
Martial Universe: Sword Ancestral Symbol

[I have a sword that can separate mountains and seas.] [I have a sword that can decide life and death.] If there is no path I want to take in the world, then I will use the sword in my hand to open a path! This is a story about a sword practitioner walking in the heavens.

Martial_Isekaiyist · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs

Chapter 2: Lin Yunhao

Lin Yunhao is not a native of Tianxuan Continent, he is actually a Reincarnator.

It is impossible to find out what Lin Yunhao's name was in his previous life. All we know is that Lin Yunhao had a very famous title in his previous life - Guiguzi!

That's right, it's the Guiguzi who is in control of the Guiguzi School and is known for chaos, the world is in turmoil, among all the schools of thought, only I am the one who is in control"!

It's just that it's the end of the 21st century, and cultivation is no longer possible, so Lin Yunhao can only practice Guiguzi's swordsmanship, but he can't fly over eaves and walls or shine with a sword like his ancestors.

Despite this, Lin Yunhao became the strongest swordsman in the world in his previous life. Although he could no longer cultivate internal strength, his superb Guiguzi swordsmanship still made everyone bow down to him.

As for the reason for the Reincarnation, it was because of the sword in Lin Yunhao's hand.

That day, Lin Yunhao was strolling in an antique market and came across this sword by chance. He loved it very much.

However, seeing that Lin Yunhao liked it very much, the unscrupulous seller deliberately offered a high price, hoping to rip Lin Yunhao off. Seeing that the unscrupulous merchant was determined to rip him off, Lin Yunhao could only bear the pain... and not buy it.

But after returning home, Lin Yunhao tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. When he closed his eyes, he could only see the ancient black sword. Three days later, Lin Yunhao came to the antique market again and bought the sword at a high price.

This long sword is also very strange. Ordinary long swords can be sharpened, even some special famous swords can be sharpened using special methods, but this pitch-black nameless long sword cannot be sharpened, no matter what methods Lin Yunhao uses.

In addition, this nameless black sword has another characteristic: toughness! No matter if you stab or chop something with this sword, or hit it with something else, it will not leave any marks on it.

A sword without an edge, which is not a heavy sword, would generally not be a sword carried by a swordsman.

At first, Lin Yunhao was going to put it aside as a collection. But after Lin Yunhao practiced swordplay with this sword once, he found that the feeling of holding it in his hand was so natural that he couldn't let it go. Since then, other swords always felt like something was missing.

So just like that, this pitch-black, nameless, edgeless long sword became Lin Yunhao's sword.

Until that day, the sword changed, or perhaps it had this characteristic from the beginning, but Lin Yunhao had not discovered it before.

It was a midsummer evening. After Lin Yunhao practiced sword skills with the nameless black sword for an hour, he felt refreshed, his thoughts became clear, and he had a new understanding of the sword.

Lin Yunhao couldn't hide his joy, and he felt happy when he saw the sword, so he reached out and stroked the blade with his thumb.

However, Lin Yunhao did not know that the blade of this sword could only become extremely sharp under the stimulation of sword intention. The so-called "cutting hair with a blow" was nothing in front of it.

Once this sword is driven with sword intent, nothing can be cut without it, and everything will be chopped off wherever its blade passes.

When Lin Yunhao was practicing sword before, because of his deepening understanding of sword and his sword intent, he inadvertently activated the blade of the sword. So when Lin Yunhao stroked the blade with his thumb, the blade directly cut Lin Yunhao's thumb. After the blood flowed into the sword body, Lin Yunhao lost consciousness the next moment.

When Lin Yunhao regained consciousness, he had become a baby and appeared in an unfamiliar forest. Later, Lin Yunhao realized that he had come to the world of Martial Universe, Tianxuan Continent.

As for the forest, it was a relatively remote place that Lin Fan had specially chosen for his retreat in order to break through the Nirvana state.

Although Lincheng is the base camp of the Lin clan, it is adjacent to the imperial capital of the Great Yan Dynasty. Breaking through the Nirvana realm will make too much noise and take a long time, which is easy to be noticed. Once someone interferes and affects Lin Fan's breakthrough, the Lin clan will most likely be kicked out of the list of the four major clans.

That was why Lin Fan chose such a remote and uninhabited place as his place of retreat, and Lin Mu came to protect Lin Fan and prevent him from being disturbed by some monsters or people who came to hunt for treasure.

The day Lin Yunhao arrived at the Profound Tian Continent was the day Lin Fan broke through the barrier.

Lin Fan, who had just broken through to the Nirvana realm, felt that the sky was high enough for birds to fly and the sea was wide enough for fish to leap. He could realize his ambitions and strengthen the Lin family.

Lin Fan was just about to pack up and meet up with Lin Mu in Lin City when he accidentally discovered that there was a baby not far away. A monster was coming towards him a few miles away following the scent.

Lin Fan, in a good mood, immediately decided to adopt the baby and took Lin Mu to where the baby was.

Lin Fan and Lin Mu have lived for dozens of years, but this is the first time they have held a child.

Lin Fan, feeling inexplicably uneasy, carefully picked up the baby, who was small and adorable.

Lin Fan was touched and decided to adopt the baby girl as his own daughter on the spot.

That's right, baby girl!

When they saw Lin Yunhao for the first time, Lin Fan and Lin Mu both thought that this should be a baby girl. Seeing that Lin Yunhao did not cry or make a fuss and was well-behaved and obedient, they named her Lin Yunhao.

All I can say is that this was the first time for both of them, and they had no idea what was going on. Otherwise, ordinary people would probably worry whether this was a mute after seeing this, but these two people were sure that this was a baby girl at first sight, without even checking.

Later, when Lin Fan and Lin Mu brought Lin Yunhao back to the Lin clan and asked someone to take care of Lin Yunhao, the maid told them that it was a baby boy, but the name had already been decided, so Lin Yunhao, a 16-foot-tall man, could only have such an embarrassing name.

Seeing that Lin Yunhao's tone was quite dissatisfied, Lin Fan, who felt that he was in the wrong, coughed twice to cover up.

"Well, my Lin clan's clan meeting ended yesterday. Two days later, I will open the clan's treasure house and let the clan meeting champion Lin Langtian go in to choose the rewards. You can go with us then."

Lin Yunhao was a little moved when he heard this. He devoted himself to practicing swordsmanship, but the Lin clan did not have any swordsmanship practice methods. It can even be said that there was no real swordsmanship practice method in the entire Tianxuan Continent. Even the Sword Sect, one of the eight super sects in the Dongxuan Territory, was just a group of Yuanli practitioners who used swords as weapons.

Therefore, if Lin Yunhao wanted to pursue the path of sword cultivation, he could only create his own skills and open up a path for sword cultivation.

Fortunately, Lin Yunhao has Guiguzi's mental method, and has also studied the classics of various schools of thought, or has been able to enter the Lin clan's collection, so that he can see many high-level methods of cultivating Yuanli and spiritual power, which is of great benefit to Lin Yunhao's self-created mental method.


"I didn't make any contribution, nor was I a champion of the clan, but my father took me in..."

After seeing that Lin Yunhao hesitated because he was worried about him, Lin Fan was very moved. In response to Lin Yunhao's worry, Lin Fan waved his hand indifferently.

"I am the patriarch of the Lin clan and the strongest person in the clan. I will take you into the clan's treasure house. Who dares to gossip?"

Lin Yunhao agreed when he thought about it. His father was the only Nirvana master in the family, and the Great Elder was his only relative. He would naturally help himself and his father. He would just go in to take a look at the martial arts techniques and would not take out any treasures. He thought no one would dare to say anything against it.


From this day on, the clan's treasure house became another place for Lin Yunhao to live!