

''KILL! KILL! KILL!'' A chorus echoed in the stadium. Spectators slammed their feet on the floor and kept shouting the same thing.

The reason for that is simple.

Mathias is currently the only one who has killed in this group!

He has now 90 kills on his belt! Only 10 remaining in Group D!

''Hahahaha!'' Mathias roared in laughter. Everyone who heard laughter felt chills going on their backs.

7 young men and 1 young woman pointed their weapons at Mathias, while one lonely black-haired young man was still sitting on his spot.

''Killing is so fun!'' Mathias shouted with a thrilled expression. He put his sword in a slashing stance and lunged towards the remaining fighters.

''Kill him!'' One young man roared in anger, he swung his sword towards Mathias' unguarded figure, but he didn't lower his guard.

Mathias looked at the sword which was approaching his face with a silly grin.