
Martial Universe: Sword Ancestral Symbol

[I have a sword that can separate mountains and seas.] [I have a sword that can decide life and death.] If there is no path I want to take in the world, then I will use the sword in my hand to open a path! This is a story about a sword practitioner walking in the heavens.

Martial_Isekaiyist · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs

Chapter 1: Clan Champion

Dayan Dynasty, Dayan County, Lincheng!

Lin City is particularly lively today, for no other reason than today is the day of the Lin clan's family gathering.

As one of the four major clans of the Great Yan Dynasty, the Lin clan's clan association is naturally different from that of ordinary small families.

As the top force in the Great Yan Dynasty, the Lin clan's clan meetings have always invited many powerful forces to watch.

All the invited forces will come without exception, and many will even feel very honored, because being invited by the Lin clan is an honor in itself, and it is also a recognition of their strength.

Therefore, the champion of each Lin clan meeting will become famous in the Great Yan Dynasty and become a highly renowned prodigy of the Great Yan Dynasty.

This year's clan meeting is no exception, and it's even better!

Because the strongest contender for the championship of this clan meeting is named Lin Langtian, who is praised by some elders of the Lin clan as a rare genius rarely seen in hundreds of years and the number one genius of the Lin clan.

At this moment, in the huge, majestic and magnificent arena in the center of Lin City, the Lin clan meeting is taking place.

The central area of ​​the Colosseum is quite strange. It is not an ordinary square, but an extremely large conical area. It is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, and above it, there are hundreds of huge squares crisscrossing each other. These squares have very clear divisions. The higher you go, the fewer squares there are, especially the highest one, which is almost level with the huge Colosseum, and there is only one square there.

Obviously, those who participate in the clan meeting must start from the square at the bottom, rush all the way up, and finally fight with the final opponent on the square at the top!

The winner will become famous throughout Dayan and will be eligible to enter the Lin clan's treasury, while the loser can only exit in disgrace.

At this time, on the strange field in the arena, figures were flashing across each other, and powerful energy fluctuations burst out, mixed with some strange spiritual fluctuations. Obviously, this clan meeting has begun!

"Lin clan, Lin Langtian!"

"Yancheng branch, Lin Xiao!"

Following the referee's order, everyone's eyes were focused on this remote square. Of course, the reason could not be because of a mere person from a branch family.

Lin Langtian broke through to the Yuandan realm at the age of twenty. It should be noted that in the Great Yan Dynasty, there are very few people who can break through to the Yuandan realm before the age of thirty, let alone at the age of twenty.

A bright future!

This is what several powerful elders of the Lin clan said about Lin Langtian.

In order to build momentum for Lin Langtian, they even added many conditions to this clan meeting, restricting some clan members who were much older and stronger than Lin Langtian from participating.

There is no false reputation under a great name!

Being supported by so many elders, Lin Langtian is certainly not a man who gets his fame for nothing.

one move!

With just one move, the man from the branch family named Lin Xiao was defeated, and his tendons and veins were damaged. If nothing unexpected happened, he would probably remain in the late Earth Yuan Realm for the rest of his life.

However, no one cared about a person who was separated from the family. Except for Lin Xiao's father and brothers, everyone else was shouting Lin Langtian's name.

Everyone knows that today, this man will be the most eye-catching person in this clan meeting!

one move!

Two moves!

Three moves!

Five moves!

Ten moves!

Lin Langtian stood on the highest square so easily!

The championship battle that everyone was looking forward to, a match that everyone thought would be a fierce battle between dragons and tigers, ended so simply.

Ten moves!

From the time the two entered to the end, it took less than half a cup of tea. In just ten moves, Lin Langtian defeated his opponent and became the champion of this clan meeting.

Overnight, Lin Langtian's name spread throughout the Great Yan Dynasty, and Lin Langtian himself was called the strongest genius of the Lin clan by countless people!

On the top of the mountain behind the Lin clan, a simple wooden house lies quietly on the top of the mountain.

On the left side in front of the wooden house, there is a square stone table. Opposite the stone table, on the right side of the wooden house, there is also a big tree.

At this moment, under the big tree, a boy of about twelve or thirteen years old was sitting cross-legged like an old monk in meditation, with a black and ancient sword lying flat on his legs.

"call out!"

A sound of breaking through the air was heard, and an old man in a purple robe appeared not far in front of the young man. Seeing that the young man had no reaction, the old man did not get angry and sat down on the stone table.

Seeing a pot of tea on the stone table, the old man did not hesitate to take out a cup, poured himself a cup of tea, and then waited quietly.

Not long after the old man sat down, the young man woke up with his eyes open. Without paying any attention to him, the young man stood up, holding the sword behind his back with one hand, walked to the stone table, sat down, took a teacup, drank a sip of water, and then asked.

"What is the matter with you, Great Elder?"

"Yu'er, do you know..."

The old man, Lin Mu, the great elder of the Lin clan, met the young man's sharp eagle eyes before he could finish his words, and he had to swallow the rest.

He immediately stood up and walked to an open space nearby, then spoke to Lin Mu.

"It's rare that the Great Elder has some free time today. In that case, please practice sword skills with me for a while!"

Lin Yunhao held a long sword in his right hand, with the tip of the sword pointing directly at Lin Mu.

Seeing this, Lin Mu could only sigh helplessly and stood up reluctantly.

When Lin Mu arrived at the open space, Lin Yunhao didn't say much and directly attacked with the sword. Lin Mu was not panicked at all. He formed a seal with his hands and raised his palm to block. The long sword couldn't move forward at all when it met the palm.

Seeing that his sword was blocked, Lin Yunhao immediately responded. Facing Lin Yunhao's sword skills where one sword was faster than the other and one sword was better than the other, Lin Mu was finding it increasingly difficult and was not as comfortable responding as at the beginning.

Swords flashed and figures moved around in the arena. Lin Yunhao and Lin Mu were attacking and defending, enjoying the fight so much that they did not notice that a middle-aged man in a green robe was sitting at the stone table, drinking tea and watching the competition.

As time passed, the situation in the field became more dangerous, and the figures changed faster and faster. Suddenly, everything was like the clouds and rain after a storm, and the two people who were fighting fiercely stopped suddenly.

The two men did not stop fighting, but the winner was decided. The black sword in Lin Yunhao's hand was placed on Lin Mu's neck, and the tip of the sword was only an inch away from Lin Mu's throat.

Obviously, in this competition, it was Lin Mu, the great elder of the Lin clan, who was defeated. Of course, this was also because Lin Mu only had the same level of cultivation as Lin Yunhao.

But this was also very shocking. If outsiders knew that the great elder of the Lin clan was defeated by a young man, I don't know how they would react. Fortunately, only three people knew about this competition.

"Okay, Yu'er, put down the sword quickly."

Lin Yunhao frowned slightly when he heard this, then put down the sword in his hand, turned around and said to the middle-aged man with dissatisfaction.



The person who came was the patriarch of the Lin clan, Lin Fan, a powerful person in the Nirvana realm!