

''Here!'' Azura entered the smithy with a panting face. She was holding a bag of coal.

''You didn't need to hurry,'' Ichiro said gently and took the bag.

He kissed Azura's soft lips, which almost felt like kissing a marshmallow.

Azura instantly felt rejuvenated.

''Are you going to try blacksmithing now?'' Azura's eyes sparkled when she fantasied about the scene.

''Hmm...'' Ichiro put the bag of the coal next to the forge, ''I could try.''

''Excellent.'' Azura sat in the chair and sneakily took her phone from her pocket.

Ichiro poured coal on the forge and put a few pieces of paper there.

Next, he took a matchstick box from his pocket and took one from there.


Ichiro used his finger to light the matchstick in flames— he threw it towards the forge and perfectly in the middle of the papers.

The paper was the first one to be lit in flames— after that was the coal.