
King Vs. The World (1)

Ichiro and Azura was sitting in Ichiro's bed while laptop was on his lap.

Azura had her head on Ichiro's shoulder, and they were watching the Night Tournament on the laptop.

Currently, the final match was going, and it was between Dragon and Undying.

Undying started the fight strong and was 3% in the lead, but after both of them got below 50% in HP.

Dragon did something unexpected and started changing his attack patterns randomly, which made Undying's preparations for match useless.

Undying has seen thousands of Dragon's matches, and he studied every move he uses, but Dragon now did something he has never done before.

Not even in fight against KingOfGames.

Changing attack patterns!

That decision caused Undying to lose HP rapidly, and soon the match was over.

Dragon had 23% HP Left— he won by a lot!