
Martial Universe: Sword Ancestral Symbol

[I have a sword that can separate mountains and seas.] [I have a sword that can decide life and death.] If there is no path I want to take in the world, then I will use the sword in my hand to open a path! This is a story about a sword practitioner walking in the heavens.

Martial_Isekaiyist · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs

Chapter 20: Wait!

A beam of green light swept in from the distant sky and finally turned into a green lotus. On the green lotus, there was a graceful figure. Although a veil covered her face, her pair of eyes as clear as crystal made the world dim in an instant.

The woman was wearing a light-colored skirt, her eyebrows were like emerald feathers, her skin was as white as snow, her waist was as thin as a silk ribbon, and her face was covered with gauze, with a clear gaze that made the heaven and earth pale in comparison.

"Boy, be careful with that woman. You'd better stay away from her. You can't afford to offend her!"

Xiao Diao's voice suddenly sounded, which surprised Lin Dong.

"Little Marten, is she that strong? She can't even fight you and me?"

With the help of the two Creation Realm demon beasts and spirits, Xiao Diao's strength has recovered to the great perfection of the Creation Realm. If he attacks with all his strength, even Lin Langtian may not be his opponent by himself.

"Nonsense, if I'm not strong enough, how can I be considered an opponent by that evildoer?"

Xiao Diao couldn't help but curl his lips when he heard this. This kid is too stupid. He doesn't realize the seriousness of the problem at all.

Is that a question of whether you are strong or not? It is a question of how you will die if you provoke them!

"Haha, it turns out to be Miss Qingzhu. Qin Shi is very polite."

In the sky, Qin Shi gently waved the feather fan in his hand and smiled at the woman whose jade feet were stepping on the green lotus.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you would be interested in things from my Great Yan Dynasty."

There was a hint of heat in Wang Yan's eyes as he looked at the mysterious woman. Any man would be moved upon seeing such a beauty, except, of course, the swordsman!

"It's just a coincidence!"

Ling Qingzhu turned her cold eyes and looked at Lin Langtian and said.

"Now that everyone is here, let's take action!"

Qin Shi and Wang Yan were stunned when they heard this, and then looked at Lin Langtian nervously, fearing that he would say "someone hasn't arrived yet".

Ling Qingzhu came to the Great Yan Dynasty by chance, and only knew a few famous Great Yan geniuses such as Lin Lang Tianwang Zhong.

But Wang Yan and Qin Shi knew very well that the sword god of the Lin family had started to be active in the past few years, and according to the information they received, he had already left Lin City!

After Lin Yunhao defeated Lin Langtian, he still fought a few more times. Although his record was not large, it still made Wang Yan and others feel afraid, especially Wang Yan, who had seen the Sword God use his sword with his own eyes.

After hearing this, the calm and unrestrained Lin Langtian raised his fist in his sleeve. After taking a deep breath, he regained his previous free and easy composure and smiled.

"Haha, okay, but this seal was set by a strong man in the Nirvana Realm after all. Although it has gone through many years, its power is still strong. But as long as we focus our strength on one point and break the surface, it will not be difficult to break the formation."

Wang Yan and Qin Shi both breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what Lin Langtian said. If that person didn't show up, with the Wind Luan Bird and the Daluo Golden Spear, Qin Shi and Wang Yan still had the confidence to compete with Lin Langtian for the treasure.

Wang Yan was about to nod, but his expression suddenly changed!


A calm yet unquestionable voice clearly reached everyone's ears.

Qin Shi, who was in the sky, had a look of surprise and doubt on his face. He had obviously never thought that someone would dare to question their decision. However, with his strength, he could not detect the existence of the person who was speaking.

After Lin Langtian heard the nightmare-like voice, his original extraordinary and unrestrained demeanor had disappeared, and there was only a gloomy expression on his iron-blue face.

It's funny to say, Lin Yunhao stood above Xiao Yan's head without hiding his presence at all, but after the three people came here, they never looked down at the crowd below, or just glanced at them and didn't care at all.

Especially Lin Langtian. After he came, he did not sense any strong aura, so he naturally thought that Lin Yunhao was not there or had not come yet, because in his opinion, if Lin Yunhao came here, he would definitely do the same as him.

In addition, Lin Langtian only wanted to defeat Lin Yunhao, which was why he directly agreed with Ling Qingzhu's opinion instead of confirming with other members of the Lin clan whether Lin Yunhao would come.

What's even more ironic is that because Wu Tao and others were not his supporters, he didn't even look down even when he knew that someone from the Lin clan was waiting below.

As for Ling Qingzhu, in her eyes, there was no one in the entire Great Yan Dynasty who was worthy of her attention. After today, there would be no possibility of meeting her again, so let alone those people below, even Lin Langtian and others were not taken seriously by her.

But this voice changed Ling Qingzhu's mind.

Although Lin Yunhao only said one word, Ling Qingzhu still found his figure by following the direction of the voice.

With just one glance, Ling Qingzhu knew that the tall man in green shirt and holding a long sword was very powerful!

When she opened her eyes, Ling Qingzhu's breath stopped and she felt a kind of heart-pounding feeling!

"May I know your name? My name is Ling Qingzhu!"

In the entire Dongxuan Region, Lin Yunhao is the first person who can make the always proud Ling Qingzhu voluntarily give her name!


"You will be qualified to ask me this question only after you catch my sword!"


Even though Lin Yunhao's voice was still so calm and without any ripples, Ling Qingzhu could still feel the pride that came from his bones. However, when this unparalleled pride appeared on Lin Yunhao, Ling Qingzhu felt it was natural!

However, facing Lin Yunhao's challenge, Ling Qingzhu was a little embarrassed. Her purpose of coming here was just to achieve Nirvana, but Lin Yunhao's challenge...

"Ahem, I didn't expect Master Yu to be here too. I guess the Nirvana Heart should be in Master Yu's pocket. Wang Yan would like to congratulate him in advance!"

Seeing that Lin Yunhao was actually about to draw his sword, Wang Yan immediately put away the Daluo Golden Spear and placed it not far from Lin Yunhao. He bowed to Lin Yunhao with a smile on his face, which also eased the awkward atmosphere.

After seeing Wang Yan's actions, Qin Shi knew that the indifferent young man standing on the red and black demon tiger's head should be the legendary Sword God of the Lin family. Moreover, Wang Yan's actions also confirmed some rumors that Qin Shi had heard, so he did not dare to neglect Lin Yunhao.

"It is Qin Shihuang's honor to meet Master Yu today, but I don't know why Master Yu wants to stop us from breaking the formation?"

Ling Qingzhu, who had landed at some point, was also looking at Lin Yunhao curiously. It was obvious that what Qin Shi said was also the doubt in her heart. When Lin Langtian saw that the three of them had landed, he felt it was not appropriate to fly in the sky alone, so he landed at a place far away from the Lin clan members.

"This formation uses the Yin and Yang energy as its source to operate. Although it has gone through years, it can only be used when it is at its weakest. When the Yin or Yang energy turns from strong to weak, it is the best time!"

Although he was answering Qin Shi's question, Lin Yunhao's gaze never left Ling Qingzhu, but it was completely different from the way ordinary people looked at Ling Qingzhu.

"After the ancient tomb is opened, I will wait for you in the bottom hall. If you want to obtain the Nirvana Heart, it is very simple. Just satisfy my sword!"

As soon as Lin Yunhao finished speaking, there was a "clang" sound, and the nameless black long sword in Lin Yunhao's hand was unsheathed an inch!