
Marvel's Sun Wukong

A Self insert as a Goku in the marvel universe, Thor and Loki's Older brother Asgardian name Sun Wukong. Mc X 4 women

Zack_Smith_9438 · Tranh châm biếm
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64 Chs


"Whosoever holds this hammer, if they be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor." The voice of the all-father whispered repeatedly as the hammer shot towards Thor like a rocket.

Out of the blinding bolt of lightning, Thor's hammer came crashing into the frost giant's face sending him flying into the air. Thor revealed himself Clad in his full battle armor, He raised his hand and the hammer flew back towards him, and he caught it.

Thor smiled, feeling his power come back to him from what felt like so long. Before his eyes suddenly narrowed and dodged a stab to the neck, he side-stepped to the right to dodge another left hook, before he smacked him with the side of his hammer, causing him to grunt, and before he could be sent flying, due to the force. Thor immediately slammed him to the ground with his hammer.

"How do you Like that!" Thor roared. He started to beat Laufey with his fists,, before Laufey eventually kicked him off of him, gritting his teeth. Slowly he got up, glaring at him with red eyes of hatred. Lunged at him Thor moved out of the way and smacked him again with his hammer, the force of the blow sent him tumbling to the ground.

Sun smiled, although laufey can fight easily with Odin and Thor until he is overpowered, the attacking Sun used against Laufey must have Drained a lot of his energy, Laufey is in good hands, so long as Thor doesn't screw up. Sun turned to the others that were conscious and saw that they were cheering and roaring for Thor's victory.

Sun glanced to the shield agents and saw that they were watching the fight with their Jaws dropping,

"I shall give you one last chance," Thor said staring down at him. "Surrender?" Laufey laughed weakly, before he sneered, "You haven't won, and. I would rather die than surrender to the likes of you."

Thor sighed and remember the words of his father who was before him, "So be it."

Thor then raised his hammer to the Sky, There was another *Crack!* before another bolt of lightning shot down from the heavens impacting the hammer for a couple of seconds.

Thor pointed it at Laufey, Laufey's eyes widened, and tried to move out of the way but he wasn't fast enough, The lightning hit him dead in the center of the chest. He was severely injured.

Before the lightning could impact Laufey vanished. The lightning hit the ground causing a lot of smoke to pile up blinding everyone's sight of him. Before he walked up with his brother in bridal carry, Loki was highly annoyed and shrugged himself, violently escaped his brother's grasp. He dusted himself and glared at him, Thor just smiled like an idiot.

Sun had just finished healing the humans Loki and the warrior three, "Thank you Sun." Vandral replied.

Sun nodded his head, his eyes sensed a familiar presence in the air. He turned and saw it was an old friend, she was bald and seemed to be wearing a golden robe that went down to her ankles. She smiled at him, and Sun smiled back. She was very discreet, and Sun knew she didn't want to be seen by the others.

She made a hand sign that meant later and gestured to the portal, Sun nodded his head, and turned back to the others

"Heimdall! Open the Bifrost!" Suddenly a beam of multi-collored light shot down from asgard

He then walk the other Asgardians at their side. Thor turns to Coulson.

"You must be the defenders of this planet." he said, "Tell your leaders this, "You and I, we fight for the same cause -- the protection of this world. From this day forward, count me as your ally. Thor replied, "If you return the items you have stolen from Jane Foster."

"Not stolen. Borrowed." Coulson replied, his lips quirked upwards "But yes, she will need it for the future basis."

Thor nodded, and looked to Jane and shook her gently, "Jane awoke slowly, but when her eye sight cleared and saw Thor, She gasped and stood awake, "You... your alive...." she muttered before she gazed down and back up at him, "You....look so different."

"Aye...I am." Thor then kissed her passionately she lit go "Whatever fate lies before me, you are part of it." before he and the other Asgardians leap into the Bifrost."

"Are you coming, Brother?" Sun nodded, "Later...: right now I have things to do on Midgard first.

Thor smiled, "Very well..." he stepped into the Bifrost they once they disappeared the Bifrost vanished, leaving a circle of markings and runes on the ground.

Sun turned around to leave. "Wait!' Sun turned to Coulson. "What did you do to Black widow."

"Ah..." Sun smiled, "she should be resting right now..."He replied. before he raised two fingers to his forehead and disappeared.


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Reappearing in front of a desk, Sun looked directly at her, the person who was sipping on some warm tea, gazing at him with interest and amusement,

Sun smiled.

"I am surprised you still remember me after all this time...Sorceress supreme."

Her eyes twinkled

"It is hard to forget the one who gave me my first time. Prince of Asgard" She smiled coyly, "What brings you here to Earth?"

Before you leave Tell me what I did wrong alright, so I can make this story better.



Have a good day.

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