
Martial God Asura Rebirth

This is a story of how a youngster got an opportunity to reincarnate into the world of Martial God Asura by an old man of unknown origins, albeit at a price. Who is this old man? Why was he given this opportunity? Why does he need him? Watch as he overcomes every obstacle thrown his way as he tries to get stronger and solve these mysteries only to peek into an even greater world. Unlike the original MC he is going to have an adventure of a lifetime. What is the identity of this boy? How is he going to affect this new world? The Nine Galaxy better watch out ‘cause a lightning storm is coming. FYI. I don’t own Chu Feng or any characters from Martial God Asura.

Ravindra_1996 · Tranh châm biếm
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71 Chs

Famous Event

We were in front a lake with a huge palace in the middle. This reminded me of Miaomiao's mobile chariot. The scale of this palace was larger compared to that chariot. There were a couple of very powerful guards before the entrance to this lake.

General Yingyue immediately took out her token and activated it. I too did the same and they verified our identity. We were then allowed entrance into the lake area. There was a huge army on both sides of the entrance.

I immediately recognised this army as they came to support me during the conflict with Holy Light Clan. They too recognised me and respectfully bowed. Ah, they saw my power back then.

I nodded at them lightly and went to the palace in the middle of the lake. The atmosphere surrounding the palace was serene and the natural energy around the lake was also dense. I guess the chariot was a replica of this place.

The place had a strong concealment formation along with many defensive formations. This was a treasure that was converted into Miaomiao's palace. Miaomiao's status is actually very high from what I have seen and heard.

As soon as we entered the palace, General Yingyue immediately took me to the main hall. For a general, she seemed a little too relaxed inside this palace. It was as if she was off duty right now.

The internal structure of the palace contained a space formation making it huge. The size of the main hall was immense. However, I could sense only three presences at the other end of the hall. Two of them were incredibly powerful even though they were concealing their cultivation. The other had a cultivation of 1st level Martial Exalted. Looks like the little brat broke through.

I immediately recognised all three of them. As soon as I entered the main hall I saw a young girl accompanied by two elderly women.

It was Miaomiao, Elder Guizhi and Elder Tiansheng. They were sitting on a luxurious sofa at the end of the hall.

Miaomiao immediately got excited when she saw me. She immediately jumped forward and hugged me. I hugged her back with a smile. It's nice to have friends who care for you in their hearts in this cruel world.

When we separated, she immediately asked,"Chu Feng, I heard from elder sister Yingyue that you came from the Immortal Sea Sect's teleportation formation. How did you end up there?"

I took a deep breath and gestured her to sit down first. I then greeted the two supreme elders who also nodded back.

Elder Guizhi smiled and said,"You seem stronger than before Chu Feng. It was a right decision on my part to make you a special elder."

Elder Tiansheng also smiled and said,"I have heard about your exploits little friend Chu Feng. I have to say I am impressed at your growth."

I smiled politely in return,"Thank you. I had some luck."

I knew there was something more about general Yingyue after watching her attitude inside the palace. So, she is close to Miaomiao.

General Yingyue then bowed to all of us and said,"I will take my leave, Princess Miaomiao."

The supreme elders nodded and she left the room. Miaomiao was muttering about asking general Yingyue not to call her princess. I then sat down on the sofa on the opposite side facing them.

I first asked,"Miaomiao, do you know that I am friends with lele?"

She became surprised but nodded and replied,"Yes, before my memories came back, she mentioned you. She said that you helped her in her bloodline trials. How is she by the way? I am too busy to visit her right now."

I knew this would hit her but continued,"Actually, lele if severely injured right now."

Yeah, there it was. She became extreme angry, stood up in an instant and shouted,"What? What happened to her?"

Elder Tiansheng then put an arm on her shoulder and said,"Let him continue Miaomiao. Calm down a little."

I nodded and said,"She is recovering right now. So, don't worry. Just, let me explain a little."

Her worry didn't diminish one bit but she sat down on the sofa.

I took a deep breath and said,"About 2 days back, Black Ghost's groom selection ended. It was also the same time I escaped from the Asura Burial Ground."

I was interrupted by a very angry Miaomiao as she said,"You, you said that you will not enter the Asura Burial Ground. What happened to not acting recklessly?"

I looked at without yielding,"If I didn't, lele would be dead. Also, a catastrophe would have occurred in the Nine Souls Galaxy."

Now, that got both the elder's full attention. They were looking at me for further details.

I nodded and said,"It's a long story so it would be better to just watch it instead to me explaining."

I then started the recording formation. I fast forwarded some content but, starting from the final stage of the trials, I showed them everything. It took a whole 2 days for recording to complete but all three of them had rapt attention when they watched it. I even showed them lele's recovery in the end for Miaomiao's peace of mind. I also showed them my conversation with Lady Sea Immortal.

I showed them all the relevant visuals and explained some events simultaneously. They had an ugly expression when they heard that cultivators were begin abducted by some associates of Black Ghost.

They were also very impressed with my strength and quick thinking. The part about Gongsun family also made them slightly angry.

That ended the recording.

A terrifying killing intent swept through the palace as both the elders were now enraged. Especially Elder Guizhi, her eyes were scary to look at right now.

The whole surroundings started to shake as she started to subconsciously released her oppressive might. I released my own spirit power and woke her out of that state. She looked at me with some gratitude but her fury didn't diminish one bit. Elder Tiansheng was also the same but she was more controlled.

They army stationed on the outside must have definitely felt that. I had a similar reaction back in the Immortal Sea Sect but more controlled.

Miaomiao was completely enraged. Seeing a visual image of lele in that cell might have been the trigger. I went to her side and pressed on her shoulder to calm her. She held my hand tightly.

Elder Guizhi had a dangerous expression as she said,"That damn black ghost, this time he went too far."

Elder Tiansheng nodded and said,"Yes, we ignored his activities as they didn't bring us any harm but this is beyond harmful. If his gamble failed, our entire galaxy would have turned into a war zone. Little friend Chu Feng, we already know that the strength of the evil spirits inside the Asura Burrial Ground is beyond our Nine Soul Sacred Clan. That's why we made it into a banned forbidden ground and allowed Black Ghost to prevent others from entering."

Elder Guizhi continued,"Yes, we never knew Black Ghost would be so despicable to plot something like that. By the way, can you give us an estimate of their cultivation levels?���

I nodded with a solemn expression and said,"Their army had 10,000 experts. About 2000 of them had a cultivation of 5th rank martial exalted while the remaining 8000 at 4th rank marital exalted. Their general was the same as you, Elder Tiansheng with a 6th rank martial exalted cultivation."

I paused slightly and continued,"There were about 100 generals whose cultivation was either 6th or 7th rank Martial Exalted. Apart from the terrifying Asura King, there were about 3 individuals whose cultivation so high that it was beyond my perception. You have to understand that none of these evil spirits were actively concealing their cultivation. So, it was only because of our strength difference that I wasn't able to sense them."

I looked at their terrified expressions and immediately said,"As you saw right now, the situation got stopped luckily. So, those evil spirits are not our concern right now. I wouldn't have backed down from that fight against Black Ghost if not for my suspicions about his associates. I didn't want to cause trouble for the Nine Souls Sacred Clan. So, I came here to inform you so that there won't be any misunderstandings later."

Both of them became thoughtful for a while. Elder Tiansheng then said,"Chu Feng, we need to report this to the other higher ups of the clan. You did a good job hiding your status from Black Ghost. We can't act recklessly when dealing with him. He is too cunning and has powerful means at his disposal."

Elder Guizhi also added,"Also, the Gongsun family will also have to answer for their actions."

I waved my hand and said,"The Gongsun family won't last long anyway. Now that the news of 'Spirit Heart Jade' spread out, many forces would target them."

I then took out the piece that I retrieved from one of the disciples and gave it to Miaomiao.

I told her with a serious expression,"Keep it with you. It might help you sometimes when you go exploring some forbidden grounds."

Both the elders were surprised that I gave it to her just like that. Miaomiao silently accepted. She still hasn't recovered from watching her video.

She looked at me with an angry expression again and started hitting me. She shouted with tears in her eyes,"You always do this. Why are you so reckless? What if you couldn't have escaped?"

I took her into a hug and stayed silent. When she stopped crying and regained her calm, I released her.

I wiped her tears and said,"I can't tell you why I went inside right now, but there was a reason for it. Also, if I can't brave dangers and take certain risks, I won't grow stronger. I also make sure that I have some insurance when I get into such a situation."

I looked at the two elders and gave them a copy of the recording formation.

I then told them,"The reason I came to the Nine Souls Galaxy this time is not just because of Asura Burial Ground. I have some business in the territory of Qin Clan. I won't expose my status unless it's my last resort so, please don't expose my status among the general populace of the clan."

Elder Guizhi had a weird expression on her face and asked me,"I know that you are a powerful world spiritist but, don't tell me you are also interested in the conference that is taking place in a few days."

I was puzzled by what she said. What conference? I needed to know more details. I asked her to elaborate.

She had a confused expression but complied nonetheless.

"Actually, Black Ghost is not the only one conducting a conference for the world spiritists right now. In a few days, there will be another conference organised by the combined efforts of Qin Clan and our Nine Souls Sacred Clan. Are you not aware of this?"

I shook my head saying no.

But suddenly, I realised something and said,"Eventhough a lot of experts attended Black Ghost's groom selection, many prominent world spiritists and Zhuge Clan did not make an appearance. It must have to do with this conference, right?"

She nodded and continued,"Yes. Although Black Ghost shares the reputation of being the strongest world spiritist of our galaxy along with Grandmaster Huizhi, he also has a shady reputation. You should know that he conducts a conference for juniors once every 30 years. That opportunity is precisely an entrance to the Thousand Flowers Palace inside his territory."

She paused a little and continued,"However, every 10 years, there is another event that happens inside the Qin Clan's territory. The Qin Clan is an ancient clan that is as old as our Nine Souls Sacred Clan. Unlike Black Ghost's conference that is focused on world spiritists, this event is for all the promising youngsters of the Nine Souls Galaxy. Both martial cultivators and world spiritists can participate in this event as long as their age doesn't exceed 500."

"The winners of this event are given an opportunity to cultivate inside one of the most prestigious cultivation grounds of the Nine Souls Galaxy, the Heaven Reaching Valley."

I kept a calm expression on the outside, but on the inside, I was shocked by this news. Also, its Heaven Reaching Fate Valley not Heaven Reaching Valley. Did she make a mistake or is there something missing? So, I was right. The valley is already occupied by the Nine Souls Sacred Clan.

This is larger and more influential than I expected.

I listened to her again as she continued,"Heaven Reaching Valley was first discovered by experts of Qin Clan inside one of their upper realms. After this discovery, the Qin Clan along with our Nine Souls Sacred Clan changed the name of this upper realm to Heaven Reaching Realm. Now, it is one of the most sought after places inside our galaxy."

"Although the valley only allows youngsters to enter, the elders who accompany them also have a chance to benefit from this opportunity. Every 10 years, the valley opens and youngsters clear different trials to obtain opportunities. You can find out more when you reach there."

Miaomiao immediately interjected and asked,"Wait, didn't grandpa Xuansheng leave along with mother a few days ago to Heaven Reaching Realm?"

Elder Tiansheng nodded and replied,"Yes, he did. Miaomiao, you should already know how important this is, don't you? This time, your mother is representing our Nine Souls Sacred Clan and he is there to support her."

She then looked at me and continued,"The only problem is that there are only 50 entry tokens that are available every time the valley opens. The Valley dispatches these tokens randomly into the near vicinity of the valley. If there was no proper order established, the whole situation would turn chaotic."

"So, our Nine Souls Sacred Clan established this event to short list the best of the younger generation in both categories. There are no quotas that are preassigned to any party. Even our Nine Souls Sacred Clan juniors are no exception."

Elder Guizhi then spoke again "Miaomiao's mother and Grandmaster Huizhi are the one's incharge of the competition this time. Even if you don't want to expose your status, there is no explicit rule stopping you from participating. That old man Xuansheng already knows who you are so, nobody would stop you."

However, she had a suspicious look in her eye as she asked me,"If you didn't know about competition, what business do you have in Ancient Qin Starfield?"

I just smiled, shook my head and remained silent. They didn't pry anymore but Miaomiao pouted and looked away.

I said,"If you make a decision, I would like to be in the loop."

Elder Tiansheng immediately nodded and asked,"Alright, when we make a decision, how do we contact you?"

That's a bit difficult as I would be moving constantly in the near future for unknown spans of time. I gave her a powerful tracking talisman which would work in a certain range. They immediately went out leaving me and Miaomiao behind. They wanted to deal with this as soon as possible.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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