
Stay away from crazy.

''ARGH!'' Lucius was pushed backward with his arm trembling in pain. He was holding pair of daggers, but Ichiro's sword strikes almost broke them!

Ichiro looked at the swords and shrugged, ''I really need to improve these.''

Lucius grabbed the daggers tighter and pointed them at Ichiro, ''I am warning you, this is a mistake.''

''I highly doubt it.'' Ichiro yawned and continued, ''I am an unreasonable man after all.''

Lucius clicked his tongue and took an item from his pocket.

''Hmm?'' Ichiro frowned and looked at the item. It was a small bottle-like item, but Ichiro's eyes quickly widened.

Lucius threw the item on the ground, and it instantly exploded.  A thick cloud of smoke appeared around Lucius, which made seeing his figure impossible.

''Trying to run away? Not possible!'' Ichiro shouted and entered the cloud of smoke.

He couldn't see anything, but he swung the sword in front of him, and he felt his sword hitting something.