
Martial Cultivator

Jun Wei finds himself transported to a Martial Cultivation world with a unique system, embarking on a thrilling journey filled with action, romance, and humor. As he navigates this new realm, he becomes entangled in the lives of a captivating harem of women, each with their own intriguing stories.

John002 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Use of System Points

Jun Wei's courtyard in the core region is four times his previous courtyard. There is also a large bed, cupboard and tea table for guests. He will also receive 50 bronze taels each month. With this, one can see that the treatment the core disciples receive is far better than those outer & inner disciples. The only requirement for core disciples is to reach Martial Warrior stage by the age of 12. Other than that one can live freely. There is also a competition held between all the disciples of Jun family every year and the minimum age allowed to participate is 9 years. The top 10 in the competition will be allowed to choose a martial skill and the first place is allowed to choose a mid-grade Mortal rank weapon along with a martial skill.

Martial Skills are the skills used by cultivators to fight each other. They are divided into ranks — Mortal, Earth, Heaven and Saint. There is also a rumor that there are skills above saint rank as well but they are all extinct. Each of these ranks are divided into low, mid and high. Saint level skills are extremely rare in this world. There is not a single saint level skill in the entire Yun Kingdom. Heaven level skills are considered precious and is only present in top sects and royal family of the kingdom. They are learnt by the sect leaders or others at top position. Earth level skills are mostly used by talented disciples of the sects and Mortal rank skills are used by common cultivators. The highest available skill in Jun Family is a mid-grade Earth rank skill. 

Weapons like Martial skills are also divided into Mortal, Earth, Heaven and Saint. They are also further divided into low, mid and high. Mortal rank weapons are common, high-grade Earth rank weapons are only given to the sect leaders of top sects and royal family, Heaven rank weapons are very rare and is considered a priceless treasure while Saint rank weapons are considered a legend. It is said that saint rank weapons have their own conscience and can choose their masters. They can also hide inside the body of the cultivator and can appear when the cultivator wants. The highest rank weapon in the Jun Family is a low-grade Earth rank weapon wielded by Jun Hao.

Entering his house, Jun Wei sat on the comfortable bed and said 'Status' in his mind.


Name : Jun Wei

Cultivation : Mortal

Talent : 3 stars (+)

Affinity : Fire (+)

Skills : None

Strength : 35 (Ref-10)

Agility : 37 (Ref- 10)

Defense : 31 (Ref- 10)

Spirit : 20 (Ref-10)


SP : 87600


Seeing the status, Jun Wei was surprised to see so many new options. He quickly clicked on 'shop' and saw a screen appear in front of him.


1. Skills

2. Alchemy & Pills

3. Weapons


He clicked on 'skills' and found that it contains Palm skills, Fist skills, Sword skills, Saber skills, Leg skills, Movement skills and so on. He can buy all of these through SP. Now Jun Wei finally understands the use of his System Points.

After this he fixed his gaze on the plus sign beside his talent and affinity and had an outrageous idea. Talent in this world is fixed by birth and cannot be changed. Heavenly treasures can have small effects to increase one's talent but what if.....what if he can increase his talent. Thinking this way, he clicked on the plus sign beside his talent.

[Use 500 SP to increase talent to 4-star? Y/N]

Jun Wei jumped up from the bed in excitement and laughed out loud. This system is really heaven-defying. After a while, he calmed himself down and clicked 'Y' on the screen. He didn't feel much change and only saw the Talent in his status change to 4-star. He clicked on the plus sign again.

[Use 800 SP to increase talent to 5-star? Y/N]

Jun Wei noticed that the amount of SP needed has increased. It also makes sense considering that the gap between a 4-star talent and 5-star talent is like heaven and earth. It cannot be bridged even by cultivating with heavenly treasures. Also the higher the talent the faster the cultivation speed and higher is the future achievements. Thinking this way, Jun Wei kept increasing his talent. 

When he increased his talent to 7-star which was the same as Yu'er, he felt a little different than before. He faintly felt something around him which he couldn't sense before. He understood that this must be the true Qi in the atmosphere. He can sense true Qi directly! Although it is very faint but it is still possible.

'Can Yu'er also sense this true Qi?' Jun Wei thought.

He kept increasing his talent and finally after spending 7200 SP, he increased his talent to 9-star. At this stage, he finally felt a huge difference. Jun Wei found that the faint sense of true Qi has disappeared and instead now he can sense true Qi in a region of 10m and it feels as if he can absorb all of them if he wants to. But what surprised him the most is that the plus sign beside his talent is still there. He curiously clicked on it and a screen appeared.

[Use 3000 SP to increase talent to divine? Y/N]

He clicked on Y and suddenly the true Qi in his entire 50m courtyard went violent. All the true Qi in his courtyard entered into his body automatically and increased his cultivation to Martial Disciple 1st stage. Jun Wei was shocked beyond words. Normally it takes around 2-3 months of cultivation to advance to Martial Disciple 1st stage and now he achieved it in minutes. And he also felt that he is constantly absorbing true Qi even when he is not cultivating.

'Is this divine talent? It's unbelievable'

Jun Wei estimated that he can absorb at least 5 times of true Qi while cultivating as compared to when he is not cultivating. In short he can cultivate all the time but cultivation is still profitable. He also assumed that he can enter Martial Disciple 2nd stage in less than a month. It is absolutely unheard of. He looked at his status and finally saw the plus sign beside talent saying 'max'.


Name : Jun Wei

Cultivation : Martial Disciple 1st stage

Talent : Divine (max)

Affinity : Fire (+)

Skills : None

Strength : 355 (Ref-200)

Agility : 376 (Ref- 200)

Defense : 354 (Ref- 200)

Spirit : 331 (Ref-200)


SP : 77400
