
Iron Style's Ultimate Technique!

Lyon entered the Center Arena, which was fixed after it got destroyed yesterday.

But the Center Arena now is much bigger!

It covered 50% of the bottom of the stadium.

''Ladies and Gentlemen!'' Lyon said in the mic, ''It's time!''


The audience exploded in cheers with an energetic and excited face.

Even though they have almost spent 10 hours sitting in the stadium, they still feel excited because now their waiting is over.

The lights dimmed in the stadium, and only the South Entrance was lit up in lights.

Everyone's gaze turned towards the entrance.

''The first team is somewhat underdog! But they have super genius in their ranks! Let's welcome Iceland and their genius Avery to the stage!''


The entrance was opened with powerful fireworks.


The audience cheered loudly, and some female population whistled after seeing Avery's gentle and handsome face.