

The red-eyes figure looked at Ichiro with calmness.

He has two pointy furry ears with a sharp nose, and the tip of the nose is black-colored. His legs were very slim and skinny even, but Ichiro can instantly tell that this Mutated Beast is a proper fighter!

Ichiro didn't know how strong that Mutated Beast is.

But he had one way to know.

He quickly took an item from his Inventory.

The item was a small box-like item with 15 stars.

This is an item he received from Abyss before he left.

This is Rank Meter— it tells how strong the Mutated Beast depends on how much energy the Beast leaks.

Every Mutated Beast has their own Energy Core inside them, which gives them its power, but it is also easy to know how strong the Beast is by how strong the energy is.

Ichiro pointed the meter towards the red-eyes figure, and it started beeping.

The red-eyed figure looked confused and wondered what the human in front of him was doing.