
Elder's Nod: Becoming a Core Disciple

As Disciple Li approached Su Chan with a bow, his eyes gleaming with respect. "Su Chan, the Elders are ready to meet with you. Please, follow me."

Su Chan nodded, his heart racing with anticipation. He had been waiting for this moment for what felt like an eternity. He followed Disciple Li through the winding corridors of the High Heaven Pavilion, the air thick with the scent of incense and the soft murmur of cultivators.

As they walked, Disciple Li briefed Su Chan on the protocol for meeting the Elders. "Remember, Su Chan, to show respect and humility. The Elders are powerful and wise, and their approval is crucial for your future in the Pavilion."

Su Chan nodded, his mind focused on the task ahead. He had come too far to falter now.

They arrived at the Tower of the Elders, a majestic structure that seemed to touch the clouds. Disciple Li led Su Chan to the entrance, where two imposing stone statues guarded the door.

"Wait here," Disciple Li said, disappearing into the tower.

Su Chan took a deep breath, steeling himself for the meeting ahead. He could feel the weight of the Elders' gaze upon him, their eyes piercing through the veil of time and space.

After what felt like an eternity, Disciple Li returned, a small smile on his face. "The Elders are ready for you, Su Chan. Please, enter."

Su Chan nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. He took a deep breath and stepped into the unknown.

As Su Chan entered the elder's chambers, the elder looked at him with a discerning gaze. "So, you claim to be from the Upper World," the elder said, his voice dripping with skepticism. "How do we know this is true? What proof do you have?"

Su Chan smiled calmly. "In the Upper World, there exists a realm called Tongxuan Realm. It's a place where cultivators can reach unprecedented heights, far surpassing what's possible in this world."

The elder raised an eyebrow. "Tongxuan Realm, you say? I've never heard of it. What makes it so special?"

"The Tongxuan Realm is home to the Saint Realm cultivation, which is far superior to anything in this world," Su Chan explained. "Cultivators there have achieved unimaginable power and wisdom. I've seen it with my own eyes, and I can assure you, it's a realm beyond your wildest dreams."

The elder's expression turned thoughtful, clearly intrigued by Su Chan's words.except meng wu ya the treasure offcourse "I see. And how do we know you're not just making this up?"

Su Chan chuckled. "Because, elder, I'am from the Tongxuan Realm myself. I've walked among the saints and seen the wonders of that realm. I can tell you, it's a place where the laws of physics are mere suggestions, and the power of the cultivators is limitless."

The elder's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with the implications. "Very well, young man. I believe you. But tell me.

Elder Wei Xi Tong spoke, his voice gentle yet authoritative, "Su Chan, from the Upperworld Tongxuan Realm, please share your background and reasons for joining us." Su Chan recounted his story, omitting his reincarnation and focusing on his family's influence and his desire for cultivation.(in mind) "and said My father, Su Xinghan, is the patriarch of the Su family, one of the wealthiest and most influential families in Tongxuan Realm. My mother, Nie Qingcheng, comes from a long line of powerful cultivators. Our family's strength and reputation are well-known throughout the realm."

Elder Su Xuan Wu asked, "Why did you travel so far from your realm, young one?" Su Chan hesitated, then fabricated a story, "My family sent me for training, but I accidentally fell into a black wormhole and ended up here." Its sound like a lie but orignol owner really end up like it ,The Elders exchanged knowing glances, their eyes hinting at disbelief, as if they sensed that there was more to Su Chan's story than he was letting on.

Meng Wu Ya, the Treasurer, spoke up, his voice filled with a sense of purpose, "Very well, Su Chan. We shall accept you as our Core Disciple." Su Chan's eyes widened in surprise, "Core Disciple? Me?" He couldn't believe what he was hearing. The Core Disciple was the most prestigious position in the High Heaven Pavilion, reserved for the most talented and dedicated cultivators.

As Meng Wu Ya proposed Su Chan as the Core Disciple, the other Elders objected, their voices filled with concern. "Meng Wu Ya, are you certain this is wise?" Elder Wei Xi Tong asked. "We know nothing of his background or intentions." Meng Wu Ya smiled calmly, his eyes glinting with confidence. "I have made my decision, esteemed Elders. And I possess the Leader Token, granted to me by our Sect Leader." He revealed the token, its presence radiating an aura of authority that silenced the Elders' objections.

The Elders nodded, acknowledging the token's power, and Su Chan spoke up, his voice filled with determination. "Originally I'm going to High Heaven Pavilion to join there's also a high heaven pavilion in tongxuan realm maybe its related to this sect somehow . I am willing to prove myself worthy of this opportunity." Meng Wu Ya's eyes sparkled with approval. "Ah, young Su Chan, you are indeed from the Upperworld. The one created this sect is Our ancestors, maybe is too, hailed from that realm. Very well, I shall vouch for your background and potential." He released his aura, its power resonating through the hall, and the Elders nodded in unison, convinced by Meng Wu Ya's endorsement. "Very well, Su Chan shall be our Core Disciple," Elder Su Xuan Wu declared.

As the discussion concluded, Meng Wu Ya beckoned Su Chan to follow him. "Let us chat in the Treasure Pavilion, young master." Su Chan's heart raced with excitement and curiosity as he followed Meng Wu Ya into the cozy pavilion. The air was thick with the scent of old scrolls and the flickering candles cast eerie shadows on the walls.

Inside the pavilion, Meng Wu Ya revealed a shocking truth. "Su Chan, your mother, Nie Qingcheng, was my master's daughter,my master is, Nie Tong. You are my young master now." Su Chan's eyes widened in astonishment, his mind reeling with this unexpected connection. Meng Wu Ya's expression turned warm and paternal. "Your family's legacy and your own potential are undeniable. I shall guide and support you on your cultivation journey, just as I did with your mother." Su Chan felt a surge of gratitude and belonging, knowing he had found a mentor and a new family within High Heaven Pavilion.

As they sat in the Treasure Pavilion, surrounded by ancient artifacts and mysterious energies, Su Chan realized that his journey as a Core Disciple had just begun. With Meng Wu Ya's guidance and support, he was ready to uncover his true potential and make a name for himself in the world of High Heaven Pavilion. The path ahead would be fraught with challenges and dangers, but Su Chan was determined to prove himself worthy of the Elder's nod.

from now on it will continue in my second novel martial peak : reborn to be supreme ,i am really very sory its my mistake i accidentally created 2 same books so it will continue in it sorry very sorry i you reading it you like my work i am very happy sorry for the troble lets continue in my second noble because we can't run two same novel sorry lets meet in martial peak : reborn to be supreme

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