
True Iron Style!


A door to Ichiro's room was opened, and lovely Azura came with a food carrier, which had a plate of smoking hot food, which smelled delicious, and a cup, which was filled with water.

She was wearing her casual outfit with her shiny and smooth hair tied in a ponytail and her outfit consisting of a pink t-shirt and tight sweatpants.

She closed the door with her leg and saw Ichiro sitting in front of a desk, with a notebook in front of him and a concentrated look on his handsome face.

She instantly thought that concentrated Ichiro looked hot, but she quickly shook her head and carefully walked towards the desk, careful of not spilling the water.

''Hubby, food.'' She put the food carrier tray down on the desk.

''Ah, just moment.'' Ichiro kept moving his pencil like it was possessed.

Azura curiously looked at the notebook and saw the first page being completely filled with stuff she couldn't completely understand.