
Marvel(Deadpool): Transmigrated into the research institute

Paul traveled to the Marvel world with a Danganronpa game panel! As long as he unlocked achievements, he could gain super high school-level talents! Tony Stark: "I can make steel armor!" Paul: "Coincidentally, I can build Gundam." Domino: "My super ability is luck!" Paul: "Luck? I have that too." Doctor Strange: "You can also do magic?" Paul: "In modern society, there's no magic; it's just a child's fantasy." After finishing, Paul threw down a pile of cards, disappearing as they fell. -------------------------------------------------------- This is just a translation 100 stones = 1 extra chapter

The_unKnown2 · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs

Chapter 5: A mutant

Seeing this, Paul raised the rifle in his hand without saying a word and pulled the trigger!

Although Paul had never touched a gun before, he knew the basics of shooting and didn't make the rookie mistake of forgetting to disable the safety. The moment he saw Francis, he was already planning to shoot him.

At such close range, no matter how bad his aim, Francis couldn't dodge the bullets.

However, Paul had far underestimated Francis's reflexes.

Facing Paul's surprise attack, Francis, initially frightened and angry, suddenly extended his right hand and forcibly pressed down the gun barrel aimed at him. All the bullets fired hit the ground instead.

"So fast..."

Paul tried to regain control of the rifle but saw a fist before his eyes.


Paul, unable to dodge in time, raised his arms in a hasty block. The moment the fist connected, he could hear the brittle sound of his arm bones breaking under the pressure. The force was beyond his ability to resist.

The power Francis displayed reminded Paul of certain movie scenes. As the manager of this Mutant slave processing factory, Francis was also a Mutant with a special ability. His physical qualities surpassed those of ordinary people, and he had his pain nerves removed surgically. In a fight, even Wade struggled against him.

Despite the pain, Paul didn't let go of the rifle.

Francis, a bit surprised by Paul's persistence, snorted coldly and punched him again.

Hearing the whistling sound of the incoming fist, Paul did not retreat but advanced, slamming into Francis's chest, trying to knock him down with his body weight.

However, Francis anticipated Paul's move.

Using his core strength, Francis stabilized himself and withstood Paul's impact.

The next moment, Francis raised his foot and kicked Paul hard in the abdomen.


Paul felt a terrifying force hit him, sending him flying with the rifle. He landed heavily among the guards five meters away.

This all happened in less than five seconds. The guards, still battling Wade, didn't notice what happened behind them and suddenly saw Paul crash down among them.

Ignoring the pain in his abdomen, Paul immediately got up and shouted: "guys, this experimental subject actually has accomplices! Don't show him any mercy, shoot him down!"

Paul raised his rifle first and fired at Francis's position!

Proving the masses follow blindly, the guards, seeing Paul in a similar uniform, didn't question him and began shooting.

Francis quickly squatted down, covering his head, and hid behind the bunker again.

"F**k! Look carefully, it's me you're hitting!" he roared in rage.

Hearing Francis's voice, the guards were stunned.

Paul, feigning disbelief, shouted: "Francis is an undercover agent! He's been posing as our boss!"

Holy shit, Francis is undercover?

The guards, realizing their mistake, had little time to react as Paul turned his gun on them.

"Sorry, I'm a cop."

As he spoke, the still-warm rifle sputtered flames again, taking out the guards instantly.

"You did a great job, little guy. If I were a judge, I'd give you 99 points for your acting skills," Wade clapped as he emerged from the corner.

Paul stared at Wade's disfigured face for a while and asked, confused, "Who are you?"

Wade was taken aback: "I'm your good neighbor, Wade!"

Paul shook his head: "Impossible, Wade isn't as handsome as you."

The comment only fueled Wade's anger. "It's all because of that dish soap!"

Furious, Wade fired a volley of bullets at Francis's cover: "Get out here, see what you did to my face, you ruined the dreams of thousands of girls!"

Seeing all the guards dead, Francis calmly walked out from behind the bunker with his hands raised.

"You won't kill me because only I can restore your original appearance," Francis sneered.

Wade replied viciously: "You're right, I won't kill you. But I will cut off your ass and stick it to your mouth with super glue so you can taste your own shit!"

Paul looked at Wade in disgust.

"Disgusting. Really disgusting."

Suddenly, heavy footsteps approached.

The two turned around sharply to see a strong woman rushing towards them.

Without hesitation, Paul and Wade fired at her.

The woman didn't dodge, letting the bullets hit her, making a sound like steel. She punched Paul, who was closest, and there was a sound of compressed air.

"It's a Mutant again!" a thought flashed in Paul's mind.

The strong woman's fist struck through the air!

Paul's rifle broke in two, and the force of her punch hit his chest.

The surroundings blurred as if Paul had been hit by a truck. He crashed into a wall and spat out a mouthful of blood mixed with internal organs. His chest was severely collapsed, and his body fell limply to the ground.