
Mythical Hero - KingOfGames!

Ichiro put the phone to the side and grabbed a controller.


He started the console and a familiar logo was shown on the screen.

The logo of majestic dragon.

The console he is using is called DG5

It is translated as Dragon Gaming 5.

The fifth and final version of Dragon Gaming's console.

For some reason, that company was shut down, they still sell the consoles, but they don't make any more new ones.

No one knows why.

The familiar selection of games was shown on the screen.

He ignored them all and went towards Night's End.

But he stopped suddenly and grimaced after seeing the title of the game.

[Yandere Dating Simulator (REALISTIC)]

Ichiro shuddered; he forgot that he had this game.

It cost him 20$, and he didn't even finish the game.

It was too difficult even for him!

You needed somehow to dodge all the death flags, but it was near impossible.