
King Vs. The World (5)

''This is... Unexpected.'' Lux Rosenword said aloud.

The workers of Night Company had shocked faces.

King of Lessencave joined the Event!

They had made Kings an existence who cannot be defeated in many years.

But once players are strong enough, only then they can fight for the title of King.

''W-What happens now?'' The workers questioned.

This changes the event completely.

''It doesn't change anything,'' Lux said.

''B-But now it's impossible for the KingOfGames to win!''

Lux shook his head, ''No... He still has great chances.''

The workers looked confused— they turned their heads back to the screen, wondering why Lux has so my faith in one player.

The millions of players were confused why King Lucius appeared, but they felt that their winning chances skyrocketed.

King Lucius's face became serious, the ground beneath him cracked, and his body started moving.