
Out of Coldland.


A black-haired youth flew through the window, sending broken pieces of glass flying around the living room.

The shadowy figure quickly turned his head around, but his vision was covered by a foot that was nearing his face.

He raised his hands and felt the kick contacting his forearms but didn't feel like the kick made any significant impact.

''Weak!'' He grabbed Ichiro's leg and slammed him to the ground, right next to Alena's crying figure.

''I-Ichiro!'' She screamed with shock and shouted, ''Run away!''

''Nope !'' Ichiro shouted back and did an explosive back kick, which contacted with the shadowy figure's torso, who didn't expect a counter-attack!


The shadowy figure crashed into the wooden wall with a mouthful of saliva flying out of his mouth.

''Mom!'' Azura opened the front door and screamed once she saw her mother's condition.