
martial gunner

(Warning this novel contain a gore) Gerald is a peak martial arts who lived his life only to be stronger (carnivorous sounds) he said that eating a fresh uncooked flesh Hunted by him will make him Strongest unfortunately even for him find it hard to blend in the society and live his life in the mountain while playing virtual reality games killing is easy but a nuke are hard to avoid even for him the chance that he will survive to a nuke is 5% (this is my own novel I created my imagination (Thursday 05 may) https://discord.gg/4mnpH9MCd8

Gerald_Meneses · Du hí
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4 Chs

martial gunner (chapter 4)

(Grin) I will savor all of you to the bones

I hate to admit it but.

i hate the people who

Worshiping someone to gain something

But .

if your not here for that, regarding that

Matter, that does not matter anyway so

I will eat you all, to not leave any evidence behind.

They just bow there head

As if they already dead, they hoping to

Live another Day, but at the same time they

Didn't want to.

"as if they already given up in life"

"I started to wonder why do I feel slight guilt"

As if they target is to make me feel that they

Given up on life and live for my sake.

"I can feel the slight hope"

In they're faces, as if I was a kind of a god to them or something.

That I can save them, why not right.

"I always eat and eat everyday's to get"

"Stronger but why not do something "


"I decided that I will"

"Build my own cult and help my followers"

"Once in a while or rather servant."

"I started to say that, are they all my people"

"They nodded, as I slightly feel that they afraid of me", but at same time Worshiping me."

"Anyway I will still eat the offerings"

"Included the one I killed, they alive so"

If I killed them then it's included as one I hunted

"Right, I don't care anymore I was so hungry."

"I started by tearing the arm, after I finished

My meals I feel satisfied."

"Anyway I started to do something"

"About this matter, by rebuilding my church"

"The design is muscleus, I feel like "

"Adding a few adjustments, and I want it "

"To feel eerie as possible."

"I feel like a saw them before "

"I knew it, Isn't that the girl I saved before"

"And said that he will build a cult for me,"

"Huh you actually pulled it up huh, I slightly"

"Feel proud for some reason."

"Regarding that matter Will they "

"Keep it secret or not, should I make example"

"Of them, by killing one "

"To show that, if they'd tell anyone about it"

"I will crush there head, in a matter of a second"

"Let's not think of that for now, I asked the cult"

"Leader to lead me, to the church."

"Without any hesitation,she lead me to a room."

"That have a'n, elegant chair, can be seen"

"The chair is the only I can think of"

"As if I fallen in love in it, for the first time"

"In my life I grabbed her without father a do"

"I said that your not bad and by grabbing her"

"Shoulder, her skin is smooth"

"The first time I met her,

"is like heaven and earth"

"Now I feel like eating him, but I should hold"

"Back, because there's nothing but, utterly"

"Chao's, if I eat the leader of my cult "

"So I should not think of something like that"

"I slowly sit in my chair, so that I didn't break"

It, it perfectly suited for someone like me"

"Anyway this chair is made of gold "

"I wonder where they get the funds "

"To get this, that doesn't matter now"

"Because now this my chair HAHAHAHA"