
Packing (R-18)

A flicker of a candle could be seen from the windows of a simple-looking building.

Two youths were packing their bags.

All the clothes were grabbed from the wardrobe and stuffed inside the black and pink bag.

''Whew.'' Azura wiped her sweat and used the zipper to close the bag tightly.

Ichiro grabbed every item from the desk and stuffed them inside his bag, which was already half full with all sorts of clothes.

Tomorrow, their ship will be leaving, and they have to be on board quite early in the morning.


Azura jumped on top of the creaking bed and lied down after finishing packing her stuff.

''Can you tell me about Irio?'' She asked curiously and took off her shoes, which revealed her soft-looking toes.

Ichiro grabbed the bags and put them below the bed.

After finishing his packing, he sat down on the bed, ''About Irio… Hmm.'' He doesn't know what to say about Irio.