
Wang Lei.

''Waaa...'' A certain young boy watched the TV with sparkling eyes. He had short black hair with black eyes and chubby cheeks.

An old man was sitting behind him— he had a gentle smile on his face as the Winterlight tournament ended.

This grandfather and grandchild duo were the ones who watched the Gensa's tournament as well.

The young boy's name is Wang Lei, and since the fight between Ichiro and Slych, his passion for Martial Arts has ignited.

The old man behind him is called Wang Jun, and he has taught the young boy a few moves, but his obsession is with Iron Style.

Wang Lei quickly wrote all the moves Ichiro used in his notebook and what the move does.

[Strong Punch! Spear Punch! Moving Quickly!]

He proudly closed the notebook.

''Grandpa, I go back to training!'' Wang Lei stood up and started running towards the backyard.

''Right...'' Wang Jun said with a wry smile.