After the fight with colossus I decided to focus on just neon for the week and switch every subsequent week to a new power. With neon I was able to unlock laser insight which is the ability to see weak points and shatter points and I was close it unlocking radiant sweep but didn't dare use it indoors.
in the next week I changed to only focus on smoke and it's moves. I managed to after a lot fuckups use smoke dash properly and all the fire modes Delson had like cinder blast and smoke shot while also getting the hang of Sulfur bombs.
this repeated for all my powers until I got to electricity which I was excited to use. With it I managed all the powers then started branching out to things I wanted to try and I needed Hank's help.
arriving at Hank's lab I knocked and waited for the "come in." Walking in and waiting until he was done with what he was doing I asked "Dr McCoy I wanted to ask for some of you help with a power I wanted to try out"
he looked intrigued "and why not ask Logan for help" I answered "because I need you help if I'm to get this right without injuring myself. I had the idea of using my electricity to become a human railgun"
hank looks at me for a second and sighs "alright I'll help, just because I don't think it's possible and I don't want you to hurt yourself." With that we walked outside to the same spot I was in when I destroyed that mountain.
'alright so when I think of electricity powers I always think of a certain railgun, so I'm thinking cuz I'm not limited buy gameplay I should be able to did it hopefully.' Getting ready I focus as hard as I can on a ball baring I got earlier, feeling the ball with my powers I make it levitate of my palm slightly to make sure I can effect it properly.
with all that out the way I think on how to do this. 'Ok so I have no idea how to do this but I don't think Cole knows to much about ions and he can still use his ion storm and vortex so I should be ok.'
Deciding to just say fuck it and give it a go I pump as much electricity I am comfortable using behind the floating ball and making nonexistent rails on ether side and transfer all the built up energy between the right rail then the ball then the left rail.
and with a crack of thunder louder than anything I have heard the ball baring is gone and a long like of trees has a new hole in them.
Turning to the absolutely gobsmacked beast I ask "yo how in the ever living fuck did that work" that snaps him out of his funk and turns to me "first language, second it shouldn't have I was watching what you were doing and it wasn't what was needed to achieve" he gestured to the trees "that"
So does that mean my power is making moves off my intentions and not my skill and knowledge if so then would I be able to just think of the move I want and it'll work. Grabbing another ball I put it in between my thumb and pointer fingers and gently say "bang"
And as before there is a crack of thunder accompanied by a flash of light and the ball Is gone and there are more holes in the trees.
'so how about an ion storm' I raise my hands to the sky as beast asks "what are you doing" I grin and shout "ion storm" and the world goes white.
when the light is gone the area in front of me is a smoking crater about 6 metres wide and 1/2 a metre deep. While I can feel my face hurting from how much I'm smiling I can hear beast shout at me.
"that was wildly dangerous and could have ended badly" but that didn't deter me I just answered "but do you know what this means doc" he takes a big breath and holds it before sighing "what does it mean Alex" he says defeatedly "it means my powers accommodate my wishes as long as they are technically possible" wait does this extend to my other powers as well
before I can be told off or dissuaded otherwise I swap to smoke and think of using the orbital drop and I can feel the pressure building in my feet and rising to my head. Looking for a spot to hit I find a clearing far enough away from beast that he won't be hit and launch myself off the ground. Upon reaching my peek of my launch I turn back to the ground before doing the thing I wanted to try.
'Smoke control should allow a small amount of fire control' pushing the idea of Shinra's adolla burst I feel my feet heat up and my fall increase massively in speed. And just as I hit the floor I convert my body into superheated smoke making a massive explosion and scattering me all over the clearing before my body reforms from the centre of the crater.
"YEAH god that was awesome I'm doing that again" and before I could switch powers and try again beast comes running into the clearing looking mightily pissed off "NO you are not young man you just got off punishment from the last time you did this and now you repeated it, it is obvious you are not responsible enough to use you abilities safely"