
Marvel:Anime Template System

John Raymond was an average man, he worked from 9-5 at an average day job  he didn't work for a black company or anything, just an average office workspace. The funny thing was that he was a prodigy when it came to the arts,  Art, Music, Literature where things he aced back in school and he was praised for it, but they didn't help him here One day he was walking home from work when he saw a child on the road chasing a ball you know where this is going, right? he is now Alex Nill and trapped in the Marvel Universe with no escape, but there is hope for survival due to the Anime Template System! Watch as Alex has as much fun as he can with the help of Anime Characters

WorstMasterpiece · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: Deal With The Devil

(A/N Why on god's green Earth are you guys giving so many power stones for the absolute trash of a novel? Whatever, shoutouts at the end of the chap)


Narrator POV:

Charles had now left the room, and had called for a meeting, a few minutes later all the adult mutants and a few teenage ones had gathered themselves in his office

"What would be the problem, professor?" Night wing had said

"Well, it seems that this world is vaster than previously anticipated…" Charles had said before explaining the situation




"...That would be a problem…" Cyclops had stated

"It seems so" Jean Gray had said

"But such an ability would be indispensable, in the long run" Logan had said

"How so?" Night wing had asked

"Well, if we consider 'inferior' as…'objectively worse' then it would allow us to control most of the masses in our favour, making most public situations a lot easier, if we have a relatively large group support us, more people would join on their own" Logan had explained

"But isn't that wrong? It would be like brainwashing people" Jean had asked

"While that may be true, anti-mutant associations have ever growing control over the masses, were fighting a losing battle in the Public Relations department, whilst we have to work in the shadows, most of our enemies can speak to the media publicly" Charles had explained

"And most of the time we get put in a bad light, all due to our 'in the dark' nature" Logan had added

"I feel that we shouldn't do it" said Jean

"I say we should" Said Logan

"Although it feels wrong, this seems to be the best course of action" Cyclops had said

"Sure why not, its only a deal with the devil, and those always end well, I say we shouldn't" Nightwing had said, the only one left was Charles, his decision making the the decision

"I say we should" said Charles, and just like that, they had made Makima ever more powerful

<Back in the Interrogation Room>

Makima was sitting there, smiling at the three of us (Charles, Beast, Logan)

"I trust you have made your decision?" Makima had said In a cold voice

"...We have decided to accept" Charles had replied

"I thought you would" said Makima

"How would we go about doing a contract?" He had said

"Well, its simple" she had said when an illusory contract appeared in front of Charles stating the terms of the contract and a place at the bottom saying 'Soul Signature'

'I'm pretty sure contracts weren't like this in chainsaw man, must be the systems interference' she had thought to herself

Charles began to read over it many times, trying to find any traps, but after a few minutes he saw that there where none and had signed the contract

"Brilliant, Charles, I will be on my way now" Makima said, gesturing towards the door, walking out and eventually making it out of the X-Mansion

<Later back home>

"Jeezus Christ!" He had said immediately after transforming back

'That was terrifying!' He thought 'it seems that when I transform into Makima, my demeanour thought process and habits change, looking back at it, that was crazy, I would've passed out if it weren't for me being changed'

After realising the true nature of the transformation, Alex quickly had a shower and tried to forget about his scattered thoughts at the moment before landing on his bed and passing out


(A/N pretty short chap, anyway thank you:EVERYONE! Hah you thought I would give you a shout out because you gave me a power stone? You fools! I just told you that so that you would read this shitstorm of a story. On Wednesday I'll make a special chap with all the people who have given me power stones as a thank you, anyway take this chapter and get going!)