
Martial Master: Phoenix Lord Saga

Left on the Tianwu Continent by his mother, Huang Dawei must secure the strongest path to the higher realms to seek revenge for his mother. Along the way, he will do whatever is necessary to break through struggles and secure victory. Starting with swallowing the Great Qi Empire to secure the resources needed to create deadly force and forge the sturdiest foundation. Set in the Martial Master Universe during the second life of Qin Chen. How will the two powerhouse handle each other?

JustABeginner · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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27 Chs

Three Dao Palaces of the Immortal Structure

After, consummating his marriage and enjoying himself with his women. The effects of the Array ended. While Xiao Ya was blissful, Qin Yuechi felt some shame. As Huang Dawei said before the events started, her mind was clear. And even without the aphrodisiac, she wondered if she could take him one more time after some rest.

Pushing the thoughts aside, Qin Yuechi pulled the blanket up to her neck and remained silent. Saying nothing of what happened.

All the while, Huang Dawei was preparing something. And the ladies soon felt its another array activated and they saw something they couldn't understand, but they each felt a kinship to it.

"This our qi," said Qin Yuchi.

Huang Dawei's array gathered all of the essences and concentrated it into a corporal yellow and violet ball. It then shot into his body and joined the energy he had taken from them during sex.

"I know this," said Qin Yuechi.

"It's the technique of the evil faction. Pluck the yin to nourish the yang," said Xiao Ya.

All the while, inside Huang Dawei the power of the women was rich but tyrannical. The essence of his dual cultivation technique wasn't like the shaky techniques of evil sects with power without foundation. The phoenix king that created it designed it in a way to build a linked log tower.

It started with his species. Nine women, nine colors of his feathers. Three colors for every path. Starting with the body. Then the essence and finally the soul.

The women would become feathers on his back, once he completely refined their energy. But it takes time and had heavy requirements for both parties. And once finished, the auxiliary skill will multiply his power by ninety-nine, tying in his three paths to make one and transform his cauldrons into what his ancestor called the Feathering Goddesses

Huang Dawei now initiated the mastery of the first layer as a phoenix appeared on his back bright and red like a realistic tattoo. He then assimilated Xiao Ya's energy and dim yellow feathers appeared. His hand seal then change and the energy seeped into his body until it trickled to nothingness.

He then focused on Qin Yuechi's violet energy and dim violet feathers appeared. But her energy was so rich it burnt like the sun. Halfway through, Huang Dawei began to bleed from his orifices.

The power overtook him and the violet feathers on the phoenix nearly vanished and his consciousness slipped.

He then felt a palm slap his back and true power helped him refine the energy. The violet feathers returned and were a little brighter than the yellow. When the power finally sublimated, the ladies hissed as stinging pain hit their lower back right above their waist. The pain then trickled along their right side as the phoenix tail feathers stopped forming right above their pubic mounds.

When Huang Dawei opened his eyes, he coughed black and red blood. He now knew he had to be careful with Qin Yuechi. That gap in their cultivation was just too big.

"What the hell is this?" Qin Yuechi hissed.

"What does it look like?" Huang Dawei asked in turn.

"A violet phoenix. Why is it on me?" she asked.

"Because you gave yourself to me willing and helped me refine your true power. Now you're a feather on my back," he explained.

"I'm a cauldron…" Qin Yuechi fell back, "You used an evil technique on me."

"But you said…"

"After a year, you will be free. But whether you can leave or not is a different matter. Accept this fate. That man left you and the child alone. Now you fell into my hands and you and your son will be better off for it. You especially will be happy. Tell me, even with your cultivation, taking me was the best you ever felt. The way your body shook and the moans you struggled to suppress until they exploded from you in the most euphoric way possible."

"You bastard… This wasn't our deal," said Qin Yuechi.

"Yes, it was. You just never that I was capable. That is because you don't understand the limits of cultivation. Yuechi, you should start reimagining your future. Together, we're going to do great things. And this isn't an evil technique, we will all benefit from it. After all, it required your will to make it possible"

Qin Yuechi was at a loss for words as she ran her fingers against her new mark. It was the third time he had marked her. Once with a contract branded on her wrist, another when he left his seed inside, and the third was the phoenix brand that she helped him seal. Though she had helped him every step of the way if she was being honest. And thinking about it, he had filled her more than once and she was proud of it.

Qin Yuechi sighed.

'Toyed with. Toyed with every step. A year to save the son, a night of underestimation, and now a lifetime with another man who isn't my husband. And yes he is a man. There is nothing about him that says different.' Qin Yuechi's thoughts were wild. Her life had spun out of control.

Xiao Ya looked at the stunned Qin Yuechi and shook her head. What was there to be sad about?

"I don't mind," she said, sitting up on her knees, her ass against her calves.

"I know you don't." Huang Dawei gently caressed her face and she nestled into his palm.

"But why dual cultivation?" Xiao Ya asked.

"It's merely an auxiliary technique to pull together my hard work."

"Yeah, I've been meaning to ask. How is it that your soul is Rank 4 but you're still in the Qi condensation period?" Xiao Ya asked.

Qin Yuechi raised an eyebrow but she didn't face him to hear the answer.

" Three Methods. Nine Cursed Scion Physique, Ancient Pheonix Nine Turn Sutra. And the Divine Demon Essence of Nine Heaven Emperyean. All Methods above Saint Level to cultivate the soul, body, and qi."

"Above Saint level!?" the women gasped.

Huang Dawei nodded. "But the point is that each of these three can be cultivated separately. In fact, it's also why some alchemists have weaker soul power than their qi cultivation and others have stronger soul power…

You can consider them Three Dao palaces of the Immortal Structure. Body, Essence, Soul. Chained together but must be refined separately lest they drag down the others. That's why many never make it to rank 9 and no one has exceeded rank 9 on the Tianwu continent in a long time."

"That's why your body is so strong…" Qin Yuechi mumbled.

"And what is that dual cultivation technique?" she asked aloud.

"The Nine Colored Dan Harmony Sutra. Nine women, colors, and cauldrons. But if I wish to succeed, you two must fix your flaws as well."

"Our flaws? That's why you gave me the soul-refining technique. You want us to cultivate the tree paths." Xiao Ya figured it out.

"And what do we become at the end?" Qin Yuechi asked, now facing Da Wei.

"Goddesses." he replied without pause, "Like me, you all will transform into something great."

"But that also means, we can hinder you," said Yuechi.

"Yes, but I'm not worried," said Da Wei, confidently with a hint of a smile.

"Is Yi Fei another woman?" Xiao Ya suddenly asked.

"No. She isn't worthy. Merely a servant left by my mother. After tonight, she will carry out my orders and be left to the emperor. Her future is no greater than that. But I do hope she surpasses my expectations." Da Wei replied.

Tired of talking, he had to deepen the colors of his feathers. So he tried a technique the Nine Colored Dan Harmony Sutra to arouse his women without the aphrodisiacs. He formed two hand seals and their phoenix tattoos came to life. It moved up their back and perched over their shoulders as their bodies were wrecked with a burst of passion and craving.

Huang Dawei then worked them both, chipping away at any reservations they had hoping to one day pull them both into intimate depravity. Transforming them into strong sexual beings that wanted his touch as much as he wanted to give.

While Xiao Ya would fall quickly, Qin Yuechi was who he felt would become a work of art.


It was dawn and Qin Yuechi walked the Huang Estate in a simple robe. She was surprised by the staff up and moving. They had already cleaned the traces of the wedding ceremony and the guards were on the training ground doing their morning exercises.

Quickly, it turn from shock to nostalgia as everyone she passed bowed with respect and referred to her as Lady Qin. They offered her assistance at every turn, reminding her of her days as the young miss of the qin family before she fled. But strangely, she felt safer in the Huang Estate did she did in her childhood home. And it wasn't her power.

She had begun to believe, that no one in Qi would barge through the Huang Gates for her, and the weight she didn't know she was carrying fell from her shoulders.

"Lady Qin," Cai'er called for the second time pulling Yuechi from her thoughts.

"Yes, Cai'er?"

"I've prepared a bath with herbs. I know the lord can get lost in his ways." Cai'er spoke with a light blush.

"You?" Qin Yuechi asked.

"Oh no. I haven't had the pleasure. Considering the situation, all of us were present when he and Miss Yi Fei met in the Royal Place. But unlike you…she rested deeply aftward. It was always a hassle for us."

The maids snickered behind Cai'er and she sent them a death glare causing them to fall silent.

"He is, rather strong…" said Qin Yuechi, "Has he always been like that?"

"Yes, ma'am. Before he began to take action personally, he trained with all of us every day. His physical power alone is nothing to scoff at. Paired with his soul power, he can pressure the guards of High Perch."

"High Perch?"

"You can't sense them?" Cai'er's brow furrowed.

Qin Yuechi looked around and one by one, ten Xuan Martial Artists emitted a presence along the walls of the estate. They were the overwatch in case anyone was skilled or strong enough to make it passed the ground force.

"Are they always there?" Qin Yuechi asked.

"Yes, Lady. If you're ever in trouble. They will never be hidden from you or Lady Huang. With that being said, I have duties to attend to before the Lord wakes. Yi Mei!"

A young woman around 20 years stepped forth. Her nails were beautiful and long. Her lips glossed like a freshly washed rose apple and her eyes held a charm. Qin Yuechi then noticed that all of the maids and butlers had something different and almost unnoticeable about them unless assessed closely.

Qin Yuechi realized that even the staff was trained in various martial techniques. And when Cai'er said the Huang Da Wei trained with them, she knew it was more than the basics.

'This entire house is an army…' she thought.

"Yi Mei will be the lead maid. If you need anything call her. If anyone gives you any trouble, you call her. If not, the Lord will punish us all. And an eccentric demon is still a demon, no matter how handsome." Cai'er bowed and took her leave.

Yi Mei followed Cai'er with the other maids in tow to finish the change of duties.

All the while, Qin Yuechi continued to watch the guards practice as her thoughts drifted and replayed everything from the past couple of days.

Her only worry now was how to face her estranged husband if she ever saw him again. And worse, she felt that if things kept on at the current pace, she would face him…shamelessly with her head…high.

She subconsciously clenched her dress and made her way back to the bedroom to try and sleep.

Later, When Huang Da Wei woke, he found Xiao Ya and Qin Yuechi holding each other. He smirked as he thought, 'That's a start.'