example, he may give an empty gift box to them and if he gives real gifts to those people, they may find something inside, that they hate very much or something that, they are very much afraid of. 

Like, one pink alien lady's gift box had dinosaur-like alien creature and it came out roaring at her, it was hilarious and shocking to witness the scene. I think It must be an enchanted box with large space, later I heard from others that, she has been abusing large reptiles for quite sometime. While an alien Kree male, got a pair of cats from the gift box. On seeing them, he threw the box and ran away, while looking like he had seen a ghost but those cats ran after him. Later, another Kree alien boy told me that, those cats were in fact 'Flerkens' and then I remembered, 'oh! they were shown in the Captain Marvel movie'. So, 'Flerken' are Cat-like species with tentacles inside their mouth and can eat anything because they have a dimensional space inside their stomach. I heard about that Kree person a while later from a shop owner, that he is a smuggler, who steals exotic creatures and sells them. Now you see, you definitely don't want to be in Santa's 'Naughty Children List'. 


I travelled to different planets, so much that I couldn't count but I was worried about my uncle as he is coming today but I don't know how much time has passed. So, I asked Santa and he replied, "young Alex, rest assured. You will reach your home before your uncle gets there."

I really don't like that tone, always speaking in such mysterious way. What the heck does this Fat old man want? Why can't he speak in simple language! I'm definitely not complying with him just because he gave me sweets & cakes and also promised to give me plenty of gifts. Definitely not. I'm following him because.. because.. because he's strong, yeah, he's powerful person, definitely not because of gifts and chocolates. Definitely not. 

While visiting planets in space, we went to Xandar, Nova empire's capital. It didn't look like the GOTG movie but had the same vibe of alive and openness. I saw 'Nova corps' with their blue energy theme and black armor, flying in Xandar space. We also visited Kree capital, Hala. Though some Kree were acting like blood racist, I also found good people in the Kree empire and then we visited Tarnax-IV, the Skrull throneworld, Skrull shapeshifting biology is really amazing and I heard that Kree empire and Skrull empire, have been in war for thousands of years. It's crazy but I think, It was a fascinating adventure. I had never dreamt that, I'll travel to space and see different planets and aliens. 

It really opened my eyes, seeing real aliens. Interacting with them, giving gifts to children and adults. All of the People were grateful for it, while some were wary and didn't accept gifts from an unknown person like me but it's okay, not my loss. While Some people even tried to loot me, or snatch my gift-sack, some even tried to kill me, especially ones of 'Naughty Children List', but all were handled by Santa. 

Whenever, a ''Naughty Children List' person comes near me, the reindeer badge on my left chest beeps and alarms me & Santa about the situation. Santa is really cautious.

One time, an alien even took hostage of innocent bystanders and demanded our supplies, while on another planet, an alien king threatened us, saying he'll blow up whole planet. Thankfully, they all were neutralized by our powerful grandpa Santa Claus.

Santa has a vast range of powers. From what I have seen, He has telepathy, telekinesis, energy projection, energy manipulation, magic, enchantment, flying, superhuman body. Actually, on the surface he seems like an old man but his one punch can blow any building. I even suspect that, he's on the level of an Omega level mutant. He's really a powerhouse. I'm currently betting on Santa to have a smooth sail in muddy marvel waters, until I'm powerful enough. Though I think, in Marvel, one is never powerful enough. Let's hope, I don't get close to those crazy disasters. 

A very interesting thing I noticed is that, I can understand any language. I understood every language I have come across, maybe it comes with this magical Mini-Santa costume. I don't know if those powers will work if I remove the Mini-Santa costume. I hope Santa will be merciful to me.


People were really grateful for receiving gifts. Some even gave me alien fruits and jewelleries as return gifts. When I asked Santa about this, he laughed joyfully and replied to me, "Ho! Ho! Ho! Young Alex, a gentleman should accept return gifts. Keep them—they're yours!". Thankfully Mini-Santa costume has enchanted pockets, so no need to worry about extra space for gifts. I really like the costume features. It even had an automatic thermal stabilizing feature, so that I don't get cold or feel hot, just normal human temperature.

On the way towards our home, Earth. We visited Saturn's moon called, Titan. There I noticed lack of people. I learned from a small Titanian girl named 'Mercy' that, Mad-Titan Thanos came and battled Mentor, his father and Eros, his brother and several other Titanians. The battle resulted in large casualties of Titanians and they were reconstructing the damaged areas. 

She kindly invited me to see the reconstructing process. There I witnessed, Titanians being supported by high tech gadgets and creating nationwide reconstruction, growing natural flora and constructing buildings with such high level technology, that I can only imagine and read in fiction before. 

Mercy and her two friends, Phurse & Ayris, gifted me few things in return for Christmas gifts they received. First one was an eraser-like tech device, which is used to communicate with them & Second one was a scanning device. It contains galaxy wide data and can give real time information about almost anything, when being scanned by it, I learned it even scans to the level of atoms. I loved it so much that, I scanned everything that I came across, my skin, Titan soil, metals, rocks etc. Mercy and her two friends laughed watching my action of scanning everything. I felt like a clown, as I saw them laughing at me. Suddenly, my mind brought me an image of myself laughing at ape playing lego. It must be funny to watch. 

At that time, I just smiled wryly at them while complaining mentally, 'why can't humans live peacefully and develop such goodies?' Though, I deep down knew the answer but that didn't stop me from complaining. This scanner, I must say, even our internet pales in comparison to the information this small device contained. 'In Uchiha Madara's language: In terms of being useful, I Alexander Spencer declare you the most useful tech I'll need'. It has information about almost everything inside it and scans almost everything. It even detected magical traces on Mini-Santa costume. The last one was a force field generator, size of a playing card and such compact in size that, it reminded me of the Tony Stark nanotech suit, but this Force-field generator can make a force field around me, so that I can fly. 

'Woohoo!' Now I can fly. Though, My first flying experience was terrible but it felt great. After some tries I got the gist of it. For a while, I just remained in the sky flying around until, a guardian Titanian came and asked me to come down, as I was going out of given area. 

After that I felt slightly embarrassed watching Mercy, Phurse & Ayris for laughing at me for my antics, but for me it was nothing. Instead I was grateful for them for giving me such precious tech. They were very nice. I made my first alien friends, we talked about many things especially Thanos, and thier home, Titan's history. I felt nice having such understanding and genius friends, as in this life I'm in Chicago high school which is mostly filled with either sports player or high on drugs and in association with local gangs. I really don't want to lose such good friends. 

Before departing they asked me to be in contact through that communicator. Only then I realized that it would cause a problem if I didn't ask Santa about all these tech gifts. So, I went to Santa and I questioned him about these high-tech gifts and asked about my communication with Titanians through one of that devices, and he just nonchalantly said they were gifts given to me. I should accept them. So, considering Santa's advice and his careful nature. I joyfully talked to My new Titanian friends and had them connect me to them, through that communication device. It had great features, screen expansion, voice call, hologram call, video call, and message feature with great camera and audio quality, I checked it through demo call. 

It felt good to have such a high-tech phone, considering I'm using a stark flip phone. It may seem suspicious for me to accept such high-tech gifts even if they were good friends and being careful had it's advantages, so as I planned, after departing I again asked Santa, "Is it really safe for me to take this high-tech devices to earth? "

Santa replied chuckling, "It's good to be cautious but these tech are safe to use and Titan people aren't of ill nature. So Young Alex, fret not it's safe. They are gifts from them and try to help them in future."

Though I don't know if Santa is telling me something or it's just my misunderstanding, he definitely changed his voice to his mysterious tone while saying the last part. Well I'll leave it for next time, as time will tell its tale. While my mind is currently occupied by Earth. We just passed the red planet, Mars and arrived near the iconic blue coloured planet, my home planet, Earth. 'Dear home, I missed you so much'. Gaea will definitely give me extra care if she hears me saying this. 

"It's mesmerizing", I spoke voicing my mind. While I heard Santa chuckled at my remark. Glancing at him, I spoke, "so are we going to give presents to people of earth now?" I voiced my opinion in worry, because I don't have much opinion on alien planets, but Earth is literally a place for a large number of superpowered people. They are everywhere and I don't want to go near those people and have them finding my identity. I'm currently not ready for dealing with them. My survival comes first. 

Sensing my internal musings, Santa said, "No Young Alex, I'm afraid we have more pressing issues, such as your uncle"

Santa's words reminded me of my uncle John, he's coming at Christmas, and it's today. I don't even know how I will deal with him? What should I say? Should I act like normal or speak more mature? 

Suddenly Santa pointed towards ahead and said," Young Alex, be ready" His words jolt me awake. The pathway ahead was filled with clouds and just as we penetrated the clouds, I again felt it. The teleportation shift, and now sleigh was in front of the same twinkling night sky, two moons and Snowfield. The reindeer made slight clicking sound, while landing near the wooden hut. 

We exited the sleigh and Santa spoke while walking towards me, "Young Alex, I must say that, I enjoyed your company during our little adventure but now it ends here. Let me take you home." 

Santa place his hand on my shoulder and I felt the shift. While I thought 'I really levelled up my teleportation shock resistance.'

Chapter got delayed because I couldn't find inspiration to write.

Here ARC- 0 has ended and

next one will be ARC-1.

Though the draft isn't ready, So expect slight delay in next chapters additional reason is that, I'm slight lazy.

Comment and suggest the characters and additional info you want in ARC - 1 (it's probably introduction of MC to Marvel Universe) I'll try to utilize them in my best way.

Thanks for Reading~

Have a good Day/Night.

kaizer20creators' thoughts