
King Vs. The World (4)

''RAAA!'' Dragon roared and swung his sword, but Ichiro easily deflected it.

The players saw Dragon confronting the legendary King alone.

Even though his winning chances are zero, but he still is fighting to buy enough time for everyone to get their mind straight!

That alone made the players more willing to not betray their expectations.

Ichiro swung his spear and almost beheaded Dragon, but he barely managed to push his head back.

But, Ichiro didn't change his expression— with a cold look, he kept swinging his spear.

Dragon desperately used his shield to block the strikes, but he kept losing HP from each block!

Ichiro swung his spear and deflected the shield out of the way!

Dragon's was completely unguarded!

Dragon was shocked and watched as the spear's tip started approaching his face.

But then, out of nowhere... A silver spear deflected Ichiro's shield, just enough to miss Dragon's head.