

Lith_7997 · Khác
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879 Chs



After understanding the mysteries of this Celestial Phenomenon mist, Yang Kai's eyes flickered as he continued lying down, maintaining his previous posture.

As he did not use his strength, there was nothing unusual about the surrounding fog.

Looking at himself, Yang Kai couldn't help but shed tears for himself.

Too miserable.

Before being chased by this Royal Lord, Yang Kai had already been covered in wounds. After being chased by this Goathead Royal Lord, Yang Kai had been injured several times, and after entering this Celestial Phenomenon mist, his injuries had only worsened.

His internal organs had been thrown into chaos and almost all of them had exploded. Seventy to eighty percent of his bones had been broken and the sharp bones had pierced his flesh, revealing a terrifying white color.

Even the dragon scales that were originally hidden under his skin had mostly fallen off.

If he were to transform into a dragon right now, he would probably be naked…

Fortunately, although his injuries were serious, they were not fatal. With his powerful recovery ability and Dragon Vein, his injuries were slowly recovering.

Secretly taking out a handful of Spirit Pills and stuffing them into his mouth, Yang Kai stole a glance at the Goathead Royal Lord and saw that the situation was quite explosive. A series of exquisite Secret Techniques and Divine Abilities were activated from the Goathead Royal Lord's hands and fought against the fog, turning the world upside down and the universe collapsed.

This guy's IQ was too low!

Yang Kai was secretly pleased, but after thinking about it, he realized that he had been in a coma for two times before discovering the mysteries of this fog. It was not surprising that the Goathead Royal Lord had not discovered it.

Anyone who encountered danger would instinctively fight back.

However, who knew that in this Celestial Phenomenon mist, not doing anything was the best way to protect oneself. The more one fought back, the more dangerous the situation became.

This guy had better kill himself!

Yang Kai secretly looked forward to it.

However, his expectations were destined to be stomped. Just like his previous experience, the Goathead Royal Lord had used all his strength but was still unable to resist the pressure from all directions. Roaring and roaring, the Ink Force surged and only after several days did he lose consciousness.

As there was no movement from his side, the Celestial Phenomenon mist gradually calmed down.

Looking at the motionless Goathead Royal Lord, Yang Kai knew he wasn't dead and couldn't help feeling a bit disappointed.

However, he quickly lifted his spirits and stared at the unconscious Goathead Royal Lord, his eyes filled with killing intent.

Now that this guy was unconscious, he might be able to kill him.

Activating his strength slightly, Yang Kai immediately felt the pressure from the fog again. The more he pushed his strength, the stronger the pressure became.

Soon, Yang Kai dispersed his strength. This was not going to work. The Celestial Phenomenon mist's reaction to external forces was too sharp. Perhaps before he could accumulate enough strength to kill the Goathead Royal Lord, he would be squeezed unconscious again.

Helpless, Yang Kai could only carefully circulate his World force to his hands and feel the counterattack of the mist, trying his best to adjust his strength to maintain a balance.

Immediately after, Yang Kai's arms began to move as he swam towards the Goathead Royal Lord like he was swimming in water.

However, the speed at which it moved was shockingly slow.

After more than an hour, the distance between them had only closed by half.

After another hour, Yang Kai arrived less than 30 zhang away from the Goathead Royal Lord.

Slowly taking out his Azure Dragon Spear, Yang Kai pointed it at the Goathead Royal Lord's neck, slowly moving his body towards him.

This process almost broke the balance Yang Kai had been trying to maintain, but fortunately, he quickly dispersed all of his strength to stabilize the fog.

The distance were getting closer.

Seeing that the Azure Dragon Spear was about to pierce the other party's neck, perhaps stimulated by the killing intent, or perhaps because of his own recovery ability, the Goathead Royal Lord suddenly opened his eyes.

Yang Kai thrust his spear forward.

Black blood splashed out, the indestructible Azure Dragon Spear was something even the Royal Lord's body couldn't resist. The tip of the spear pierced directly into his neck, seemingly about to pierce through him, but at this moment, the Celestial Phenomenon's counterattack was launched.

Yang Kai immediately felt a great pressure press down on him from all directions, causing his injuries to worsen again. The Azure Dragon Spear in his hand also encountered a great resistance and was unable to advance any further.

Yang Kai couldn't help cursing.

Feeling the pain, the Goathead Royal Lord quickly came back to his senses and turned his head, only to see Yang Kai thrusting a spear into his neck.

This brat didn't die?

The Goathead Royal Lord was stunned for a moment. When he saw Yang Kai's miserable state, he had thought he was dead, but who would have thought that this guy was so lucky? Not only did he not die, he even took advantage of his unconscious state to sneak up on him and stab him.

If he hadn't woken up in time, how could he have survived?

The Goathead Royal Lord flew into a rage as the aura of a Royal Lord filled the air and the Ink Forcesurged out.

"Don't…" Yang Kai didn't even have time to warn him before his face went black and the pressure from all directions became even more violent. The sound of bones breaking rang out from his body and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood before his vision went black and he lost consciousness.

The Goathead Royal Lord stretched out his hand and tried to grab Yang Kai, obviously wanting to kill him, but his hand suddenly stopped less than a foot away from Yang Kai, unable to move any further.

The Goathead Royal Lord's complexion changed, and he couldn't care less about Yang Kai as he suddenly exerted his strength in an attempt to break free from the force restraining him.

But how powerful was this power? Even he felt despair.

Three breaths later, Goathead Royal Lord's eyes rolled back and he also fainted.

Without the interference of external forces, the violent fog quickly calmed down.

When he woke up again, Yang Kai immediately saw the Goathead Royal Lord not far from him. This guy was obviously unconscious, but he still maintained his posture of reaching out to grab Yang Kai. From the looks of it, Yang Kai knew that after he fell unconscious, the other party had some kind of intention.

After hesitating for a moment, Yang Kai gave up on the idea of killing this Goathead Royal Lord.

The other party now looked like a fish on a chopping board, but from his previous experience, if he really wanted to kill him, he would definitely wake up immediately.

Royal Lord masters were extremely sensitive to danger.

The external stimulus was enough to awaken him.

What's more, the backlash from this Celestial Phenomenon mist was too fierce. If Yang Kai wanted to kill him, he would have to use his full strength, and if he did, he would be the one to suffer.

Before he could kill the other party, he had already fainted.

In this damned place, no one could kill anyone!

Since he couldn't afford to provoke anyone, he could only hide.

While the Goathead Royal Lord was unconscious, he had to quickly think of a way to leave this Celestial Phenomenon mist and perhaps return to the battlefield to participate in the battle.

With his previous experience, Yang Kai carefully pushed his own strength into his hands and slowly swam away from the Goathead Royal Lord.

Half a day later, the Goathead Royal Lord woke up again.

This time, he wasn't in a hurry to act, instead quietly lying down and pondering.

Since Yang Kai was able to discover the mysteries of this Celestial Phenomenon mist after losing consciousness twice, the Royal Lord who is stronger than him, naturally can.

If there really was an invisible enemy in this fog, he would be killed while he was unconscious.

Now that he was still alive, it can explain some problems.

A moment later, the Goathead Royal Lord gradually understood the mysteries of this Celestial Phenomenon mist.

Looking around, he soon found Yang Kai swimming away.

Pondering for a moment, this Goathead Royal Lord also imitated Yang Kai's actions and poured a small amount of energy into his arms before swimming through the fog.

Yang Kai sensed something and turned his head, only to see the Goathead Royal Lord chasing after him. Yang Kai couldn't help cursing, "Are you still not done?"

Everyone was in such a miserable situation, and Yang Kai had already given up on killing the other party, but who would have thought that this guy would still be so persistent? Yang Kai was about to die from anger.

The Goathead Royal Lord snorted coldly, his eyes reflecting Yang Kai's figure as he slowly followed behind him.

"This Royal Lord, even if the two of us fight to the death here, it won't affect the war between our two races. I'm just a minor Seventh Order, there's no meaning in killing me, so why don't we part ways here? We'll meet again if fate wills it!"

The Goathead Royal Lord's face was cold and indifferent.

Yang Kai continued, "You're a Royal Lord, so why bother making things difficult for a minor character like me? My Human Race has a saying; if you leave a way out, we'll meet again another day!"

The Goathead Royal Lord remained silent.

"It's not like you can catch up to me, so why waste your time? I can see that your injuries are quite serious, so it's best if you quickly heal yourself so as to avoid any delays."

Yang Kai was also angry that the other party had turned a deaf ear to his kind advice, gritting his teeth as he said, "Your Black Ink Clan needs to recuperate in the Ink Nest, with your current injuries, do you still have half of your usual strength? I'm different, my injuries are rapidly recovering, and in a few days, I'll be full of vigor. Continue to chase after me, and when we escape, I'll see if you kill me or I kill you!"

Hearing this, the expression of the Goathead Royal Lord changed slightly.

Yang Kai was right, his injuries could only be healed with the help of the Ink Nest. With his current injuries, he couldn't even display half of his usual strength.

Before, when he was at his peak, he couldn't even catch up to Yang Kai, but now that he had only half of his strength left, he was afraid he really couldn't do anything to him.

However, he was still a Royal Lord and had personally take action against Yang Kai, yet after spending so much time, he had still ended up in such a state. How could he accept this?

As for Yang Kai's threats, he really didn't care.

Even if he only had half of his strength left, he was still not someone a Seventh Order Human Race cultivator could contend with. Even an Eighth Order Human Race cultivator would find it difficult!

If Yang Kai really dared to attack him, he would only be digging his own grave.

Narrowing his eyes slightly, the Goathead Royal Lord said, "Hand over the last thing Cang gave you and I will immediately retreat!"

Yang Kai sighed helplessly, "If I said that old man didn't give me anything, would you believe me? That was just a diversion tactic he used to divert your attention. It's laughable that you still believe him."

The Goathead Royal Lord sneered and chased after him.

Yang Kai said, "It seems you don't believe me. Forget it, if you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do about it. If you want to chase me, go ahead."

Without saying anything more, Yang Kai tried his best to control the balance between his strength and the fog, his arms sliding as he swam forward.

Not far behind him, the Goathead Royal Lord was also like him, the two figures is chasing and fleeing, gradually disappearing into the distance.