
Marvel's Super Venom System

Story of: Marvel's Super Venom System (A new book has been opened. Marvel's Symbiote starts with a hammer-and-carnage massacre. Friends who are interested, come and watch.) A new book has been opened. It's still about Venom. If you are interested, you can read it. Traveling through the Marvel Universe, possessed by venom, use venom to copy other people's abilities, fight crime, punish rape and eliminate evil, and protect important people. Copy Iron Man! Gain extraordinary intelligence! Copy Spider-Man! Get wall-climbing, huge power! Copy the Hulk! Get super powers! Copy Thor! Get a divine body! ... Tips: This book is a multiverse hybrid. Except for major events, all other settings may be changed. Everything serves the story and integrity of the novel. There were some poisonous points in the front, but now they have been modified, and everyone can watch it with confidence.

Zero_D_Darkness · Tranh châm biếm
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100 Chs

Chapter 98

In the dark space, a hoarse voice was speaking to the roaring monsters below.

"The Cosmic Cube has awakened."

"He is in a small space, where is the human world."

"Weak humans are also trying to find the secret of the Rubik's Cube, but only our allies can know how to master it."

"He's ready to be a trailblazer, and we Zitari will follow."

"This planet can be owned by him."

"But the whole universe will be controlled by us."

"Humanity can only wait for death to come."


At night, with the twinkling lights in the city, the hovering helicopter fell to the ground, and a bald egg wearing an eye patch jumped from the helicopter.

This is where the Cosmic Cube is stored, and it is also the energy research center of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Fury jumped out of the plane and walked inside, looking at Colson, who was coming up, he asked, "How bad is the situation now?"

Colson heard Nick Fury's question and responded while taking off his sunglasses: "The worst-case scenario is that we don't know exactly what it is." Colson

then took Nick Fury into the research center, and then took the elevator to the real research center underground.

Colson said to Fury as he walked inside, "Four hours ago, Dr. Sevig detected a stream of energy emitted by the Cosmic Cube.

Fury heard this and said a little strangely: "When did the space agency authorize him to conduct the test?"

Colson replied, "Dr. Sevig did not perform the test, he was in his room, it was the energy emitted by the Cosmic Cube itself."

Fury continued to listen to Colson's report and walked forward, and after a while, they arrived at the experimental site.

I saw Professor Sevig staring at the Cosmic Cube in front of him thinking, and after the Thor incident a year ago, he was invited here by Nick Fury to study the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

Nick Fury looked at Professor Sevig and asked him, "Professor, tell me what the hell is going on?"

Professor Sevig answered Nick Fury's question while tuning the instrument: "The Cosmic Cube is not very serious now. Nick

Fury heard this and said, "Professor, now is not the time for jokes.

Sevig also said: "I'm not kidding, now the Cosmic Cube is not only very active, but also goes my own way and has my own ideas." Nick

Fury listened to Professor Sevig tell him some things, and then he called Hawkeye, who had been guarding here, to find out about the situation again.

"Agent Barton, come to me."

When Barton heard this, he came down from the stairs and reported the situation to Nick Fury.

Nick asked Barton, "Did you see anything?"

"Did anyone come in and out of here, or did they steal the Rubik's Cube?"

Barton heard Fury's question and replied: "No one is in or out, and no one is secretly practicing this Rubik's Cube." "

Dr. Sevig is innocent, maybe the problem is not on our side."

Nick Fury heard Barton's words and asked a little strangely: "Our side."

Barton then said to Nick Fury: "The Rubik's Cube is a door to the other side of the universe, right?

"This door should open on both sides."

Barton stayed in this research base during this time and also learned about the relevant knowledge with Dr. Sevig, and his popular statement is the best summary of the function of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

Just as the two were talking, the Cosmic Cube suddenly shook with dazzling blue energy, and even the entire research center trembled.

Immediately afterwards, the Cosmic Cube made a crackling sound, and then the surrounding pale blue energy seemed to be attracted by the most central square, forming a pale blue vortex centered on the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

As this pale blue vortex spun faster and faster, suddenly, a blue energy beam shot onto the opposite wall.

Immediately afterwards, the energy shooting onto the wall continued to spread, forming a door-like space.

This energy space lasted for a few seconds before it made another boom, and then turned into a blue brilliance and escaped outward.

The blue brilliance was like a gust of wind, squinting the eyes of everyone around them, and when they opened their eyes again and looked there, they found a strangely shaped man half-squatting on the ground.

The man holds a scepter encrusted with gemstones that emit a light similar to the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

When the surrounding agents saw this scene, they all raised their guns and slowly approached the strange man.

At the same time, the man also slowly stood up, revealing his handsome and feminine face, he was Loki, who had been wandering in the universe for a long time.

Loki gasped slightly, there were still dense beads of sweat on his forehead, it seemed that this teleportation journey was not easy.

At the same time, Nick Fury, who saw Loki standing up, also shouted to him: "Sir, please drop your spear!" Loki

also raised his hand after hearing Nick Fury's words, looking at the scepter in his hand.

Suddenly, he shot a blue light with the scepter in his hand at Nick Fury.

Nick Fury, Colson and the others were immediately blasted out by this light.

The agents surrounding him all raised the guns in their hands the moment Loki made a move, pouring the bullets in the guns towards Loki.

The bullets hitting Loki's body did not have the expected effect, but all made a clanging sound and then fell to the ground.

At this time, he flew towards several agents, and in a blink of an eye, he stabbed several more people to death.

The remaining agent Loki did the same, and in less than thirty seconds in total, the ground was already full of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

At this time, Hawkeye Patton suddenly burst out from Loki's side and punched him with a fist.

Loki reached out and grabbed Barton's fist, and the huge force made Barton's hand completely immobile.

He looked at Barton in front of him, his eyes lit up, and then he said to Barton: "Oh, you are different.

"So, follow me, and I'll let you see a different world."

As soon as the words fell, before Barton could react, Loki's scepter was on his chest.

I saw that Barton's eyes instantly turned completely black, and soon all black faded again, turning into a blue light.

Unaware that Barton was under control, Nick Fury stumbled to his feet, and then quickly put the Cosmic Cube in his suitcase.

Just as he lifted the box and wanted to leave quietly, Loki turned to look at him, and then said in a deep voice: "Please put the box down, sir, I still need to use it."