
MARTIAL PEAK : Reborn as Yang kai

Shenxi katuro an average japanese young man who liked reading chinese novels and watching animes got reborn in martial peak after dying unexpectedly

evilgod729 · Tranh châm biếm
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24 Chs

leaving yang family

uugh aah !!!!

Aah Ahh

cries like this echoed in a small room in yang family courtyard the maids outside stood worriedly alongwith a couple both of them had a solemn look on their faces .

husband we should stop yang'er he is suffering from so much pain .said the gentle looking women outside the room . yes she was yang kai's mother .

No ! said the middle aged man kai'er is already 10 years old it is his choice to cultivate and practice martial arts we as his parents can't block his path . we can only try our best to assist him by providing him with pills and medicines said yang yingfeng .

but there was still an unconcealed worry on his face .

he ordered the maids to bring all the medicinal herbs in his storage.

Crack! the door opened slightly revealing a gap .

everyone was planning to rush in the room but suddenly the rotten smell of herbs in the room stopped them in their tracks only Dong zhu (yang kai's) mother rushed in the room despite the bad smell . she looked at yang kai who was lying in a medicinal bath tub .the bath water has completely turned pure black but yang kai's skin was still white and soft as jade . he streched his body and got up from the bathtub . his mother tried to clean his body but yang kai stopped her .

mother I am already 10 years old and can wash myself properly he was still very akward while facing his mother .

Dong zhu helplessly walked out of the room .

after which yang kai cleaned himself and looked at himself in the mirror . he saw a young boy with a perfect jawline smooth skin as fair as jade and sword eyebrows standing before the mirror .his muscles were neither bulky nor too thin it was like a sculpture curved by a god .

after looking at himself in the mirror yangkai frowned

and thought to himself i should not be so handsome originally . his father was not that handsome he was just better than ordinary people in terms of looks because of cultivation . It must be because of "chaos body scripture " i am more handsome than original thought yangkai .This is pretty troublesome at this rate i will be noticed everywhere i go .

i should never pay much importance on looks . in this world of cultivation only strength matters . if you look beautiful it can also bring benefits but can also cause disasters .

after which i adjusted my face and skin making it more moderate than before and then walked out of the room .

there he saw his parents waiting for him .

Father Mother your son greets you !

he greeted his parents according to the tradition .

seeing this a satisfied smile appeared on their faces .Yang kai was called a cultivation maniac in the family due to which his parents were always worried about him .

he walked with his parents towards the dining hall to have lunch . while eating his father started talking

kai'er you are already 10 years old and have make great progress in cultivation .but you know our family tradition children after 12 years of age are required to leave their home after which they participate in patriach selection said yingfeng with a concerned look on his face .

Dad i know don't worry i am already in 4 th stage body tempering and can take care of myself .

4th stage! yingfeng excaimed in shock among all the brothers kai'er youb are the first to acheive this level .

the bloody warriors hiding in the shadows were also shocked .

yang kai smiled in his heart when he saw this scene actually he has already reached 6th stage of

body tempering but due to his cautious nature he decided not to expose his true strength .

even if the ancestor of the yang family came he will not be able to find any flaws .

after lunch he returned to his room and sat on the futon . patriach selection what a load of crap thought yangkai with a serious look on his face i will never bound myself to yang family who becomes patricah has little to do with me . even if this family got destroyed later on by yang bai he would not care he very well knew that in this family

only his parents cared about him and everyone only treated him as a tool .fuck the young master of yang family he will only live for himself in this life . well but i still have to go to high heaven pavillion thinking about the black book and all those pretty girls yang kai decided to go .